Beautiful manicure on tanned hands: photos, ideas, useful tips

Beautiful and well-groomed hands are the calling card of every woman. In society, people often look at manicures. Hands are unmistakably determine the social status and sphere of activity of a woman. And of course, chic nails are the final element of a unique image. Manicure design harmoniously complements the look of a woman. To make it perfect, you need to think over some points, such as the type of woman's appearance, the shade of the outfit, and so on.

Manicure on tanned hands looks especially impressive. To make it look perfect, you should not forget the details and take the time to choose the color of the varnish, pattern or rhinestone. To make their hands look elegant and stylish, they need careful care.

manicure on tanned hands

The main rules of manicure on tanned hands

Summer is such a time of year when everything blooms and smells, the world gathers colors and becomes brighter. Women also bloom. They want to look irresistible, add colorful elements to their image. Choose rich, rich shades of varnish. But the main thing in this matter is not to overdo it.

The trend is tanned skin, so women try to get an even tan. To do this, some go to the coast, others (if not possible) - visit the solarium. A summer manicure on tanned hands will look just fine. Especially if it is selected correctly. Since the shade of varnish is of great importance, you should spend a little time to decide on a color that will be beneficial to shade dark-skinned tanned skin of the hands.

Red shades

On tanned hands of an olive shade, red varnishes look great. Similar tones always look spectacular. With such a manicure, you can go to a business meeting or a party. For older women, a red-orange color is suitable. This shade emphasizes natural beauty. It neutralizes an unpleasant, painful, reddish tint

Coral color is suitable for young girls. He looks rich and at the same time pretty cute.

beautiful manicure on tanned hands

Yellow shades

A beautiful manicure on tanned hands with a varnish of yellow shades looks great. Bright colors are more suitable for pale skin. But on a dark one, lighter tones look beneficial. To emphasize tanned hands, use honey-colored varnish. This yellow tint looks natural and spectacular.

Brilliant shades

Many girls want their image flawlessly to fit a particular time of year. Therefore, they carefully select not only the elements of the wardrobe, but also the nail polish. But here it is important not to lose money with color. Designers advise against using golden and copper shades of varnish if the skin is very tanned. So the hands will merge with the nails and look very dull. The best shade for a skin of this color is silver and dark metal. A win-win option is black tourmaline. Performing a manicure on tanned hands in the summer, it is worth considering that the dark nails look simply incomparable. At first the color will seem too dark, but when you get used to it, appreciate the elegance.

manicure on tanned hands summer

Blue shades

The sea is what women dream about in the summer. It is associated with blue shades. You can perform a manicure in bright blue, blue, neon, shiny colors. Cool aquamarine and pale blue also look interesting. It is better not to use colors such as classic blue and indigo, they obviously will not work, especially if the tan is already quite dark.

Green shades

Green is a summer color. At this time, all nature shines with colors, so many girls use bright colors to create the image. Of all the shades, it is green that prevails . Manicure on tanned hands in this color is just a godsend. The emerald color looks excellent on olive skin . Also, designers advise a turquoise tone of varnish, it combines 2 shades: blue and green. You can decorate nails of this color with rhinestones of silver or metallic color.

what a manicure on tanned hands

Solid and neutral shades

Such shades look not only on pale, but also on tanned skin. If the girl has not yet decided what kind of manicure to do on tanned hands, she can safely choose a shade from the palette of body gamut. All tones from chocolate to light beige will look great.

Shades such as silver, white and gray look quite elegant and unusual on tanned hands. These neutral tones will fit almost every look.

How to make a manicure on tanned hands at home

Women sometimes act impulsively. They want to quickly update their manicure, try a different new color. And in the salon you must first sign up and wait for the trip to the master. But there is a way out - try to do a manicure yourself at home. To decide on the design of the future masterpiece, you can first see a photo of manicure on tanned hands. This will inspire and suggest possible options.

manicure on tanned hands photo

Design Ideas

In the creation of manicure, you can use imagination. Here are just a few ideas for nail design:

  • The theme of the sea today is more than ever in a trend. It is increasingly used for nail design in the summer. Monotonous painting with blue and blue varnish is popular, as well as nail art, for which you need to apply shades such as white, blue, perhaps add red. These colors are suitable for tanned women and favorably shade the skin of the hands. It is very easy to make a simple manicure: completely paint the nail with one of the shades, and then, using improvised means (masking tape and a thin brush), draw strips in a different color. Vests are painted in this way, combining blue and white.
  • French, or French manicure always looks stylish. It is suitable for both a romantic and a business look. In a classic style, it is made in beige and white colors. But a manicure with rich, vibrant colors will look no worse. For example, you can highlight the nails with light purple, pale blue, blue, and the upper part - white. Women who prefer romance should try moon manicure. He is still at the peak of popularity.

summer manicure on tanned hands

  • The theme of flora is perfect for romantic natures. Such women will like the idea of ​​decorating their nails with an interesting floral pattern. You can draw anything you like related to the topic: sunflowers, forget-me-nots, roses. Here you can give free rein to imagination. The main thing is to adhere to a clear outline and lines. If the drawing doesn’t work out, you shouldn’t worry, you can correct and make “a la impressionism”.

To get inspiration, you can first see a photo of manicure on tanned hands. It is easy to find interesting ideas for nail decor on them. The flight of fantasy is important here. Do not be afraid to experiment: use a variety of colors, add rhinestones, lace and other additional materials.

It is important to monitor the season in which the manicure is done. In the summer, bright colors with many stickers and rhinestones are preferred. Interesting designs make the owner of such nails the center of attention. For autumn, girls choose natural or red shades. They fit any look and outfit. Winter for some reason causes depression in the fairer sex, which affects the condition of the nails. Girls prefer darker colors, mainly black, dark blue and purple. And in the springtime, as soon as feelings wake up, pink is an integral color of the created image.

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