What is lobotomy or leukotomy?

Lobotomy is a surgical intervention in psychiatry. In its process, the connection of the frontal lobe with other areas of the brain is destroyed. In another way, this operation is called leukotomy. This procedure pretty much changes the personal qualities of a person. Previously, it was used to treat various psychiatric diseases, such as schizophrenia and severe depression. Also, this operation could be used as a punitive measure against people who “interfered with someone”. After the invention of various drugs, leukotomy was no longer used in medicine for ethical reasons.

What is lobotomy?

For the first time what lobotomy is, it became known in 1890. Then, however, this operation did not yet have a name. Swiss scientist Gottlieb Buckhart removed part of the frontal lobes in six patients. Two of them died, while the rest recorded a change in behavior and personal qualities.

Already in the twentieth century, the Portuguese scientist Egash Monish developed a prefrontal leukotomy. During this operation, alcohol was introduced to destroy brain cells. A little later, an instrument called a leukotome appeared. Doctors began to use it instead of alcohol, which harmed the human body. With the development of medicine, parts of the brain began to be destroyed by electricity and electromagnetic waves. In 1949, a Portuguese doctor received the Nobel Prize for work.

At the beginning of the second half of the 20th century, approximately 5,500 operations were performed in the United States each year. Many doctors criticized her and considered her barbaric. By the mid-1950s, the number of operations decreased markedly. For ethical reasons, lobotomy was banned in the USSR in 1950 after a lengthy discussion. This was achieved by the famous doctor Vasily Gilyarovsky, who knew exactly what lobotomy was and did not consider it a method of psychiatric treatment. In many countries, this procedure was banned, but in some states the operation could be carried out quietly until the 70s of the last century.

Lobotomy (photo below) was depicted in many fairly famous films and books, the authors of which wanted to emphasize the atrocities of psychiatrists. After all, they knew perfectly well what a lobotomy was, and were aware of its negative impact on the personality. Most people who have had surgery have noticeably decreased long-term memory. A person became emotionally inert, indifferent.

Lobotomy: photo

There are several methods of lobotomy. One of the most effective is the closed method, which is performed without opening the skull. Carrying out such an operation does not require special knowledge in the field of medicine. The patient can even conduct it on his own. However, this is not the best option, because the operation will have to be done by touch.

Lobotomy: significance

Recently, interest in lobotomy has increased. This is especially true of surgery at home. Of course, it cannot be carried out legally, since at present, lobotomy (the value of which is overestimated by many) is officially prohibited by the state. In addition, it can be dangerous, like any other surgical intervention performed not by a specialist, but by an ordinary person. Today, there are many other, safer methods of dealing with mental disorders, in addition to such a cardinal. Therefore, it is better to consult a specialist who will surely select the appropriate treatment, and also answer all questions regarding what lobotomy is and whether it is advisable to conduct it.

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