How to relieve an attack of gout at home: features and recommendations

Gout is a disease of the musculoskeletal system. It manifests itself in a number of unpleasant symptoms. Painful sensations occur paroxysmally. It brings a lot of suffering to a person. To reduce pain during exacerbation, you need to know how to relieve an attack of gout at home. This will be discussed later.

Gout attack

How to relieve an attack of gout at home? This question may be faced by people who have recently been able to feel all the β€œcharms” of this insidious disease. It develops due to metabolic disturbances. Purines, which are formed by eating protein foods, cause the accumulation of uric acid. It is it that accumulates in tissues, joints, leading to painful attacks.

Gout attack

Purines must be excreted by the kidneys. However, with excessive consumption of meat, protein products, the level of these substances in the body can increase significantly. As a result, the kidneys do not have time to remove uric acid. This process is exacerbated if a person drinks protein foods with alcohol.

The disease manifests itself in sudden attacks. They often occur at night. The skin over the affected joint swells, turns red. Movements cause pain. The attack is accompanied by an increase in body temperature. By morning, these symptoms subside somewhat or completely disappear. The next night, the attack repeats again. The exacerbation period lasts several weeks. If you do not seek help from a doctor, after a few months everything repeats again. It is important to undergo a course of treatment and know how to relieve pain during an attack.

How to behave when symptoms appear?

Before considering how to quickly relieve an attack of gout, you need to pay attention to the correct actions when a disease occurs. The earlier treatment is started, the faster it will be possible to overcome pain and other unpleasant sensations. You need to contact an orthopedist, he will prescribe a series of examinations and will be able to diagnose the disease.

After that, the doctor individually prescribes a treatment regimen. You will need to reconsider your lifestyle. Also, the doctor will give advice on how to behave during an attack. It is necessary to take medications prescribed by a doctor. With the development of an attack, a sore leg cannot be loaded. A person must lie or sit. The foot is laid horizontally. At the same time, it is a little on a hill.

First aid

Swelling and redness will pass faster if a compress with ice is applied to the affected joint. In some cases, pain due to such an action may intensify. In this case, you need to remove the ice. Compresses are also made with Vishnevsky ointment, the doctor may recommend applying warming compresses. In each case, the approach to eliminating pain symptoms is purely individual.


How to relieve an attack of exacerbation of gout? As soon as painful sensations begin to occur, a person is given a lot of alkaline drink. It can be mineral water, decoctions of rose hips or oats. You can brew mint tea. It is advisable to add lemon to it. You can also drink stewed berries.

You need to drink a lot of such fluid during the entire period of treatment. It is important to follow a diet. A number of foods are removed from the diet. This list includes bakery and confectionery products, all kinds of cabbage, except white cabbage, meat, sausage, fish, seafood. It is also worth giving up steep broths. Legumes are removed from the diet.

Gout Diet

You can’t eat fatty, spicy and salty foods, spices are also temporarily excluded from the diet. It is worth giving up tea (black and green), coffee. Alcohol is strictly forbidden in any quantities, the only way to help the body remove excess uric acid.


How to relieve pain with a gout attack? The doctor prescribes a complex of drugs that can remove pain and speed up metabolic processes. The complex of treatment, first of all, includes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They are taken as directed by the doctor in the correct dosage. The main non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are:

  • "Diclofenac" - 100-200 mg / day;
  • "Butadion" - 400-600 mg / day;
  • "Indomethacin" - 150-200 mg / day;
  • Ortofen - 150-200 mg / day.

Categorically it is impossible to use at an attack of gout "Aspirin". This drug is an acid. His use will only exacerbate the symptoms.

The second important group of drugs are glucocorticoids. They are prescribed by a doctor. Such medicines have a number of side effects, so they are not always prescribed. Only in especially severe cases and in the presence of certain indications can such drugs be prescribed:

  • "Hydrocortisone";
  • "Prednisolone";
  • "Dexamotasone";
  • "Triamcinolone";
  • Betalitazone.
Diclofenac for gout

There are other drugs in this group. Self-medication with such medications can be unsafe for health. Therefore, before taking such funds, you need to consult a doctor.

