Clinic "Laser Doctor" on Bratislava: description, services and reviews

Today, you and I will be interested in an organization called "Laser Doctor" (on Bratislava in Moscow, or in St. Petersburg, but under a different address - it does not matter). What do customers think about her? Can you trust yourself and your health with this organization? Maybe this is not the clinic that you should contact for any problems? Or, on the contrary, an extremely high-quality, prestigious and effective organization? All this can be judged on the basis of numerous reviews. Yes, they differ in many respects, but the general impression of the center still remains. So what is the fame of the "Laser Doctor" in Bratislava? What can be said about this organization?

laser doctor in bratislava

About Activities

Let's start with what our today's corporation does. The company's activity leaves a certain imprint on the popularity thereof among customers. And in our case, there is nothing suspicious or incomprehensible. Clinic activities are transparent.

"Laser Doctor" is a multidisciplinary medical center for aesthetic medicine. What does he offer? A variety of services related to the maintenance of human beauty. Procedures in the field of cosmetology and appearance. It can be said, this is a kind of medical beauty center. Here everyone has the right to consult a cosmetologist, dermatologist and other specialists. Of course, get the appropriate services.

For all this, the "Laser Doctor" on Bratislava (Moscow) receives positive reviews. After all, if you need services in the field of aesthetic medicine, then it is here that you can get them. But is it worth it to contact here?


To fully understand this, you will have to study the positions of both clients and employees of this medical center. You need to pay attention to the many nuances that are decisive for many. Let's start with the position of applicants. How good is Laser Doctor in Bratislava?

A moot point. If you think about it, then most job seekers are satisfied with their work. Jobs, however, are few. And the competition here is relatively high. But this is not a reason to refuse employment. If you are a master, you can easily become part of the organization and help people.

The work schedule is quite flexible, a full social package, discounts and bonuses for the services of a medical center - all this is provided to employees. Paid leave and accommodating management are also corporate benefits. Laser Doctor (Moscow) on Bratislava is a pretty good employer. He, as many applicants note, also offers comfortable working conditions, high-quality equipment. A dream for an employee who cannot imagine life without aesthetic medicine!

reviews about procedures at the laser doctor centers


In terms of earnings, too, not everything is as bad as it seems. The thing is that the Laser Doctor clinic on Bratislava reviews functions as a private medical center. Accordingly, the earnings of the employees here are not too low. Yes, you always want more money. Nevertheless, the salaries, bonuses and bonuses of the organization for employees are at a decent level. This makes me happy.

Of course, a lot depends on the number of visitors and the procedures / consultations performed. Only here is the salary, as the applicants assure, you will still be paid. The rest is already bonuses, bonuses, allowances and other additional sources of profit.

Delays in payments are extremely rare. The Laser Doctor clinic in Bratislava receives positive opinions for this phenomenon from applicants. You can get a job here. Especially when you consider that it is in this corporation that management will protect its employees in case of contentious issues. This is not the most common occurrence among employers. It can be seen that the "Laser Doctor" cherishes his masters.


Well, it turns out that our today's employer is very good. You can really find a job here and get a stable income. And if you enjoy aesthetic medicine and helping people, then this is not a job, but just a fairy tale. Only here are the opinions of applicants - this is not a complete indicator of the prestige and integrity of the corporation. What do customers think about Laser Doctor on Bratislava?

For example, it is worth paying attention to the services offered. Frankly, visitors are satisfied in this direction. After all, our today's medical center will help to correct the figure, remove the appearance defects, and conduct an ultrasound scan. In addition, it is here that you can get advice from a cosmetologist or dermatologist.

Of course, a standard set of beauty services is also received here. Hair removal , depilation, rejuvenation, tattooing or tattoo removal - all this is included in the list of services offered. Nursing cosmetology, massages, acne treatment, as well as laser medicine are the things that often get positive feedback from customers. It turns out that in our center today you are able to solve all the problems associated with appearance and beauty. It is enough to come to the address: Moscow, st. Bratislava, 6. "Laser Doctor" will be at your service!

laser doctor at bratislava Moscow reviews


Special attention deserves such a moment as information on the proposed procedures. Often, clients turning to the clinic do not know anything about a particular service, preparation, consequences and rehabilitation.

In this area, "Laser Doctor" on Bratislava receives very good reviews from customers. You can clarify all the information by phone or email. Moreover, it is stated in a simple and understandable language on the official website of the organization.

All that is required of you is to find the necessary procedure in the list of services. And then - open and read everything that is possible about her. Right on the site! Here they will tell you what it is all about, and how the process will go, and how to prepare yourself for it. If rehabilitation or re-services are required, they are also mentioned. For such honesty, the Laser Doctor clinic in Bratislava receives positive reviews. In addition to the "bare text" you will still see illustrations in some cases. The information pages will also tell you about the pros and cons of a particular procedure.


Also an important role for customers is the cost of services. Yes, there are moments for which you really have to pay a lot. But in general, no one wants to overpay.

And "Laser Doctor" at Bratislava offers prices for services at an average level. This is not to say that this is an extremely cheap or expensive medical center. Rather, it is not much different from its counterparts. Price tags for Moscow are average. True, they often disappoint customers.

clinic laser doctor at bratislava reviews

Another feature - some procedures here are really very expensive. Sometimes you have to think about finding another, less expensive medical aesthetic center. Nevertheless, most procedures have an acceptable price category. So, not everything is as bad as it seems. The Laser Doctor clinic in Bratislava has a flexible discount system that attracts many. It allows you to reduce the cost of services several times. This decision is only pleasing.


