How to choose a washing gel that suits your skin type

Cleansing is the main step in skin care. Many use water and washing gel for this purpose. Today, the trading network has a huge selection of various means. Often, choosing the most suitable among them is very difficult. Let's try to understand this issue in more detail. Let's start with the basics.

As you know, any detergent contains the so-called surfactants, which provide foaming. They can be divided into four types, depending on the substances contained in them.

The first type is indicated on the label as Decyl-Glucoside. Such a gel for washing does not foam well, so it is not suitable for oily skin with increased sebum secretion.

The second type of surfactant is cationic substances, referred to as Polyquaternium. This gel for washing is not recommended for use with sensitive skin, as bipolar charges of the skin and surfactants may well cause irritation.

The next type of surfactant has a positive charge. On the labels, it is designated as Sodium Lauryl Sulfate. It perfectly removes skin secretions and other impurities, but dries the skin. Products labeled Magnesium Laureth Sulfate are the exact opposite of the previous ones. They are well suited to normal and sensitive skin.

The last, fourth type of surfactant is labeled Betaine (Cocoyl, Sarcosine) on the label. This gel gently cleanses, leaving a feeling of freshness. Suitable for any skin type.

Foam, gel or mousse. What to give preference to?

Sometimes the names of skin cleansers are confusing. You won’t understand right away what the difference between gel and mousse or milk and foam is. And to know this is necessary, if only in order not to spend money on funds that we do not need.
As you know, caring cosmetics are selected based on the type of skin. Gel for washing in this case is no exception.

Oily skin prone to acne needs a particularly thorough cleansing. Therefore, the consistency of the gel for this case is perfect. It contains the maximum concentration of surfactants and a minimum of moisturizing substances. As a rule, the gel for washing for problem skin contains salicylic acid, which has a slight exfoliating effect, or benzene peroxide, which dries and reduces the secretion of the sebaceous glands. In addition, it includes various anti-inflammatory components, such as bisabolol or calendula extract. However, today the science of chemistry is developing quite rapidly, and on the labels of cosmetics it is quite possible to find new and incomprehensible names. Therefore, the focus is not on the composition, but on the names and promises of the manufacturer. Most often on the label of such a product next to the name is the inscription: "deep cleansing gel for the face" or "pure control".

Acne cleansing gel is produced by almost all cosmetic companies, starting with affordable Garnier and Evelin and ending with rather expensive Vichy products.

Age skin is most often dry and prone to irritation. Therefore, the ideal choice for her would be a foam or mousse with a minimum surfactant content and a maximum of moisturizing components. The soft formula of these products is also suitable for dry, dehydrated skin.

For sensitive skin prone to irritation, prefer non-aggressive components of plant origin. These include chamomile, rose, cornflower, witch hazel. By consistency, foam or mousse is more suitable for you. However, oily skin is also sensitive. In this case, a gel with plant components is used for purification. Pay attention to the products of the company Yves Rocher. They have a gel for washing, which eliminates inflammation and dries. The Pure System series, to which Camomill belongs, is designed specifically for sensitive skin.

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