How is a lyceum different from a gymnasium? Which school is better?

Educational institutions pay different attention to the individual learning process of a child, periodically changing the name or curriculum. What is the difference between a lyceum and a gymnasium? This will be discussed in our article.


gymnasium or lyceum

The origin of the gymnasium has Greek roots and is the forerunner of the modern school. While the lyceum in Russia was a prestigious educational institution with a six-year education program, the eleven-year course offered the opportunity to build a career as an official. In tsarist times, it was accessible to the children of nobles, while the working class studied in gymnasiums, and even then not always. Parish schools were also widespread, giving minimal knowledge of literacy and the Law of God.

Which educational institution should I prefer?

And what to choose - a gymnasium or a lyceum? You have to choose based on further training and getting a profession. After graduating from the lyceum, many higher educational institutions accept students for the second or third year, which does not always favorably affect the further learning process, relaxing students who have received a certain course of knowledge before entering a university. The gymnasium made it possible to examine subjects more widely and gain more in-depth knowledge in all sciences at the same time. Despite the workload of students, this is an excellent option for determining the individual path in the future.

lyceums and gymnasiums of Moscow

The main differences

How is a lyceum different from a gymnasium? On this subject, you can argue for a long time. But according to the Federal Law on Education, they are equivalent and carry basic knowledge for students, which allows them to receive education and a profession as they wish.

How is a lyceum different from a gymnasium? The focus of the educational process, when the first institution operates in accordance with the contractual relationship with a particular university, and the second according to the requirements of the Ministry of Education, pays attention to each subject equally, which broadens the horizons of the student.

Features of educational institutions

Lyceums and gymnasiums of Moscow are always happy for capable students who have decided on their future profession and decided on the most effective preparation for entering a university. At some educational institutions for higher education, lyceums are open, aimed at further education at the same university. Classes are taught by teachers of one teaching staff, which allows students to get acquainted with all the features of the course. An example is the Lyceum No. 1580 at MSTU. Bauman and the Lyceum at the Higher School of Economics, contests for admission to which is equivalent to the conditions for admission to some universities.

Lyceum is part of the university, the main purpose of which is the formation of the personality of the student. Founded in 1995 in Russia at the International University of Moscow, it is the first non-state lyceum, by law - a general educational institution.

Which is better - lyceum or gymnasium? It is difficult to answer this question, because the assumption that the lyceum pays attention to the humanities, and the gymnasium to the technical, remains erroneous. The choice of institution should shape the future profession.

Training load

How is a lyceum different from a gymnasium? Workload of the child. A multidisciplinary lyceum will bear a great burden on the child during training, which contributes to the comprehensive development and study of individual subjects to the maximum, while the gymnasium can pay attention to individual subjects more time, devoting more hours to the learning process.


multidisciplinary lyceum

How is a lyceum different from a gymnasium? Obtaining documents on graduation. The first one issues a diploma in fact, equivalent to a document on secondary education, giving the right to enroll in a higher educational institution, the second - a certificate equivalent to that obtained at school, even if specialized.

The main task of the lyceum is to prepare for training in specific higher educational institutions with which a contract has been concluded. Gymnasium, like an ordinary school, approaches the study of basic subjects with more advanced teaching methods. Comprehensive development helps students quickly decide on their future profession.


Many schools, trying to keep up to date, satisfying the needs of parents and students, make changes to the curriculum, paying attention to certain subjects of a humanitarian or mathematical bias, physical education or chemical-biological. They are gradually turning into a multidisciplinary lyceum.

which is better lyceum or gymnasium

Changing the name of the institution is not enough, it is necessary to update teaching materials, training programs, the teaching staff of teachers, obtain permission from the Ministry of Education to conclude contractual relations with the students' parents. But even the teachers sometimes do not know the final answer to the question of how the lyceum differs from the gymnasium. After all, both institutions are aimed at obtaining knowledge.

For this reason, the norms of Moscow schools were raised to the level of education in lyceums and gymnasiums, bringing the rights to quality education of each child in line, regardless of place of study and residence. The rating of education does not depend on official status, but on the quality of the learning process itself.

lyceums and gymnasiums

The unification of educational institutions provides equal opportunities for every student in Moscow, freeing parents from the search for optimal routes throughout the city in order to receive a profession for their child. Time passes for speculation in the terms "lyceum", "gymnasium", and emphasis is placed on the principles of instruction.

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