Dianat herbicide: description, instructions for use

Wheat and rye are often planted after any other crops. This can be, for example, sunflower, rapeseed, peas, etc. As a result, cereal plantings are clogged due to scavenger. Common meadow plants often sprout in cultivated fields. All these weeds take away nutrients from cereals. As a result, wheat, rye, or oats reduce yields. To prevent this from happening, farmers are forced to use special preparations - herbicides. "Dianat" is one of the most effective means of this group.

General description of the drug

This herbicide is usually marketed in cans of 60 liters in the form of a readily soluble concentrate. It belongs to the group of systemic post-emergence selective preparations. The main active ingredient in the Dianat herbicide is dicamba, a dimethylamine salt. In one liter of the drug it contains about 480 grams.

herbicide dianate

According to the instructions for use, this weed control agent can be used simultaneously with herbicides made on the basis of sulfonylurea and glyphosphate. If necessary, it may be added to tank mixtures designed to protect plants. However, in this case, among other things, it is usually necessary to conduct compatibility tests. Best of all, this herbicide exhibits its properties at an air temperature of +10 ... +20 Β° C. This agent is highly selective. That is, it does not do any harm to the crops themselves growing on the field.

Most often, this drug is produced by manufacturers registered in the Republic of Belarus. Dianat herbicide, however, it is manufactured by some Russian as well as Ukrainian companies. For example, Dianat, produced by the domestic company Basf, is very common on the market. This drug is in any case quite expensive. The price of one liter of funds is approximately 1100-1200 rubles.

Dianate herbicide instructions for use

In what cases can be used

To apply "Dianat" is allowed to control both annual and perennial broad-leaved weeds. Use this tool on crops of wheat, barley, rye. If necessary, it can be used on winter and spring crops. Also, fields with corn and oats are often treated with this herbicide. Very good "Dianat" helps including those resistant to sulfonylurea and 2.4 D weeds. The consumption rates of this drug depend on the specific culture and will be discussed below.

When not to use

It is not recommended to use this tool on plantings of sugar and popcorn. Dianate is usually used only for the destruction of weeds when growing this crop on silage and grain.

Also, it is not allowed to use this tool for processing fields with weakened (for example, after an illness or drought) crops. In addition, the instructions for use prohibit the use of "Dianat" on corn for two weeks before or after spraying the ears with organophosphorus insecticides. Another contraindication to use is too low (up to + 6 Β° C) or high (above 25 Β° C) air temperature. Also, the herbicide can not be used on wet plants due to rain or dew. In this case, no effect will be obtained from its use. That is, the money invested in it will be wasted. Wet soil for the use of this drug is not an obstacle.

dianate herbicide consumption rate

What plants destroys

The Dianat herbicide can protect crops of grain from sunflower sprouted from the carrion, as well as from rape or peas. Also, this tool copes very well with such predecessors as mustard, beetroot, soybeans. Of meadow plants, this herbicide is detrimental, for example, to a tenacious bedstraw, dioecious violet, rake, dissected geranium, poppies. You can use "Dianat" and to destroy weeds of the cabbage family.

Instructions for use of the Dianat herbicide

To get the best effect, Dianat is recommended to be used immediately after sowing cereals. If this is impossible for some reason, it is allowed to apply it a little later. However, when used in the spring, it is always worthwhile to cultivate the field before the emergence of grain crops. Also, sometimes the crops are sprayed with this herbicide in the summer. The timing in this case depends on the specific culture.

Actually the working solution of the drug itself is prepared immediately before processing. Storage is not allowed. Prepare a working solution of the Dianat herbicide, usually in plastic tanks. The latter are pre-filled with water by about 1/3. Then, the amount of the preparation necessary for a particular culture is added to the tanks. Then add water to the top. Spraying the crops with the obtained working solution is allowed both by conventional methods and with the help of aviation.

herbicide dianate producer Belarus

Consumption rates of Dianat herbicide

How much money should be used for a particular culture can be seen in the table below.

Consumption rates of Dianat herbicide


Application rate

Recommended Application Period

Wheat, winter and spring barley

0.15-0.3 l / ha

In the tillering phase before exiting the pipe


0.4-0.8 l / ha

In the phase of 3-5 leaves

To treat all these plants with Dianat herbicide, the instructions for use allow no more than once per season. It is possible to carry out various kinds of manual operations on crops after using this product no earlier than a week later. Mechanized work is allowed to be performed after 3 days.

When using this tool at the same time as other compatible herbicides, its activity in terms of weed control is enhanced. This is due primarily to the arising special synthetic effect.

post-emergence herbicide

How does the drug work?

The advantages of the Dianat herbicide are, first of all, the speed of its action. The first results are noticeable already for 2-3 days. In weeds, the leaves and their petioles usually become strongly curved. This high efficiency of the composition is explained primarily by the fact that it penetrates very easily into the tissues of weeds and is almost instantly transported along their entire length e . After spraying, the active substance of the drug is absorbed by the leaves. If the soil on the field is moist, the solution begins to be absorbed also by the roots. Moving through the tissues, the agent reaches the point of growth of the weed and suppresses it. It is as a result of this that the plant begins to deform and eventually dries.

dianate herbicide active ingredient

Weeds die when using "Dianat" for about 15 days. Plants that are not too sensitive to the preparation may remain green after treatment with this herbicide. However, at the same time, they practically stop developing and can no longer compete with cereals or corn.


After-emergence herbicide "Diamond" is a fairly aggressive means and, if used improperly, can harm the human body as well. The rules for its application should be observed as follows:

  • prepare the solution only in a place designated for this purpose;

  • processing is carried out using protective equipment;
  • after the end of the treatment procedure, the remaining solution should be poured

  • the tank itself must be thoroughly rinsed with water.

At the final stage, the tanks are additionally treated with ammonia diluted in a proportion of 1 liter per 100 liters of water. Maintain the resulting liquid in containers should be about 15 minutes. Then the tanks are washed again with water.

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