Endorphin is the hormone of "happiness and pleasure"

Endorphin is a unique hormone that is of particular interest to physicians. The fact is that the effects of it can be used to treat many diseases, even those whose full-fledged therapy has not yet been developed.

Endorphin is

Where are endorphins produced, and can they be synthesized?

These hormones are synthesized in the brain, and more specifically in the hypothalamus, pituitary, and also in the limbic system.

Today, a synthetic analogue of endorphins already exists, but its use is very limited. The thing is that with systematic use, patients become addictive over time. In addition, a sufficiently strong effect can be achieved only if endorphins are injected directly into the brain, and this is associated with certain difficulties.

Action taken

As noted earlier, endorphin is a hormone of β€œhappiness." Its most well-studied effect is an increase in the threshold of pain sensitivity. This leads to the fact that a person feels pain much less than it would be in ordinary conditions.

Hormone of joy endorphin

There are several more effects of endorphin, the role of which for humans is not well understood. For example, the production of these hormones helps to reduce intestinal motility.

When does the hormone "joy" endorphin produce?

A feature of this active substance is that its concentration in the blood does not increase for any specific reason. Endorphin is a hormone that can be produced with food. Moreover, for a product such as chocolate, it is synthesized the most. Also a strong producer of endorphins is laughter. No less than these active substances are released into the blood during sex.

It should be noted that endorphin is a hormone that is produced when the body experiences almost any stressful situation, regardless of whether it brings positive or negative emotions.

In addition, the concentration of this biologically active substance in the blood rises every time a person engages in one form or another of creativity. It is also worth noting that the production of endorphin increases at a time when a person is in direct sunlight.

Endorphins are produced

Gradually, the concentration of this hormone in the blood increases as pregnancy develops. At the same time, its content reaches a maximum at the time of the onset of labor. This is of great importance, given that endorphins can significantly reduce the severity of pain.

Prospect of use

Scientists believe that the use of endorphins in the future will help treat diseases that are not yet amenable to therapy. First of all, it seems, we are talking about various tumor ailments. It is reliably known that this hormone is able to inhibit the growth of malignant neoplasms. Unfortunately, at the current stage of the development of medicine, the use of synthetic analogues of endorphins gives practically no positive effect, however, scientists do not lose hope and continue to research.

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