The professionalism of doctors and staff for any medical organization are the main indicators of the quality of the services offered. The Laser Doctor also receives certain reviews for its employees. But in this area they are ambiguous. Judging the prestige of an organization is extremely difficult.

Laser Doctor (Bratislavskaya 6, Moscow) receives double customer reviews for its staff. If we talk about secondary workers (managers, nurses, assistants), there are no complaints. Everyone is served quickly and without problems, no rudeness and deceit. But as soon as it comes to talking with doctors, the situation changes dramatically.

The thing is that the clinic is recruiting professional employees, with diplomas and certificates of advanced training. Only here clients sometimes remain dissatisfied with the work of the masters. Someone is simply unprofessionally doing their job, someone is rude. Moreover, management zealously protects its staff. Some clients note that there are such doctors who still use outdated methods of treating various ailments. Of course, all this affects the effectiveness of the procedures is not the best way.

st Bratislavskaya d 6 laser doctor

But there are in the "Laser Doctor" and professionals, real masters of their craft. We can say that the majority of doctors here are dominated by good ones. But it is possible that you will not get to the very best. No one is safe from this. There is no reason to refuse the services of the company, just do not have unnecessary hopes that you have a real ideal cosmetology center.


For many citizens, comfort is an indicator of the quality of any private clinic. This is somewhat correct. After all, you pay not just for the service, but for the quality, prompt service and appropriate attitude. So the comfort of the organization should also be evaluated.

In this area, "Laser Doctor" (Moscow, st. Bratislavskaya, 6) receives only positive reviews. All offices of the company (it is also in St. Petersburg) are bright, clean, well-groomed. There is always order and cleanliness. The equipment is new, the furniture is comfortable, there are no queues and crowds. We can say that the corporation reigns calm, which is so lacking in many medical centers.

If you want to get fast service with maximum comfort - "Laser Doctor" is ideal for you. Customers are satisfied with what this organization offers. Itโ€™s nice to be on the procedures, and waiting for them. No stress or stress. Everything is only for customers, for their convenience and comfort!


But not everything is as radiant and beautiful as it seems at first glance. Any company has its pros and cons. And "Laser Doctor" is no exception. One feature that is highlighted by many customers is the time per visitor. Moreover, this moment is not set in the best light.

Clinic "Laser Doctor" on Bratislava reviews earns for the speed of service, or rather, for the time allotted to one client, is not the best. Yes, you will be served really fast. But this can be both a plus and a minus. A lot depends on what area of โ€‹โ€‹the body will be processed. Despite this, the client is given only 30 minutes. That is, the duration of the procedure does not depend on the treated area. Not too happy moment. It forces customers to come for repeated appointments. From here a certain negativity to the organization appears.

laser doctor Moscow at Bratislava


Reviews about the procedures at the Laser Doctor centers are also different. For example, if we are talking about St. Petersburg, then here basically everyone is satisfied. Customers claim that itโ€™s better not to find an organization. But in Moscow the situation is somewhat different.

Here, many complain that the quality of service is not too good. And the procedures are ineffective. Some even believe that the "Laser Doctor" on Bratislava is some kind of "left" department of the St. Petersburg clinic.

Most often, complaints are expressed due to hair removal and laser medicine. Constantly one can contemplate opinions indicating that removing body hair at the Laser Doctor clinic in Moscow is the most ineffective and useless procedure. Not only is it, regardless of the area of โ€‹โ€‹treatment, carried out with pain, but also the result is almost invisible. Thus, some are calling to shun an organization in Moscow called Laser Doctor.


Another surprise that does not please customers is checks. It would seem that there might be unexpected? But in fact, there are enough negative points regarding calculations with the Laser Doctor clinic.

Why? Checks, as many customers note, simply do not give out. That is, you have to guess what you are paying for. Sometimes you will be assigned additional unnecessary procedures, as well as assign services that you did not receive at all. Not the best trick. Fortunately, such incidents rarely occur. But here all the checks and receipts for payment often have to be demanded without fail, with a fight. A trifle, but unpleasant!


Most of the clients of the Laser Doctor clinic do not leave the best reviews. In particular, due to the consequences of applying for certain services. The whole problem is that very often visitors complain of allergic reactions, as well as burns after the procedures.

laser doctor bratislava 6

All this is not the best way affects the prestige of the corporation. It is not known why, but there are really many consequences after the procedures at Laser Doctor. Maybe because of some violations, maybe because of the mistakes of doctors. But the fact remains - the quality is not comparable with the price and side effects. All this makes us refuse the services of the company.


Laser Doctor on Bratislava is a popular Moscow cosmetology center where you will be provided with a variety of services and opportunities. Here you can rejuvenate, get rid of appearance defects, or just watch your beauty.

True, the consequences can be dire. Laser Doctor in Moscow is not very distinguished by the quality of the services offered. Customers often complain about this organization. Nevertheless, if you can choose a professional doctor (and there are not so few of them at the "Laser Doctor"), then the quality of the procedures is ensured for you!

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