How to gain weight with health benefits

Modern people, especially girls, are often worried about losing weight and choosing a low-calorie diet. However, there are many who have a completely opposite problem - on the contrary, they only think about how to gain weight and build muscle. Unhealthy thinness is not only unaesthetic, but no less harmful than being overweight. This is especially true for girls, since excessively low weight can inhibit the functioning of reproductive function. In this case, gaining weight for a girl will be very useful.

Before making a high-calorie diet, those who are concerned about the question of how to gain weight are recommended to go to the doctor and take the necessary tests in order to determine what is the cause of low weight. This can be heredity, problems with digestibility and metabolism, hormonal disorders and so on. If the situation does not require medical treatment, then you can begin to develop a diet for weight gain.

How to put on weight: nutrition .

In order to gain weight, you need to eat at least 3 times a day. Snacks are not only not forbidden, but also welcome in every possible way. Servings should be large. Breakfast must be hearty and contain simple carbohydrates; for lunch, it is best to eat three full-fledged dishes: rich soup with meat, a second dish with a dense high-calorie side dish (pasta, porridge or potatoes), a vegetable salad with high-calorie dressing (butter or sour cream), appetizer for appetite.

It is not forbidden to eat desserts, but the choice should be made in favor of sweet starchy fruits - bananas, grapes, persimmons, dried fruits and honey. Be sure to include bread in your menu.

Weight gain is promoted by a diet with a predominance of fats and carbohydrates. Be sure to include a lot of vegetables and fruits in the diet, as fiber will help the digestive system cope with the increased load.

In order to gain muscle mass, you need to add more protein to your diet and engage in special physical exercises. The protein in your diet should be both animal (eggs, fish, meat, dairy products) and vegetable - nuts, legumes. Make it a rule to regularly eat fatty dairy products - fermented baked milk, homemade cottage cheese or sour cream. These foods can also be added to other dishes, such as cereals. If you wish, you can start drinking special protein shakes with fiber, which will help you gain weight faster. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids. In addition to water, it can be fruit juices, milk, cocoa or all kinds of cocktails made from fresh products. Such drinks, by the way, very stimulate the appetite.

If you have a poor appetite, you should resort to psychological tricks. For example, you can lay out food on large attractive plates, use spices that stimulate the taste.

How to gain weight and build muscle through physical activity.

If you want to get rounded or strong muscles, eating alone will not be enough. In order for all the calories gained as a result of enhanced nutrition to be evenly distributed throughout the body, you will also need physical activity aimed at muscle formation. A common problem of thin people is thin arms and legs. In order to build muscle on them, you will need exercises with dumbbells or weighting, push-ups, lifting the bar. All kinds of swings and lunges. Well muscled swimming different styles and cycling.

In conclusion, it should also be noted that in order to gain weight well, it is necessary to observe the daily regimen. It is necessary to get enough sleep, competently alternate physical and mental stress. It is also worth giving up smoking - in addition to general harm to the body, nicotine also dulls the feeling of hunger.

Use our tips, and the problem of how to gain weight will no longer worry you.

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