Ant Farm: Customer Reviews

Reviews of the ant farm confirm that this design is becoming more popular every year. Users get the opportunity to see the life of an ant hill from the inside. This whole world of insects resembles a different civilization, where everyone is engaged in a certain business. In ordinary anthills, this will not be possible to observe, since most of the goose bumps are not on the surface, but in the ground.

What it is?

The ant farm, the reviews of which are given below, is a home anthill, consisting of a reservoir filled with a special gel composition or sand. This design allows you to observe all the processes taking place in the family. The scientific name for such a device is formicaria. Despite the fact that for the domestic market this is a relatively exotic product, its popularity is growing day by day.

ant farm reviews

According to customer reviews, the ant farm is a kind of home nursery. The content of the design does not require special attention and costs. In the process of observing the inhabitants, you get a complete picture of the formation and arrangement of the life process of insects. On sale stationary options or compact versions for office are provided. Such a thing will become a very original gift to an adult or a child.


There are several varieties of ants. Among them there are even peculiar Amazons who kidnap individuals from other settlements and make them their slaves. But an ant farm with reaper ants is a colony in which insects build their own mycelium from leaves, which serves as the main source of nutrition. From the same material they build a dwelling. Giant representatives are known in nature, reaching up to 40 millimeters in length.

ant farm customer reviews

Mostly ants are divided into gatherers and hunters. The second category needs protein foods and carbohydrates, which contribute to the passion for hunting. This process is quite interesting and exciting. With the help of a sensitive antennae, insects pursue prey. After finding goodies, individuals mark the trail with the help of their abdomen, which makes it easier to find a way to fellow food. In formicaria these moments can be observed distinctly.

Gel ant farm with ants

Reviews of this design require special attention. The subsidiary farm is an anthill with a special substance that contains all the necessary nutrients. The disadvantages of such a farm include limited sizes, since they are standard. In such formicaria, you can observe not only the life of insects, but also the process of housing construction.

gel ant farm reviews

As a rule, a settlement contains from 20 to 100 individuals. In such a design, an increased level of humidity is observed, therefore, dry technologies should be preferred. It is not recommended to place the anthill in direct sunlight or next to heating appliances. The optimum temperature to ensure the normal functioning of insects is an indicator of 15 and above degrees Celsius.


Gel ant farm (reviews confirm this) does not require additional food. Otherwise, insects simply stop working. In other configurations, it is recommended that the colony be provided with larval proteins and carbohydrates oriented to the nutrition of adults. For this, crickets, flour worms and other similar types of feed insects are acquired. As food, you can add egg white, boiled meat, shrimp. It is better not to feed the population with street species, as they can be infected with pesticides.

ant farm antplanet reviews

As carbohydrates, regular sugar or syrups based on it are suitable. Fresh fruits, marmalade, marshmallows and other sweets are added to the diet. Some species of ants require special seed feed. With its acquisition, there will be no problems, one pack is enough for a whole year (I mean analog food for parrots or canaries). Food should always be fresh and in the required quantity. The inhabitants of the formicaria themselves will figure out what and how much they should eat.

Types of Ant Farms

Reviews point to several main popular types of settlements: a vertical screen, horizontal formicarius, and combined variations. In addition, home anthills are distinguished by the type of fillers. In this quality, soil, sand, clay, gypsum, wood, gas cement, alabaster are used. All materials have their advantages and disadvantages. Practical gypsum is most often used on the domestic market, and aerated concrete is used abroad. The main element of the farm is the arena, which serves as the main part for the elevated life of the population. Here pets find food and water, as well as arrange a landfill. Under it, as a rule, the far corner of the site is allocated.

ant farm reviews

According to reviews, Antplanet ant farm is a real work of art. Having shown ingenuity and imagination, you can equip a real kingdom. For example, parts of colonies with aphids are organized, which the ants will "milk", or modules imitating a natural forest, where insects can equip an anthill that is as similar as possible to a natural analogue. Do not be afraid of the apparent difficulties in organizing and arranging the construction in question. In fact, formicaria is a very clear-cut organism with well-functioning self-regulation.

Maintenance and care

The main individual in the colony is the uterus. All insects of the same family are born from it and are relatives. The main role of the uterus is the birth of new goose bumps. She is not only fed, but also guarded. There are large colonies with several queens. Insects from different families should not be populated in the same farm, as this will provoke hostility between clans. Any anthill has a unique smell, which is responsible for a certain genus, even if the ants are of the same species.

ant farm with reaper ants

Insect conditions do not differ in special requirements. The main thing is to maintain the average temperature within 20-26 degrees Celsius and humidity from 70 to 90 percent. Even if the owner forgets to feed the offspring or moisturizes the formicaria, the ants will find the opportunity to replenish stocks from previously created reserves.

What do the owners say?

Reviews of the ant farm indicate that children are thrilled with such an acquisition. Due to their natural inquisitiveness, they are interested in all the processes that take place inside the anthill. Of particular interest is the opportunity to grow a real family of ants with your own hands. For adults, observing the life of insects will allow you to escape from everyday affairs for a while, join nature, without leaving your home or office.

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