The series "The Cycle": actors, roles, plot

Director Pavel Drozdov in 2017 again pleased fans with his work. The melodrama "The Cycle" from the first episodes captured the attention of viewers. After all, the plot of the picture is fully consistent with its name. By the will of fate, the main characters are drawn into an endless stream of lies, which draws them into a cycle. Actors who performed the main roles also did not leave the audience indifferent. With their game, they managed to convey the drama of the events taking place in the frame. The plot of the film and reviews about it are presented in this article.

The cycle, actors

The plot of the series cycle

In the center of events is the fate of the young pediatrician Varvara Grishina. She works in a prestigious medical center, is respected by her colleagues, and most importantly, loves her job. However, everything is not so cloudless in the life of Barbara. The terrible diagnosis of infertility destroyed her relationship with Ivan, who dreamed of having a big family. The work in which Varya went headlong helped her survive the break with her beloved and not lose hope. In addition, a colleague, Rodion Kozlov, began to look after her. Young people have a lot in common, Varvara is interesting with him, and gradually the girl began to recover from the experience.

Soon Rodion was followed by a marriage proposal. Barbara agreed and preparations for the wedding began. But if everything continued to go so smoothly further, then the series “The Cycle” (2017) would probably get a different name.

The groom was late for the wedding, he was detained by the birth of his former lover, during which she died. The child survived, but they hid it from Rodion. The midwife, taking advantage of the situation, went to the crime and gave his son to the childless, but very wealthy family of the photographer Perlin. Thus began an endless stream of lies. Rodion is silent about what happened and marries Var. And Perlin’s wife hides from her husband that the surrogate mother hid with their child and passes off his son Rodion as her own. Where this situation will lead the heroes is worth knowing by watching the film.

Cycle Series 2017

The main characters: Barbara and Rodion

In the series "The Cycle" actors Yekaterina Kuznetsova and Alexey Anischenko played the characters of Varia and Rodion.

Ekaterina Kuznetsova has long been fond of the viewer thanks to her roles in television series: “Only Love”, “A Different Life”, “Shopping Center”, “Give Me Sunday”, “Queen of Bandits”, “Kitchen” and many others. The actress speaks very warmly about the creative process and the team of this project, which cannot be said about the working conditions. Filming took place in an idle hospital, and the room was not heated. Catherine says that sometimes her lips froze so hard that it was difficult to pronounce the text, but the support of her colleagues warmed. During the filming, everyone made friends, and it was sad to part.

The audience probably remembered Alexey Anishchenko for his work in the following television series: “Cruel business”, “Taste of pomegranate”, “Keys to the past” and “General daughter-in-law”.

Before the series "The Cycle" actors Alexei Anischenko and Elena Kuznetsova on the same set did not work. However, they immediately managed to find a common language. Both note that working together was very easy, as if they had known each other all their lives.

Cycle series, reviews

Characters: Vyacheslav and Olga

The couple Vyacheslav and Olga Perlin played in the series "The Cycle" actors Yegor Beroev and Anna Nevskaya.

Egor Beroev does not need an introduction, since wide popularity came to him back in 2005, along with the role of Erast Fandorin in the movie "Turkish Gambit".

Anna Nevskaya also has long enjoyed the love of the viewer, which she won thanks to the role of Daria Pirogova in the comedy television series "Who is the boss in the house?"

The actors worked perfectly together, which can not be said about Beroev’s other partner in the frame.

The series "The Cycle": actors and roles

Vyacheslav Perlin's lover was played by the popular actress Sofia Kashtanova. She won the hearts of the public in 2011, playing Olga Stolpovskaya, in the popular movie "Random Communication". Remembering the work on the painting "The Cycle", the actress mentioned that with the demanding Egor Beroev, it was very difficult for her to find a common language. But the famous actor Igor Bochkin, who played the uncle of the main character in this television series, aroused admiration of Kashtanova. She was impressed by the professionalism and creative temperament of the actor.

The plot of the series Cycle

The role of the former groom of Barbara was performed by Roman Polyansky. The audience has already seen his work in the frame with Ekaterina Kuznetsova. Actors played the main roles in the series “Queen of the Bandits”.

The role of the whistleblower of the vicious circle of lies went to Alexei Demidov. His character, Yegor, is the fiance of Rodion's former lover. He knows about the child and intends to avenge Rodion for his beloved. After the series "Diary of Dr. Zaitseva," Demidov once again had the opportunity to plunge into the atmosphere of intrigue and medicine.

Speaking about the cast of this television project, one cannot fail to note the work of Elena Korikova, the star of the acclaimed television series Poor Nastya. This time the actress got an unseemly role. Her heroine is obstetrician Lidia Gatich, whose thirst for profit has largely influenced the tragic course of events of the series.

The opinion of the audience

The series "The Cycle" reviews received pretty good. Fans of melodrama celebrate an interesting plot of the film with unexpected twists. Many liked the fact that it was thought out in detail and not trivial, as it happens in the paintings of this genre. The audience expresses their admiration for the selection of the cast. Especially a lot of flattering reviews was received by the game of Ekaterina Kuznetsova and Yegor Beroev.

The cycle

In conclusion, I would like to wish you a pleasant viewing to everyone who has not yet had time to watch the “The Cycle” series in 2017 or wants to meet with their favorite characters again.

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