The clerk of the organization refers to the technical staff. Qualification requirements for this position require the presence of primary vocational or general secondary education. To fulfill the duties, it is enough to undergo training in a special training program. The job description of the clerk does not require any work experience. The appointment and dismissal is usually made by order of the head of the organization.
To perform duties, the clerk must know the regulatory and methodological documents, local acts of the organization, as well as be familiar with the main orders and orders of the management. In addition, he needs to have knowledge of the organizational structure, specialization and profile of the enterprise, the workflow scheme, and knowledge of archiving.
The employee is obliged to be guided by the internal labor regulations, have information about the periods of storage of documents, the procedure for their execution, apply in their activities unified forms and standards of management documentation, and also know the norms and rules of labor protection. In addition, you must be able to work with computer equipment, communications, and communications, which are used in document management.
The duties of the clerk include:
- performance of workflow using the latest technologies and technical means, progressive techniques and methods for its implementation;
- reception, processing, accounting and registration of internal and incoming business correspondence. The clerk must send letters and other documents for consideration to the director or structural units, and place the executed documents in the affairs of the organization;
- reception, accounting, registration, preparation for sending and sending outgoing business correspondence to the appointed addresses, placement of control copies in the affairs of the enterprise;
- keeping records of the movement of internal, outgoing and incoming business correspondence, displaying relevant information in control registration documentation (cards, books, magazines) and documentation databases;
- the implementation of the systematization and current storage of documents, their issuance for temporary use, ensuring the safety of cases, monitoring timely return.
The job description of the clerk obliges him to carry out work on the creation and improvement of the search and reference systems that provide quick and convenient search for documents.
The clerk prepares for transfer and transfers documents and materials to the archive, draws up records of cases sent for storage. The employee must interact with colleagues in order to ensure the greatest efficiency of activities, as well as carry out various instructions and instructions of the administration.
The job description of the clerk contains information about the rights of the employee.
He has the right to appeal to the administration with proposals that are aimed at improving the workflow. The clerk makes informed decisions regarding issues related to document management activities. He can participate in protocol events where issues of his work and other aspects of the organization of document management are considered.
The job description of the secretary-clerk allows the employee to demand that the responsible executives return the previously issued documents, and if necessary, give them appropriate reminders.
The clerk is responsible for the violation of the organization of the workflow, the failure to fulfill official assignments within its competence. The job description of the clerk forbids him to divulge information constituting a commercial secret, as well as to use the powers granted for other purposes and for personal purposes.