Specific and local preparations

How to quickly relieve an attack of gout on the legs or in other joints? For this, specific drugs can be used. The most common remedy of this type is Colchicine. It is taken about 8 times a day in a dosage of 0.5-0.6 mg. The interval between doses of the drug is half an hour or an hour.

Colchicine for gout

This drug is taken every other day. Moreover, the dosage will gradually decrease. Finish taking the medicine 3-4 days after the disappearance of the symptoms of inflammation. It is worth considering that the presented drug is quite toxic. Therefore, it is prescribed only in special cases. It is unacceptable to take the drug on your own, without consulting a doctor.

Also, the patient is prescribed various compresses, ointments and other local preparations. It relieves swelling lotion with "Dimexidum". For greater effect, Novocain can be added to this preparation. If you have "Analgin" or "Indomethacin" at hand, you can also add them to "Dimexide" instead of "Novocaine".

Folk recipes

When searching for information on how to relieve an acute attack of gout, you need to pay attention to folk recipes. They are used in combination with the main treatment. One of the known ways to relieve pain and swelling is a fish compress. Most often it is used in the treatment of an ailment in the area of ​​the joints of the legs.

Gout compresses

You need to take the meat of any fish, separate it from the seeds. It will take about 2 kg of pulp. Next, you need to prepare 10 bags or cling film. Prepared fish meat is divided into 10 parts, they are kept in the freezer. Before use, the fish is taken out, it must thaw.

The pulp is applied to a sore joint. It is wrapped in a bag or cling film. The joint is wrapped in a woolen shawl or other similar clothing. The duration of treatment is 10 days. Compress is done at night. In the morning, the skin is cleaned with warm water.

You can also treat the diseased joint with iodine. An iodine net is made at night, and then the joint is wrapped with a warm scarf.

Homemade ointment

There are many recipes and tips for traditional medicine, how to relieve an attack of gout. You can make an ointment at home. To do this, you will need ordinary products and tools that almost any housewife has on hand. The ointment is made from butter and alcohol.

Gout Ointment

To prepare the ointment, melt the butter over low heat. Alcohol is poured into the liquid in the same amount as the oil was originally taken. Next, you need to act very carefully. The alcohol in the oil container must be set on fire when the combustion process stops, we can assume that the tool is ready.

The container is removed from the fire, the contents are cooled and after that it is stored in a cool place. When an attack of gout occurs, the ointment is applied to the affected area. The joint must be wrapped with cling film and warm clothing. The ointment should be rubbed into the skin until the pain ceases completely.

Other recipes

There are other recipes than to relieve an attack of gout on the leg. You can make a compress of chamomile. This plant will relieve pain, as well as inflammation. Chamomile can be mixed with black elderberry. The flowers of these herbs are added in equal proportions to the container. They are filled with water (100 ml). The composition is heated in a water bath. Do not bring water to a boil.

When the product is ready (after 15-20 minutes) it is removed from the fire. Next, the broth is cooled and filtered. Tissue is soaked in a liquid. It is applied to a sore joint. The procedure is carried out at night.

Activated charcoal has proven itself well in the treatment of gout. On the basis of it prepare pasta. To do this, purchase a pack of activated carbon (10 tablets) and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flax seeds. Coal tablets are kneading. Ground flax seeds are added to it. Dry matter is poured with a small amount of water. A gruel should form. It is imposed on a sore joint.


When considering how to relieve an attack of gout, you need to pay attention to such an effective remedy as baths. A popular recipe is to make a mixture of water and iodine. In 3 l of warm water, soda is added first. 2-3 teaspoons are enough. Next, 8 drops of iodine are added to the composition. The diseased joint is dipped in water for 15-20 minutes.

Having considered how to remove an attack of gout with improvised means at home, as well as the features of the treatment of this disease, you can quickly defeat it. Soreness and discomfort completely pass. A person can lead a full life. The sooner treatment is started, the faster and easier the healing process goes.

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