What does a traumatologist treat, in what cases should I apply?

Each medical specialist has a certain specialization profile. This allows the doctor to get the most in-depth knowledge in a particular field of science. Many people do not know exactly what kind of specialist to ask for help in case of certain problems. Next, it will be considered what the traumatologist treats, what kind of doctor it is.

General information

What does a traumatologist-orthopedist treat ? This medical specialist is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of various body injuries that are caused by mechanical stress. The competence of this specialist also includes deformities, diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Orthopedic Traumatologist

An orthopedic traumatologist diagnoses and treats such ailments with the help of therapeutic and surgical methods. Both traumatologists and orthopedists practice in our country. There are many specialists whose profession is called "orthopedic-traumatologist" or "surgeon-traumatologist." This denotes the narrow scope of competence of a specialist.

A similar direction in medical science includes three separate specialties. They study diseases, injuries and treatments for injuries in the musculoskeletal system.

Podiatrist, traumatologist, surgeon

It is worth noting that traumatology is a medical discipline that studies damage to joints, bones and tendons. It can be dislocations, sprains, fractures and other similar injuries. This area of ​​medical science is developing methods for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Orthopedic Traumatologist

Orthopedics is a field of medicine that studies acquired and congenital ailments, pathologies. These can be deformations, disorders in the area of ​​the musculoskeletal system.

In other words, it can be said that traumatology takes urgent measures in the event of injury, and orthopedics involves routine treatment. However, both of these disciplines are engaged in a common cause - ensuring the health of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, in the process of training a young specialist in a university, both of these disciplines are held.

It is worth noting that there is such a profession as a trauma surgeon. What does this specialist treat? His area of ​​expertise will be the same as that of a traumatologist. But here the methods of diagnosis and treatment in this case are specific. They perform operations that allow you to restore the function of joints, bones, and other tissues of the system.

Doctor for children and adults

Today, the profession of an orthopedic traumatologist is in great demand in modern society. Such medical specialists conduct medical practice in public and private clinics. In municipal hospitals, queues are arranged in front of the orthopedic trauma surgeon’s office. At a private medical facility, you can make an appointment at certain times. The cost of the initial examination averages 700-1000 rubles. The price depends on the policy of the clinic.

Children's traumatologist

In our country, the reception is conducted by doctors who diagnose and treat such diseases in children and adults. At the same time, specialists take into account the features of the musculoskeletal system of an adult and a child. In accordance with this, certain techniques are applied.

What does a pediatric orthopedic traumatologist treat? The field of competence of this specialist remains almost the same as that of a doctor for adults. Therefore, many experts are taking patients of different ages. However, it is worth considering that in children the musculoskeletal system is constantly developing, is in the process of becoming. Therefore, various effects on it are carried out carefully and directed. To overcome certain ailments in children is much easier than in adults.

In middle-aged and elderly people, a number of specific diseases are determined, which children practically do not suffer from. However, due to certain adverse environmental influences, in rare cases, the child may manifest the same diseases as those of people aged. Therefore, considering what an orthopedic traumatologist treats in children, one can name many non-specific ailments. If a medical professional conducts medical practice, taking people of different ages, this is quite normal.

The relevance of the profession

Studying what traumatologist treats in adults and children, an extensive list of ailments should be noted. Some of them are quite common, others are specific. The relevance of this profession is increasing every year. The realities of life of a modern person require him to make many efforts to maintain the health of the musculoskeletal system.

What diseases does a traumatologist treat?

The demand for orthopedic surgeons is increasing every year. Injuries to congenital and acquired disorders appear in people more often. Significantly more often, children and young people became ill. The reason is the wrong way of life. People are used to eating unhealthy foods that contain a lot of salts, fats, and sugars. This affects the metabolic processes. A sedentary lifestyle today is conducted not only by people whose profession is associated with computer or other equipment. Children became less involved in sports. They, like adults, like to sit for hours in front of a computer.

As a result, bones become fragile, joint tissues less elastic. With minor loads, various injuries can occur. In children, deformations in the spine are often observed.

Considering what an orthopedic traumatologist treats in adults, one more direction should be noted. Many people in modern society have become fanatically passionate about strength training. This only adds to the work of the orthopedic traumatologist. Such training is often conducted without observing the correct technique. As a result, injuries, torn ligaments, bruises and dislocations occur. Strength training can gradually lead to various disorders in the body. At a young age this is not felt. But now, after a decade, a person is faced with diseases of the joints and spine.

People themselves are largely to blame for their health problems. It is better to do gymnastics, swimming than to lift weights. All unfavorable factors add work to the orthopedic trauma surgeon.

The main activities

In the modern world, the work of a traumatologist is becoming increasingly relevant. What does this doctor treat? There are several main directions in its activities. Diagnosis and therapy is carried out with the following diseases and pathologies:

What does a traumatologist treat in adults?
  1. Fractures. This pathology is characterized by a violation of the integrity of bone tissue. The human skeleton protects internal organs from mechanical influences, and also allows us to move, have a clear body shape. Especially dangerous are fractures in the skull and spine. Such injuries can lead to disability or death of the patient.
  2. Sprain. This is a frequent injury that is less dangerous for the body than a fracture. Sprains are often faced by people involved in sports or, conversely, who lead a sedentary lifestyle.
  3. Dislocations. Such injuries cause both mechanical extraneous influences and chronic diseases (for example, arthritis or arthrosis). Observed in the joints and bones.
  4. Rupture of ligaments in a joint. This is a common injury. It can occur due to shock, fall and sudden movement of a person.
  5. Burn. This injury is also the responsibility of the traumatologist. Often, such a pathologist is involved in a trauma surgeon. A burn is often observed on superficial tissues, but can also affect internal organs. A burn appears when exposed to high temperatures, chemicals, or current.
  6. Frostbite. It is also tissue damage that occurs when exposed to low temperatures.

