Second chin liposuction: consequences and reviews

Face oval is one of the main indicators of youth and attractiveness of a face. The second chin is one of the main problems faced by people who are not indifferent to their appearance. Therefore, information about what liposuction of the second chin is, how it is done and what types of procedures exist, will be useful to any person.

Second chin: why is it formed?

Fat deposits in the lower third of the face are often the result of a general excess of body mass index. In some people, the second chin appears already with a small weight gain, in others - only with obesity.

second chin liposuction

The reason for this is the localization and number of fat cells. In the event that there is a large accumulation of fat in the neck, even the most strict diet and exhausting workouts will not be able to make the chin line graceful. In addition, attempts to reduce the percentage of body fat can have a negative effect on the body. Therefore, liposuction of the second chin can be an excellent method of solving this aesthetic problem.

Non-surgical methods: mesothreads

Numerous advertisements for creams, serums, and other cosmetics promise to eliminate the signs of ptosis. However, you should know that cosmetics can affect only the skin of the face, but not on the deep tissues, which form a sagging second chin. Liposuction is the only way to get rid of a heavy sagging chin.

Non-surgical methods also include mesothreads - the introduction of a special material under the skin that creates a skeleton that prevents ptosis. However, before resorting to this method, you should know that:

  • mesothreads cannot be called a non-surgical method, since it requires quite deep epidermal punctures, as well as a rehabilitation period;
  • with strong ptosis, the pull-up of the threads may be uneven, that is, traces of the location of the threads may be noticeable;
  • with pronounced body fat, mesothreads are absolutely useless.

Thus, it is obvious that liposuction of the second chin is the most reliable way to guarantee a lasting effect. Testimonials about the procedure make it possible to evaluate a high degree of surgical safety.


With a small amount of body fat and elasticity of the soft tissues of the neck and chin, you can try such a non-surgical method of liposuction as the introduction of lipolytics.

second chin liposuction

Lipolytics are injectable lecithin-based drugs that break down fat cells. Lecithin is produced in the liver and participates in lipid (fat) metabolism, but by injecting it into a specific zone, a local reduction of the fat layer can be achieved.

It is important to know that injections for lipolysis are quite painful, because the needle is inserted almost twice as deep as with mesotherapy.

Who needs liposuction?

Technically, liposuction can be performed at any desire to correct the contours of the face and body by eliminating local fat deposits. But there are factors that can make the result pronounced and durable, as well as factors that negatively affect the result of surgical intervention.

Before eliminating the second chin by liposuction, it is necessary to establish a body mass index and evaluate the total amount of body fat. If the body weight is normal and stable, and the swollen oval of the face is the only problem area on the human body, the operation will make the appearance as attractive as possible.

But if body weight significantly exceeds the norm, then the result of the operation may be short-lived. Of great importance is the stability of weight: with a change in body weight after surgery, the result will be distorted.

Therefore, before contacting a plastic surgeon, you must:

  • adjust weight;
  • stabilize the result.

If after this the need for surgery remains, you can go for a consultation and begin preparations for the operation.

Research before surgery

The task of the preparatory phase is to make sure that the health of the potential patient does not interfere with liposuction.

second chin liposuction effects

Any plastic surgery requires a series of laboratory and functional studies, which give a general idea of ​​the state of human health. These include:

  • general urine analysis;
  • clinical blood test;
  • blood chemistry (total protein, ALT, AST, creatinine, cholesterol, uric acid, sugar);
  • prothrombin index;
  • research on HIV infection and hepatitis;
  • analysis of the Wassermann reaction;
  • fluorography;
  • ECG.

The date of laboratory tests should not be earlier than two weeks before the date of surgery. The exception is fluorography, which is valid for a year, and analysis for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis, the statute of limitations of which is 2 months.

The final stage of the examination is a visit to a general practitioner and a doctor of specialization. People planning to resort to liposuction need to visit an endocrinologist and get a certificate from him that there are no contraindications in the form of thyroid diseases.

If the test results did not reveal any deviations in the indicators indicating the presence of somatic pathologies, the day of surgery can be assigned.

Preparation for surgery

As a rule, no special preparation before plastic surgery is required. In a face-to-face consultation with a plastic surgeon, it is necessary to inform him about all the drugs taken and get the appropriate recommendations.

In order to prevent the development of bleeding during surgery and the formation of hematomas in the rehabilitation period, it is not recommended to take drugs that can reduce the prothrombin index. The most common drug from this group is acetylsalicylic acid, or aspirin.

In addition, colds should be avoided: any ailment is a contraindication to plastic surgery until the disease is eliminated.

Also, the doctor can take a photo of the second chin before liposuction in order to evaluate the result after surgery.

Is anesthesia necessary?

The operation can be performed both under general anesthesia and under local anesthesia. The choice of anesthesia method is chosen jointly by the doctor and the patient.

