RSES is what? RSES: tasks, levels, functioning modes

For the first time, our government considered the issues of protecting citizens and territories during military operations or immediately after them only after the end of the Civil War. The main factor of this change was directly related to the active development of aviation and the increase in the potential for delivering strikes on the rear of the enemy. Beginning in 1932, the MPVO dealt with these issues, and in 1961 this mission was assigned to the civil defense. Over time, the relevance of protection from hostilities decreased, but the threat of the influence of negative technological factors and the instability of natural forces began to increase.

Basic information

RSHS is a unified system of the state engaged in the prevention and elimination of emergency situations. Her responsibilities include protecting the population and localities from emergencies of anthropogenic, natural or any other nature. The RFES system is a set of management bodies, their forces and assets, as well as organizations of any type that are engaged in protecting citizens from any emergency situations.


The management system in the RFES is a focused activity of the management and governing bodies, thanks to which the development and improvement of its activities is carried out. The basis for the separation of the system is the territorial-production principle. In other words, it has five levels:

  1. Federal.
  2. Regional.
  3. Territorial.
  4. Local.
  5. Objective.

rschs this
The government is in charge of the overall management of the RSES. Levels affect the main tasks. The Ministry of Emergencies is engaged in ensuring the functioning of the system and maximum protection of the population during any emergency situations. Coordinating governing bodies are at every level of the system; they are constantly in action and are responsible for setting goals and communication, alerting the public and providing information.

The main tasks of the federal level

What are the goals of the first level of the RSHS system? This is first of all:

  • Construction and implementation of a unified policy of state manipulation of emergency prevention and response after accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters.
  • Coordination of federal authorities regarding the development of projects and other activities related to their activities, in addition, the presentation and consideration of these projects in the government.
  • Preparation of proposals on how best to form a system of measures to protect all spheres of human activity and the population itself, as well as the country's territory from emergencies of a spontaneous, emergency or catastrophic nature.
  • A unified technical policy should be pursued that promotes the creation and development of forces, as well as the means that affect the prevention or elimination of emergencies.

tasks rschs

  • The main directions of development, improvement, are determined, the functioning of the RSHS is controlled.
  • Organized the development of projects of technical and scientific programs to help prevent situations that could harm the population or territory of the country.
  • The activities of all bodies related to the RSHS should be strictly coordinated, touching upon such aspects as medical protection of citizens, social and legal aspects.
  • The main directions of cooperation between countries to prevent emergencies are determined .

Tasks of the federal executive

The objectives of this level of RSES are:

  • Implementation of project management for the development of engineering and organizational and organizational measures that can prevent emergencies, increase the reliability of protection of hazardous facilities, and secure the economy in emergency situations.
  • Participation in the creation and implementation of federal and scientific programs, monitoring compliance with rules and norms, as well as checking whether the RSES regimes are functioning normally.
  • Ensuring the preparation of departmental bodies for the necessary actions during emergency situations, as well as their coordination at the time of work at the scene.
  • Coordination of actions of organs during emergency work during an emergency.

rfs modes

  • Creation and use of reserves of departmental bodies for work to eliminate the situation.
  • Implementation of measures for the social protection of victims of emergencies, respect for the rights and obligations of the population.
  • Influence on the development of safety rules and standards in industries, protecting workers and enterprises from emergencies .
  • Coordination of preparatory activities, providing the necessary information to all employees, including management, on emergency response.
  • Certification of rescuers and other units of a similar type.

The main tasks of the RFES of territorial authorities

Like other structural units of the organization, territorial authorities must also perform certain tasks. Each site is subject to its own rules and regulations. The necessary goals that all organizations related to the RSHS must achieve are:

  • Management of the activity of links and subsystems of the RSChS on the territory related to their competence.
  • Participation in the creation and implementation of federal and scientific programs.
  • They should participate in the development and implementation of activities related to the prevention of emergencies, as well as minimizing damage after such situations.

system rschs

  • Ensuring the readiness of all management bodies, means and forces to work in case of emergencies.
  • Creation of a system combining legal and economic measures preventing the possibility of emergencies.

Tasks of local authorities

  • Creation of reserve plan funds by means of which all tasks of the RSHS will be carried out.
  • Coordination of the work of commissions operating in the territory under the jurisdiction of local authorities.
  • Organization of the relationship between commissions, military and public organizations with representatives of enterprises in neighboring territories for data exchange and joint work to prevent and eliminate emergencies.
  • Training and advanced training of the local population and specialists of the RSES.

The main tasks of object commissions

  • Providing guidance on the development and launch of activities that prevent emergencies, as well as maximizing the reliability of protection of potentially unsafe facilities, operating modes of the emergency response system and the work of organizations if emergencies occur.
  • Organization of work on the creation and maintenance of local monitoring and warning systems at facilities with a potential risk of emergencies.

rfs levels

  • Management bodies, forces and means to deal with the consequences of situations should be fully prepared, in addition, it is important that personnel can evacuate from the facility as quickly as possible and without loss.
  • Creation of reserves of material and financial nature for their use during emergency response.
  • Preparing leadership forces and personnel for actions during an emergency.

RSHS management

Basically, the management team consists of deputy heads of government, local government, as well as organizations involved in civil defense, the prevention and elimination of emergency situations. Operational, continuous management of the emergency control system is ensured by the creation of daily management bodies at all levels of the system. If necessary, create operational groups and headquarters.

rschs functioning
They should be provided with communication, the ability to notify others, process and transmit the necessary information data. To manage the system, all possible means of communication are used in the country; at the moment, an automated warning system has been created that allows you to respond as quickly as possible to a problem.

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