Currently, remuneration may take various forms. In the West, and more recently in Russia, hourly wages are becoming more and more popular. However, the question arises: is such a payment optimal and what is more in it, advantages or disadvantages? Let's try to find out.
Many companies today are dominated by a tariff-free payment system, which means that the employee’s salary does not depend on his achievements, but on the achievements of the entire company and the amount of the salary fund. The tariff system, on the contrary, implies taking into account the results of each specific employee, the amount of work performed by him and the amount of time that he worked. Moreover, the tariff payment system includes time-based, piece-rate and mixed forms.
Hourly pay is a case of a time-based form and is applied when it is difficult to normalize a particular work. Of course, you can calculate the amount of some “needlework” made in an hour, but at the same time it is almost impossible to estimate the hourly work of a teacher or a doctor.
Such hourly pay can be simple or with an added bonus. Simple payment implies a certain cost of an hour of work. In this case, the result does not play a very important role, and quality is a secondary task. If quality and volume are taken into account, a premium may be added to the hourly rate, the amount of which is determined in advance. Wage hourly may be accompanied by a certain normalized task. In this case, the employee receives an additional payment for the clear completion of the task.
As a rule, the tariff rate is calculated taking into account the minimum wage established by law . In addition, the amount of hours spent at work affects the size of the bet. Typically, the tariff rate exceeds the minimum, as it takes into account the complexity of the work, employee skills and other points. Note that the tariff rate should not be below the minimum.
Hourly pay is considered very beneficial for the employer for several reasons. The thing is that the working hour is estimated equally and has a certain duration. This fact allows you to accurately calculate the amount of money earned if the employee was suddenly absent from the workplace or absent for an hour or two. In addition, such a payment enables the manager to clearly pay for the work of people who do not work all the day, part-time or a special flexible schedule. “Hourly” saves a lot of money, as employees get only for the time they actually spent at work.
Naturally, hourly wages have their drawbacks. The first is the complexity of the calculation, a strict accounting of the labor time of each employee. The second is the inefficiency of payment without premiums. The third is the need to hire a supervisor who will monitor the work and who also needs to pay something.
As for workers and the benefits of hourly wages for them, there are several points of view. If a person wants to find a part-time or part-time job , paying hourly will certainly suit him. Often there is an hourly wage for teachers whose working day cannot be precisely rationed. Usually, babysitters, cleaners, waiters, tutors, cooks, bartenders, couriers receive money on an hourly basis, since the workload is not uniform.
However, there are many unscrupulous employers who set the bar too high for employees and give a large amount of work for an hour. As the saying goes, once at a time it is not necessary, so you need to understand the advantages and disadvantages on the spot. The decision on whether the hourly wage is right for you should depend on the occupation, work schedule and policies of the particular employer in his enterprise.