Medical Clinic CNMT in Akademgorodok

Clinic CNMT in Akademgorodok offers many medical services and consultations. Qualified doctors come to the aid not only of adults, but also of small patients. Surgical procedures, radiation diagnostics, etc. are carried out.

cntm in the academic campus

About Clinic

The Center for New Medical Technologies was established in 2002 and has established itself as a modern medical center. In the clinic, city residents can receive a full range of services, both diagnostic and therapeutic.

Professional doctors work with both adults and children. At TsNMT in Akademgorodok there is a school for pregnant women called "Me and My Baby."

Diagnostic center

The Center for New Medical Technologies is equipped with the latest equipment. Patients are offered a wide range of diagnostic services:

  1. Ultrasound - it makes it possible to carefully examine all organs, as well as exclude pathologies and neoplasms.
  2. X-ray - clinic is equipped with the most low-dose device, which allows to reduce the radiation received by patients.
  3. Endoscopy - it is performed to examine the genitals and body cavity. If necessary, specialists perform a biopsy during the procedure.
  4. Laboratory tests in the clinic have a wide selection of directions, and highly qualified employees and modern equipment make their decryption more effective.
  5. Functional diagnostics includes cardiological studies, neuralgic, as well as spirography.

Correct diagnosis makes it possible to start treatment. At TsNMT in Akademgorodok apply innovative diagnostic methods.


Operations at CNMT in Akademgorodok are done not only by classical methods, but also minimally invasive. This makes it possible not to cause injuries and not create large scars.

The list of operations performed in the clinic is extensive, highly qualified surgeons help patients even in the most severe cases.

Center for New Medical Technologies

Children's surgery is well developed. According to the center, it is a special field in medicine. They pay close attention to children, so doctors who work with small patients have extensive experience in their field.

What the clinic offers:

  • The minimum amount of research and analysis.
  • Several types of anesthesia.
  • Comfortable rooms equipped with everything you need.
  • Children are allowed to stay with their parents.
  • For simple operations, the average time spent in the center is 24 hours.

Before surgery, a psychologist, anesthesiologist and surgeon conduct a conversation with patients. They explain in detail how to behave and how the process will go.

Pregnancy management

The gynecological department at the Novosibirsk Central Scientific Medical Center in Akademgorodok gives women the opportunity not only to receive qualified help, but also to find "their" doctor.

In the clinic, you can undergo treatment for diseases of the genital organs, diagnosis of the condition of the fallopian tubes, and much more. A wide range of ultrasound studies is presented.

TsNMT Novosibirsk Akademgorodok

CNMT offers services for the preparation and management of pregnancy, treatment of infertility, IVF. During its existence, more than 250 women were able to experience the joy of motherhood, thanks to modern methods of artificial insemination.

The clinic is receiving highly qualified doctors. The pregnancy management program includes:

  • Ultrasound diagnostics.
  • Gynecological examinations by doctors of the highest category.
  • Visit of narrow specialists.
  • Urine and blood tests.

Over the course of 9 months, a pregnant woman will receive specialist advice, obstetric patronage, and will also visit a school for expectant mothers at will.

Comprehensive treatment programs

Considering the reviews of CNMT, we can say that patients note the excellent work of the therapeutic hospital, the average length of stay in which reaches 5 days. Comprehensive programs are divided into several types:

  1. The complex treatment program for bronchopulmonary pathology 5 and 7 days. It includes examinations and analyzes, specialist advice, treatment and prophylactic procedures.
  2. The complex treatment program for gastroenterological pathology 5 and 7 days. All days the patient is in the hospital. He will be examined by specialists, they will appoint the necessary tests. Daily treatments will be conducted.
  3. The treatment program for neurological pathology - 2 types. The first complex is aimed at recovering from craniocerebral trauma, circulatory disorders. Staying in a hospital is designed for 10 days. The second complex is recommended for osteochondrosis. It is designed for 7 days.
  4. The complex treatment program for cardiological pathology 5 and 7 days. It includes specialist consultations, laboratory tests, daily monitoring of blood pressure, medical procedures.

cmmt reviews

Each treatment program is carried out under the strict supervision of doctors. The cost of the complex includes being in the hospital, all procedures and analyzes.

Doctors at CNMT

The composition of specialists was selected in the clinic very carefully. Patients who consulted doctors at CNMT say that you cannot distinguish someone - all doctors are professionals.

Many specialists have extensive experience in their field. Most doctors are candidates of medical sciences and professors.

Even young specialists and nurses are distinguished by a high level of training and a conscientious attitude towards patients.

CNMT doctors

Clinic CNMT is one of the best medical centers in Novosibirsk. It offers a wide range of medical services and tests, as well as the opportunity to receive comprehensive treatment in a hospital. The center also has a separate reproduction department, which helps many to feel like parents.

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