As a rule, the choice is made in favor of general anesthesia. It guarantees the patient minimal psychological discomfort, and the surgeon - comfortable working conditions. Modern drugs for introducing a patient into anesthesia are as safe as possible, do not entail consequences in the form of nausea, weakness and neurological disorders.

Surgical method

When choosing the method by which the second chin is removed, surgical liposuction is rarely used today. It's all about a long rehabilitation period, accompanied by edema and hematomas in the correction zone.

The operation lasts no more than an hour, in the process the doctor introduces a special composition into the region of the lower third of the face, which includes fat-dissolving, analgesic and anesthetic components. After the adipose tissue in the chin area is destroyed, it is excreted through special cannulas.

The place of introduction of the cannula is determined individually. Access can be made from the area under the earlobes, under the chin, and even from the oral cavity. The punctures for cannula insertion are small, so there is usually no visible trace of interference.

second chin liposuction reviews

With severe tissue ptosis, it is necessary not only to remove fat, but also to tighten the soft tissues of the chin.

After the dissolved adipose tissue is removed from the body, the doctor sutures and, if necessary, establishes a drainage. A tightening bandage is applied to the chin area.

Rehabilitation period

After the surgeon removes the second chin, liposuction goes into the rehabilitation stage. Its duration depends on the individual characteristics of the body, but usually takes 2-3 weeks.

laser liposuction second chin reviews

At this time, patients will encounter problems such as swelling and bruising. It is impossible to avoid this, but to accelerate the recovery period is quite real. To do this, you must follow all the recommendations of the surgeon, wear a special postoperative dressing, and avoid physical exertion.

After the operation, the doctor prescribes antibiotics of the general spectrum to the patient as a prevention of postoperative complications. Also, they do not allow body temperature to rise.

Laser liposuction

The methods used in modern plastic surgery are constantly being improved, making it possible to make aesthetic operations safer, reduce the invasiveness of procedures and the length of the rehabilitation period.

Laser liposuction of the second chin is an operation, the stages of which differ from the traditional operation to correct body fat. With her, the doctor does not inject fat-dissolving fluid into the soft tissues of the lower third of the face, but places a fiber with laser radiation through the skin incisions that dissolves the fat. The resulting substance is pumped out using a laser, and a laser electrode is again introduced into the cavity, which heats the soft tissues and promotes rapid regeneration and collagen formation.

second chin liposuction how do

This ensures not only the removal of excess body fat, but also the tightening of tissues, the effect of which persists for a long time.

Laser liposuction rehabilitation

According to reviews, laser liposuction of the second chin has a significant advantage over the traditional surgical method of removing local fatty deposits. The rehabilitation period lasts much less, because with the laser method, the vessels and capillaries are sealed, which means that the risk of hematomas at the site of intervention of the surgeon is much lower.

Despite the fact that edema at the puncture site is still formed, in most cases a person fully restores working capacity 1-2 days after the operation. This does not relieve him of the need to follow the doctor’s instructions for taking medications, wearing a bandage and giving up sports, visiting a sauna and a solarium.

When can you evaluate the result?

After the swelling and bruising in the chin area have passed, the result can not yet be called final. Tissues will fully return to normal after 3-6 months, depending on the morbidity of a particular operation and the individual characteristics of the patient's body.

Until this time, the patient may be disturbed by a feeling of numbness of the skin in the area of ​​surgical procedures. This is absolutely normal, and no effort is needed to restore skin sensitivity. Numbness will pass on its own at the end of the rehabilitation period.

liposuction of the second chin before and after

In order to better evaluate the result of plastic surgery, surgeons recommend taking a photo before and after liposuction of the second chin. Considering the fact that new outlines of the face shape are formed gradually, as the swelling subsides, and the person quickly gets used to the reflection in the mirror, photographs will help to evaluate the changes more objectively.

Negative consequences

Despite the fact that reviews of liposuction of the second chin indicate the safety of this method of improving their appearance, there is a risk of complications. Usually the surgeon warns about them before the operation, so that the patient can decide on the need for the procedure, owning all the necessary information.

In addition to the consequences that absolutely all patients of the surgeon will face (edema, hematomas, loss of sensitivity), it is also worth knowing about the risk of the following consequences:

  • chronic pain in the area of ​​the operation;
  • soft tissue inflammation;
  • tissue necrosis;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • hypersensitivity (hyperesthesia) of tissues;
  • tuberosity at the place of fat removal.

When the second chin is surgically removed, the consequences of liposuction are more dependent on the surgeon’s abnormal actions, if he does not follow aseptic rules, violates the technology for pumping fat, and affects the nerve endings.

In order to minimize the consequences of surgical intervention, it is important to carefully approach the question of choosing a doctor, carefully examine the body before the operation and follow all the doctor’s instructions about the preoperative and rehabilitation period.

Having information about why the second chin is formed, how liposuction is done, what types of interventions exist and what complications may arise after pumping out fat, you can make an informed decision about whether to resort to the radical method of correcting facial contours.

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