Protein fraction blood test

Any doctor knows that human plasma contains a huge amount of protein formations. During the analysis, all protein fractions contained in the blood are detected. Their number may indicate any pathologies. These are mainly diseases that are easily treatable. However, there are cases of detection of serious diseases, such as malignant tumors or tuberculosis.

protein fractions

The modern method of researching protein fractions

Of course, in order to detect protein fractions of blood, there is more than one modern method. However, the most popular of all is the electrophoresis method. This study refers to the analysis using the effect of an electric current on it. It coagulates blood and separates red cells from plasma. Do not take the results of this analysis as a complete diagnosis. Analysis for protein fractions is just an additional procedure that confirms one or another pathology.

blood protein fractions

Proteins, protein fractions: classification

All investigated protein fractions during the analysis can be divided into three main groups:

  • albumen;
  • total protein;
  • microalbumin in the urine.

Albumin is the largest fraction of human plasma. Its content in the blood exceeds 50%. A high concentration of a substance may indicate liver disease, heart failure, and pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. Dehydration may indicate a lack of albumin in the blood .

Total protein is the main component of human blood. By its quantity, you can determine the presence of a huge number of diseases. A high total protein in the body indicates the presence of infectious ailments, oncology, autoimmune pathologies. The reasons for the lack of total protein can be diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver.

Microalbumin in the urine, or rather an increase in its content, may indicate the presence of kidney disease and hypertension. In addition, it helps to detect diabetes at an early stage. It is worth noting that even a slight deviation of this component in human plasma indicates possible pathologies in his body.

proteins protein fractions

Normal protein fraction

Due to the fact that protein fractions in a biochemical blood test are detected very quickly, such an analysis can be called accurate. The normal content of protein formations in each person is individual. But not only the uniqueness of the individual affects the content of protein fractions in the body. In this study, it is also recommended to take into account the age of the patient.

So, in newborns up to 1 year old, the content of protein compounds varies from 47 to 72 g / l. For children from 1 year to 4 years, this norm ranges from 61 to 75 g / l. The protein content in the blood of babies aged 5 to 7 years starts at 57 and ends at 78 g / l. In large children and adults, this indicator is considered normal from 58 to 76 g / l. So, the content of albumin in the blood should be as follows:

  • In children under 14 years old - 38-54 g / l.
  • In adults from 14 to 60 years old - 35-50 g / l.
  • In older people over 60 years old - 34-48 g / l.

How is the analysis passing?

If the patient passes tests to determine the level of albumin or total protein in the plasma, then he must approach the blood sampling early in the morning. Breakfast is prohibited. The stomach should be empty for eight hours. The patient is allowed to drink only water. Also, the day before this study, it is forbidden to eat too fatty or fried foods. It is necessary to abandon alcoholic beverages and not overload the body with physical labor.

Taking material for microalbumin in the urine is much more difficult. A person during the day should collect all the excreted urine in a separate clean container. It is not allowed to take fluid in the morning. After a complete collection of material, it must be brought to the study, while indicating its exact height and weight.

protein fractions in biochemical

What else cannot be done before analysis?

There are a number of prohibitions before passing the analysis on protein fractions. The interpretation of the research will be greatly distorted if a person does not fulfill at least one of all the requirements. So, before the direct blood donation from a vein, an individual is not allowed to smoke. It is also worthwhile to postpone the procedure if the patient suffered severe stress the day before.

The result of a biochemical blood test will be slightly distorted and procedures such as x-ray, ultrasound, fluorography. An adult should stop taking any medication that may affect blood composition a few weeks before the test. A newborn is not recommended to take an analysis to determine the protein fractions at the time of exacerbation of teething. Although such a study in infants is extremely rare.

protein fractions

If the results are not normal ...

If the patient received the results of a biochemical blood test, and the protein content is different from normal, then you should not worry much. It is important to remember whether there were any stresses on the eve. If so, you should ask your doctor for a referral for a second test.

In addition, a small deviation from the norm can be observed in a certain group of people, for example, smokers, pregnant women, individuals who take medications for a long time, people who have an elevated temperature. A blood test for protein fractions should always be taken, only as reference information, and not as a diagnostic method. However, one cannot but underestimate the indicators of globulins in human blood. Just their content can determine the presence of specific pathologies.

Who is prescribed the analysis for protein fractions?

Very often, healthy people are sent for such a blood test. This usually occurs during routine medical examinations. But the bulk of the research is done for patients who have a suspicion of any pathology. Very often people with various chronic or acute diseases, autoimmune abnormalities and pathologies of the liver and kidneys get examined.

Also, a mandatory biochemical study relies on patients who suffer from various infectious and tumor (including malignant) diseases. Sometimes with a prolonged course of viral diseases, the doctor can also send the patient for analysis, indicating the content of protein fractions in the blood.

protein fractions in biochemical analysis

Diseases Affecting Analysis

Due to certain diseases, protein fractions in biochemical analysis increase or decrease. Most often, changes in these indicators cause tumor processes, infectious diseases and chronic pathologies. Unfortunately, sometimes protein in the plasma rises due to malignant tumors. However, it is not uncommon that a deviation from the norm of albumin or total protein occurs due to stresses suffered by a person.

Also, often an increase in the level of protein in a person’s blood is due to pregnancy. It affects the number of fractions and diseases of the liver and kidneys, as well as the intake of certain medications. If the patient had a deviation from the normal protein of gamma globulin, then the doctor may suggest he has hepatitis, leukemia, lymphoma, ulcerative colitis and other specific diseases. If some other symptoms appear, the doctor may also send the patient for HIV testing.

However, when passing tests for protein fractions, it is worth remembering that during some diseases, especially at the initial stage, the globulin in the blood in a person can remain normal. Such an anomaly is usually noted in 10% of patients. Young parents should not be upset even if their baby under the age of six months has been found to have low levels of globulins in the blood. In young children, such a deviation is not really considered a pathology.

protein fractions in a biochemical blood test

Who will help to decrypt the analysis correctly?

A competent patient who cares about his health will in no case be able to make a diagnosis on his own. After all, protein fractions in the biochemical analysis of blood, or rather their level, can indicate anything. Moreover, it is worthwhile to understand that on the basis of one analysis, the doctor will not make a diagnosis. First, the symptoms in the complex are taken into account, and then the disease that the patient suffers is already indicated.

Only an experienced doctor knows about which pathologies there is a deviation from the norm, and which proteins are responsible for a particular disease. If the patient begins to establish a diagnosis on his own, this can cause him to panic. Also, faith in successful and high-quality treatment will be lost.

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