Considering what diseases the orthopedic traumatologist treats, a whole series of ailments should be noted. The listed pathologies are injuries. However, there is a whole list of ailments that require consultation of this specialist.

Other diseases

What diseases does a traumatologist treat? This list is extensive. However, the most common ailments should be considered in detail. In addition to injuries, this medical specialist is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of such pathologies:

Trauma surgeon
  • Osteoporosis. An ailment, as a result of which the density of human bone tissue decreases. It becomes fragile, vulnerable to minor mechanical influences.
  • Osteomyelitis. An inflammatory disease that develops in the structure of bones. It is often caused by bacteria (staphylococcus, streptococcus).
  • Arthritis. The inflammatory process that occurs in the joints. It develops and proceeds slowly. If you do not take any action, the ailment leads to disability.
  • Spondylitis Inflammation of the joints in the spinal column.
  • Intervertebral hernia. The disk between the vertebrae protrudes into the lumen of the spine.
  • Arthrosis The gradual destruction of the bone tissue of the joint. Their function is gradually disrupted.
  • Bone tumor. There are benign and malignant tumors. The first category includes osteoma, osteochondroma, cyst, etc. Malignant neoplasms are myeloma, Ewing's sarcoma, etc.
  • Gout. Uric acid salts are deposited in the joints. The pain in this case is severe, paroxysmal. The joint becomes inflamed and deformed.

Considering what the orthopedist-traumatologist treats in adults and children, there are a lot of ailments. However, the main ones, the most frequent pathologies, were presented above. Depending on the disease, different manifestations may occur. Some diseases are asymptomatic, while others cause significant discomfort.

When to contact a traumatologist?

Many people do not know exactly what the traumatologist treats, what symptoms to contact this specialist with. Often patients get an appointment with a traumatologist when there is no other way out. This may be a trauma, the presence of severe pain. Also, people go to see this doctor when mobility is disturbed or completely lost in a joint.

Children's orthopedic traumatologist

However, it is worth knowing that the damage that requires consultation of this specialist is not always obvious. Sometimes even a minor injury can lead to serious consequences in the future. There is a list of symptoms in which you should immediately make an appointment with a traumatologist.

If a person is injured, even a minor one, he must go to the hospital. Especially if, after receiving damage, pain appeared, mobility was impaired, swelling appeared.

For various pain in the area of ​​the musculoskeletal system, even without a previous injury, you need to contact a traumatologist. If after training there is discomfort, stiffness of movements, it is also worth immediately contacting a specialist.

If an extensive wound occurs, you need to visit this doctor. Consultation of a trauma surgeon is sometimes required. This is true when a person gets burns or frostbite.

If redness, soreness or stiffness of movements, noticeable deformation appeared in the joint area, a thorough examination is worthwhile. For pain in the chest during inspiration, consultation with this specialist is also required. Sometimes this symptom indicates a fracture of the ribs.

When to contact a pediatric traumatologist?

Considering what a pediatric traumatologist treats, it is worth paying attention to symptoms that require consultation of this specialist. For a growing organism, even a slight violation in the area of ​​the musculoskeletal system can lead to significant pathology in the future. Moreover, children are injured more often than adults. This is always worth remembering.

Parents should immediately bring their child to the hospital if the baby falls and gets injured. This may be deformation of the limb, tissue swelling, discoloration of the skin and pain. Sometimes discomfort appears, after some time, after an injury. In a bruised place, the joint loses mobility, hematoma, swelling or redness appears.

Consultation with a traumatologist is also required if the child after the injury feels nauseous, dizzy. His coordination of movements may be impaired. In some cases, vomiting may open or the child will lose consciousness. You need to call an ambulance and explain that a similar condition is observed after a fall or injury.

Knowing what a traumatologist-orthopedist treats, it is worth noting that in the presence of an open wound in a child, you should also visit this specialist.

Diagnostic Methods

Knowing what the traumatologist treats, it is worth saying a few words about the methods of diagnosis of this doctor. To determine the type of disease, he can refer the patient to a general blood and urine test, a biochemical blood test. Densitometry (determination of bone density), radiography, CT or MRI may also be required. Sometimes consultation with other medical specialists is required at the same time (endocrinologist, cardiologist, etc.).

Treatment methods

Considering what the traumatologist treats, attention should be paid to therapy. It can be conservative or radical. In the first case, the doctor in the course of treatment applies dressings, other methods for fixing, immobilizing the joint or limb. The doctor prescribes appropriate medications (for internal or local use).

If conservative treatment does not produce the desired result, other methods may be used. They belong to the field of radical treatment. This area includes endoprosthetics, metal osteosynthesis, bone transplantation. Modern techniques allow you to overcome many ailments that were previously not subject to medicine.

Having considered what the traumatologist treats, you can understand in what cases to contact this medical specialist. The sooner a person visits a doctor if there are certain symptoms, the easier and faster the healing process will go. The relevance of such a profession as a traumatologist today is constantly increasing.

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