What does a red card mean in football? Red card in football: statistics and rules

Modern football can not be imagined without yellow and red cards, as it is a very traumatic and tough sport. Today there is not a single professional who would not have earned at least one disqualification during his career. The reasons for the removal may be not only the rudeness of the football player, but also a number of additional circumstances stipulated in the rules of UEFA and FIFA.

The history of the appearance of the red card

The first tangible disciplinary indicators were invented and proposed by the British referee Ken Aston. For a long time, his initiative was ignored, but after the 1966 World Cup, the situation changed radically. During the quarter-finals of the Mundial between England and Argentina, the captain of the Latin American team Antonio Rattin played a very rough game against his opponent in a tackle.

The match was judged by a German specialist Rudolf Kraytlyan, who knew how to speak only his native language. The game was stopped for several minutes because the referee could not explain to the Argentine that he should leave the field. As a result, Ken Aston had to intervene in the conflict. This amusing episode spread over all corners of the Earth in a matter of days, so the Football Federation of England, like the international associations, had no choice but to introduce a universal means of disciplinary punishment.

red card in football
The card itself became the prototype of a traffic light, where yellow means warning, and red means the end of the movement. Soon, specific rules for interpreting gross episodes for which players were threatened with deletion appeared in the FIFA competition rules. Officially, cards began to be applied from the 1970 World Cup. The first “fortunate” to receive a warning was the Soviet midfielder Kahi Asatiani.

Today, in a game like football, red cards are an integral part of the gameplay. According to statistics, removal happens in every fifth official match.

Red for two yellow

According to the rules of FIFA, only the referee can impose disciplinary sanctions on players during a match. Cards of any color are allowed to be given to both players playing in the main team, and spare and replaced. Yellow means the first warning for a gross violation of the rules and is given for the following faults:

- unsportsmanlike behavior (including rudeness);
- delaying the time of the match;
- exits to the field without the proper permission of the arbitrator;
- disputes with the judiciary;
- systematic violations of the rules;
- unauthorized departure to the under-tribune room or to the bench without the consent of the referee;
- non-observance of the required distance from the ball during corner, free or free kicks, as well as when dropping out.

red card
Two yellow ones automatically turn into deletion (red card). In football, the rules do not limit the period of ineligibility. The referee removes the player for only one match. The final decision on the incident is given by the executive committee of the football federation, under whose jurisdiction the match was fought.

Direct red

Violations punishable by removal apply to football players, coaches and all personnel who are claimed for the team for the current match and are within the playing field (including the substitute bench). In rare cases, arbitrators are allowed to impose appropriate sanctions on club owners.

A direct red card in football can be given for excessive aggression and insults against an opponent or referee, serious violation of the rules, for obscene expressions and appropriate gestures. A separate point of disciplinary punishment is spitting. It does not matter who he was committed to, in any case it is punishable by a red card and a long disqualification.

Also, a football player can be removed for intentionally depriving an opponent of the opportunity to score a goal. If the violation was made within its own penalty area, then it is additionally punishable by an 11-meter hit. The rule applies to field players and the goalkeeper.

red card in football rules
A red card implies the removal of a football player from the field and the entire territory adjacent to it (technical area). Being disqualified, the player must enter the under-tribune room before the end of the match.

The effects of red cards

The referee has the right to remove the player by pushing the opponent from the moment the teams appear on the field during the warm-up until the end of the match. For such a foul (violation) put a red card and disqualification of up to 3 matches. Similar sanctions are imposed on the player who tried to inflict physical injuries on officials.

Also, a red card in football is given for a go-ahead or hit of an opponent by any part of the body. Disqualification for such a violation may vary up to 4 games. For 5 matches, the soccer player for the fight is removed. However, in this case, the judge and official observers should pay attention to the participation of specific players in the riots. If a football player defends himself or reassures his colleagues, he will go unpunished. If a player inflicts blows or other physical injuries to his opponents, he may be disqualified up to 10 matches. The instigator is removed for a period of 5 games.


To obtain such an advantage as the numerical majority, football players often resort to deception. In computer games (for example, FIFA 14), red cards for the simulation are not given, in reality the situation is much more complicated.

statistics of red cards in football
Many football players, entering a strange penalty area, prefer not to hit on goal, but deliberately fall at the slightest touch with an opponent. The referees from the side do not always see the episode in detail, so in half the cases they erroneously assign a penalty, sending the innocent ahead of time to the locker room.

Judges do not give direct red cards for such fraud, but simulated football players may well get a second mustard plaster.

The fastest deletions

In 1990, the Bologna footballer Italian Giuseppe Lorenzo already at the 10th second managed to earn a red card for hitting an opponent.

The fastest removal at the World Championships happened in 1986. Uruguayan midfielder Jose Batista demolished in a rough tackle of the Scottish striker Strachan in the 1st minute of the match.

football red cards
The fastest red card in football, received after the replacement, was given to the Jamaican winger Walter Boyd in 2001. The islander did not even have time to enter the field when he hit the opponent in the face.

The most ridiculous deletions

Apart from all football fans, there is a red card received by the leader of the French national team at the 2006 World Cup. In the final, Zinadin Zidane could not restrain himself and hit his head on the chest of the Italian defender Marco Materazzi. Throughout the match, the Frenchman was verbally provoked by the opponent, but as soon as the insults touched his family, Zidane gave vent to emotions. The referee immediately showed the midfielder a red card, leaving the team without a captain. France lost that final to the Italians in the penalty shootout, in which Zidane was so lacking.

fifa 14 red cards
Another red card also went down in history; it still hasn’t found any analogues in football. In 1998, during an England amateur league game between Southampton Arms and Tarrant, forward Richard Kerd did not allow the main referee of the meeting, Melvin Sylvester, either pushing him in the back, or calling him, or demonstratively laughing in his face. Closer to the end of the match, the referee could not restrain himself and inflicted several punches on the provocateur, dumping the offender to the ground. After that, Sylvester took out a red card and showed it to himself, leaving the field.

Removal Statistics

The toughest of the European TOP championships of the 2014/15 season at the moment is the Italian Serie A. In the first 3 months, 27 red cards were shown. Most of all (in two) received Daniel Bonera (“Milan”) and Simone Padoin (“Juventus”).

The most positive statistics of red cards in football for the current season in the Russian Premier League. For 14 rounds there were only 8 deletions. In the 2013/14 season, the most rude football player of the Russian championship was the Lokomotiv opornik Lassan Diarra (3 red cards).

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