Echo kg

Echo kg (echocardiography) is a type of ultrasound scan. It is used in the study of the heart and blood vessels and the determination of internal blood flow.

The capabilities of ultrasound equipment for Echo kg allow you to see the work of cardiac structures in real time. At the same time, it is possible to calculate the blood flow velocity in the main vessels, the size of the heart, and also to determine the pressure in the cardiac cavities using computer processing of indicators.

Echo kg is prescribed for acquired and congenital malformations (valve stenosis and their insufficiency, defects (developmental abnormalities) of the interventricular or atrial septum, and others), for atherosclerosis, acute myocardial infarction and its consequences, ischemic disease, heart pain of various etiologies, pericardial diseases angina pectoris, infectious endocarditis, cardiomyopathy, cardiac tumors. The study can be carried out as a preventive measure.

Echo kg is of particular importance in the diagnosis of childhood heart diseases, especially against the background of the intensive development of the child's body.

This method of ultrasound examination is a modern way to detect cardiovascular diseases in the early stages and disorders of fat metabolism (hypertension, ischemia, myocardial disease). Using echocardiography, a differential diagnosis of various heart rhythm disorders is performed, as well as the selection of optimal antiarrhythmic therapy. This study is indispensable when performing rehabilitation measures and monitoring patients who have undergone arterial angioplasty, myocardial infarction, or heart valve prosthetics. Using echocardiography, doctors evaluate the role of provoking factors (overweight, smoking, physical inactivity, high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure) in the progression of coronary heart disease.

It should be noted that such an echocardiography study is the only one that allows to identify congenital malformations in the development of the heart, as well as disorders of its rhythm in prenatal development. After childbirth, it allows you to diagnose amenable to surgical correction or pathologies incompatible with life.

Echoes of kg of fetus can be performed from the twentieth week of pregnancy. The study is mandatory if miscarriages have occurred previously, as well as non-developing pregnancies, previously born children, father or mother have congenital heart disease. In addition, echocardiography is necessary if the mother has diseases of the connective tissue (lupus erythematosus), chronic viral infection of the genitourinary system (cytomegalovirus, herpes, chlamydia, Coxsackie virus, ureaplasmosis and others), flu, as well as when taking medications (antibiotics, antihypertensive drugs , indomethacin) in the first trimester. The study is also carried out on primordial women over the age of thirty-five.

Fetal echocardiography is performed in case of episodic rhythm disturbances, developmental delay syndrome, chromosomal and extracardiac pathology, dropsy of non-immune origin, with deviations of the fetoplacental blood flow.

It should be noted that this diagnostic method is considered over the past twenty years to be one of the main ways of visualizing the heart. Echocardiography makes it possible to assess the thickness of the heart walls, the size of the body cavities, the presence of scars and intracardiac blood clots, contractility, function and condition of the valves. The study is safe, painless. For its implementation, special preparation is not required.

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