Shoko-diet - we lose weight with pleasure! Reviews of nutritionists and users about the chocolate diet

shoko diet

Shoko-diet is a specific nutrition system that allows you to get rid of excess weight in a small amount in a short period of time. It is great for the modern pace of life. Such a diet has both positive and negative points. It must be observed at least one day. Depending on the well-being and the desired result, the chocolate diet can be extended for 3 days or for a week.

If you want to quickly adjust your body shape and fit in your favorite dress again by the next holiday, then this food system is what you need. Reviews testify: besides the fact that such a diet is quite effective, it’s very nice to “sit” on it. But before embarking on this diet, you need to weigh the pros and cons. In this article, we will consider several options for the menu of a chocolate-based nutrition system, as well as all its nuances.

What kind of chocolate should I use

Chocolate, which contains the largest number of kilocalories, is milk: 550 Kcal per 100 grams of product. In dark chocolate, which does not contain any additives, this figure is not much less - 539 Kcal. A nutritional system designed to reduce weight involves the use of this product, which has at least 70% cocoa in its composition. Shoko-diet does not allow the use of slimming confectionery products with raisins, nuts, various fillers, as they contain significantly more calories.

shoko diet menu

Features of nutrition during the diet

During the chocolate diet, sugar and salt are excluded from the diet. It is recommended to abandon juices (both prepared from concentrates and natural ones) or limit their use to a minimum. It is required to completely remove carbonated water and appetizing drinks from the menu. In addition, during the chocolate diet, all vegetables and fruits are excluded from the diet. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol and drinks in which it is present.

How often is a slimming diet used for weight loss? Reviews of nutritionists and therapists suggest that you can repeat the course of such a nutrition system no earlier than a month after the previous one. This is explained by the fact that the chocolate diet used more often can cause a significant blow to the state of health of the body. At the same time, it is allowed to choose the time of food and the number of meals at one’s discretion.


It should be noted that the use of permitted liquids (these include ordinary water and tea of ​​various varieties without the addition of sugar) also has a limitation. But it does not refer to quantity, but to the time of their intake. It is recommended to drink at least one and a half liters of liquid during the day. But it should be consumed no earlier than 3 hours after a meal.

The positive effects of diet

What are the advantages of a chocolate diet? Reviews of nutritionists confirm the fact that its undoubted positive result, first of all, is a decrease in body weight in the shortest possible time. It can also please the sweet tooth that the diet is based on one of their favorite pastry products.

Another positive aspect of this nutritional system is that chocolate stimulates the brain and the immune system. This product is recommended for use by people suffering from anemia and colds. In addition, chocolate contains a large amount of antioxidants that prevent premature aging of the human body.

The disadvantages of the chocolate diet

chocolate diea nutritionists reviews

The main negative quality that a shock diet has is numerous contraindications. For this reason, you should not make your own decisions about using this power system. Prior consultation with a dietitian is required.

Another disadvantage of the chocolate diet is that it does not contribute to a normal metabolism and does not correspond to a complete diet. Also, after the end of the term of this food system and return to the normal menu, there is a chance of gaining body weight. After a chocolate diet, the body tries to replenish the calorie deficit, and the weight returns to the initial indicator.

Among other things, the diet of the chocolate diet is not balanced by the ratio of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. The body also lacks vitamins at this time. Therefore, such a diet can only be short-lived - this is also confirmed by the reviews of nutritionists who have familiarized themselves with its diet.


3 day chocolate diet

Naturally, a shock diet is strictly prohibited for use by people with any type of diabetes. It does not matter if this disease is congenital or acquired. Also dangerous is this food system for those who have pronounced allergic reactions to cocoa.

Chocolate diet is contraindicated in case of liver ailments, in case of gallstone disease, with arterial hypertension. Moreover, a person may not even be aware of the latter pathology, since its initial symptoms are similar to usual overwork. In the case of hypertension, the decisive forbidden factor is not the dark chocolate itself, but the high content of caffeine in it.

One fasting day with chocolate

How is a one-day chocolate diet used? Its menu is quite simple. During the day, it is allowed to eat only 100 grams of chocolate, dividing it into three doses. In addition, coffee without sugar should be an addition to the sweet product.

The result of such a diet in one day will be getting rid of 200-300 grams of excess weight. A prerequisite for achieving a greater effect is physical activity and the use of a large amount of fluid.

Seven day chocolate diet

chocolate diet menu

What food is included in the shock menu in this case? Diet, as well as in the one-day version of this system of weight loss, consists of one product. Only chocolate is consumed throughout the day. Eat it you need 100 grams per day. This amount can be divided into several methods, or used at a time. Coffee should be added to chocolate without added sugar. It speeds up the metabolism, which allows you to lose weight more intensively.

The diet lasts 7 days. Reviews of women who complied with her say that during this period of time, body weight can decrease by 5-7 kg.

Chocolate based Italian diet

This is the only diet that involves eating, in addition to chocolate, and other products. Therefore, it is the safest and most useful of all such nutrition systems for the human body. Moreover, it is no less effective than a mono-diet. The reviews of those who used it claim: if it is followed, the body weight of a person can decrease by about 3 kilograms. During the process of losing weight, the body does not lose elasticity, especially if at the same time doing physical exercises. Re-apply this diet can be a week after the previous course of weight loss.

shoko diet reviews

You can eat during the Italian chocolate diet at any time. Food should be taken in small amounts 4-5 times a day. At the same time, the following products and dishes are allowed in the menu:

  • fresh vegetables and salads containing them, seasoned with vegetable oil;
  • diet sauces;
  • boiled pasta made from rough grades of wheat;
  • popcorn without adding additional ingredients;
  • sour berries and fruits.

Of course, the main component of such a diet is chocolate. It must be eaten at 30 grams between meals. Do not forget about the use of liquids in large quantities. You can follow such a diet for 5-7 days.

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