How to lose 10 kg in a short time.

When wondering how to lose 10 kg in a short period of time, try to find a way that does not harm your health. Strict diets cannot but affect the general condition of the body. And if you still have the time, give preference to such options that are designed for a long time.

So, how to lose 10 kg. The best option is a balanced diet and regular physical activity, and preferably quite intense. Regarding the diet, you need to consult a specialist in view of the fact that the human body is individual. And what is good for one may not be suitable for the other.

As for the general recommendations, they are the same for everyone, namely reduce the amount of carbohydrates, reduce fat intake to a minimum. Protein foods should prevail in your diet. Regarding carbohydrates, a few more words are worth adding. In no case do not refuse them. They are necessary for our body to replenish energy. But you should choose those foods that contain the so-called slow carbohydrates. These are cereal cereals, brown rice, legumes, wholemeal bread, mushrooms and so on. Among fruits and vegetables - dried apricots, peaches, apples, grapefruits, oranges, pears, zucchini, green beans, cauliflower and the like.

The question, β€œhow to lose 10 kg, or even more,” worries very many. However, you will not succeed in losing weight without putting any effort into it. Be sure to do some kind of sport. It can be anything: visit the pool, go to the gym, do aerobics, Pilates, or, in the end, regularly do those exercises at home that are aimed at reducing body fat. Together with a properly selected diet, you will very quickly achieve positive results.

Do not lose sight of another important point. It's about the amount of food consumed. You can’t become slimmer if your portion is slightly smaller than the basin, even if the products are selected correctly.

All these recommendations are given to those people who want to lose weight gradually, without causing stress to their body.

But sometimes you have to make sacrifices and get rid of extra pounds in a very short period of time. And now we’ll talk about how to lose 10 kg in a week. Yes, this is also possible. And there are many ways. However, a small caveat should be made. Only those people who do not suffer from various diseases can use such techniques.

Here is one option - fasting fasting. On the first day you should drink mineral water without gas, and no more than six glasses. On the second day, you should limit yourself to four glasses of milk and one green apple, which must be eaten before bedtime. The third day is a repetition of the first. The fourth day brings some variety. Prepare a vegetable salad based on white cabbage, all kinds of greens and carrots. Season it with olive oil in the amount of one tablespoon. In total, such a salad, you will need one liter can for a day. From the liquid you can drink two glasses of green unsweetened tea or water. The fifth day repeats the second with one exception - the apple is not provided here.

Day six is ​​a joy for the stomach with such a diet. For breakfast, you are ordered to eat soft-boiled egg and drink a glass of tea without sugar. The second breakfast includes a vegetable broth in the amount of one glass. At lunch, you will find one hundred grams of boiled beef and the same amount of canned peas. Moreover, on this day you can please yourself with three apples for dinner, afternoon tea and a second dinner.

And finally, the seventh day. During the day, eat half a pack of cottage cheese, drink two glasses of milk, and for the upcoming dream - one glass of unsweetened green tea.

You should resort to such a diet only in extreme cases, that is, when the question "how to lose 10 kg in 8 days or in a week" is really very acute.

In conclusion, a few more small, but very useful tips on how to lose 10 kg: try not to give in to stress, engage in auto-training, strive for self-improvement. And you will succeed!

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