Class of responsibility of buildings and structures

To account for structures and buildings, which are characterized by environmental, social and economic consequences of their failures, the class of building responsibility is established: increased, normal and reduced, that is, I, II and III.

building liability class


The first level (building responsibility class) is accepted as the highest, since the failure of such structures can lead to dire consequences - environmental, social or economic. The first level includes, for example, tanks for oil products and crude oil, the capacity of which is more than ten thousand cubic meters, as well as trunk pipelines. The first level includes industrial buildings, where the spans exceed one hundred meters, communication facilities with a height of more than one hundred meters. The first - increased - the class of responsibility of buildings have unique structures.

The second level is normal, it is accepted for structures and buildings of mass construction. These are residential buildings, industrial, public, agricultural facilities. The second class of building responsibility is also quite high. If an accident or failure occurs during operation, there is a threat to human life and health. The third level - lowered - implies a low class of responsibility of buildings and structures. These are auxiliary or seasonal constructions - greenhouses and hotbeds, summer pavilions, warehouses and the like.

First level

Objects that are given the first class of responsibility for buildings and structures include capital construction, where special conditions are developed in accordance with Federal Law No. 123 of 2008 and in accordance with the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation. Such buildings and structures undergo state examination, because they are the most dangerous, technically complex. The first class of buildings extends in terms of responsibility to unique capital construction projects.

Especially dangerous and technically complex are always all the facilities that are built for nuclear energy. The definition of the class of responsibility of buildings and structures of the first level also includes nuclear facilities, points where nuclear materials and radioactive substances are stored. This also includes hydraulic structures (both first and second class), which are established in accordance with the legislation on the safety of hydraulic structures.

class of responsibility of buildings


The first class of building responsibility (GOST 27751-2014) includes a long list of objects that are unique and technically complex, as well as dangerous during operation:

  1. Linear cable communication facilities.
  2. High-voltage power lines (as well as other objects with a voltage of more than 330 kilovolts).
  3. All objects of the space industry.
  4. Aviation infrastructure and airports.
  5. Railway infrastructure, subways.
  6. Sea ports (except for special ones for pleasure and sporting vessels).
  7. Power plants over 150 megawatts of capacity (thermal).

how to determine the building's liability class

Hazardous production facilities

How to determine the class of responsibility of a building or structure, if it is known that it is used to receive, use, process, store, transport or destroy hazardous substances, the amount of which exceeds the limit? This is always the first level of responsibility. This is evidenced by Federal Law No. 116 of 1997 in Appendices 1 and 2. Only gas distribution systems where natural gas (pressure up to 1.2 megapascals) or liquefied gas (pressure 1.6 megapascals) can be excluded from this list .

The first class of responsibility for buildings and structures of SNiP (building codes and rules) is assigned to facilities intended for the production of melts of non-ferrous and ferrous metals and alloys. This also includes facilities where mining or ore dressing, mines and mines are carried out. Stationary funiculars and cable cars also belong to the first class of responsibility.

Unique objects

Unique objects should contain certain characteristics in their design documentation, which are listed below. The presence of at least one item indicates that this object has the first class of responsibility of the building. SP (Code of Practice) SNiP describes these characteristics in detail.

  1. Over a hundred meters high.
  2. Over a hundred meters span.
  3. More than twenty meters console.
  4. Full or partial deepening to the ground to a floor of a lower level of more than ten meters.
  5. Structures or structural systems with non-standard calculation methods, where physical or geometric non-linear properties are taken into account, or calculation methods are developed specifically.

Special purpose objects, including military ones, as well as their complexes are considered separately. In the same way it determines the class of responsibility of buildings and structures of the Republic of Belarus (Republic of Belarus), in the other countries of the former Soviet Union, the code of rules for capital construction has been significantly changed.

class of responsibility of buildings and structures snip

Second and third levels

The responsibility class of a building of level 2 is received by objects that do not require specially developed technical conditions, but they must pass state examination. This includes all housing and infrastructure not related to the first or third levels of responsibility.

The class of the building according to the degree of responsibility is determined in accordance with the list given above. If the building does not have a nuclear reactor, as in one of the buildings of the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, it is clearly assigned to the second level of responsibility.

The third level of responsibility is assigned to the capital construction project if it does not require state expertise in accordance with the Town Planning Code.

the federal law

In 2009, the Federal Law on Technical Regulations for the Safety of Structures and Buildings was adopted with the aim of protecting the health and life of citizens, property of legal entities and individuals, as well as municipal and state property. The Federal Law also guarantees environmental protection, ensures the energy efficiency of structures and buildings, prevents actions that mislead buyers.

To compile this law, it was necessary to use the basic concepts of safety, which are established by the legislation of the Russian Federation regarding technical regulation, urban planning, fire safety.

class of responsibility of buildings and structures of the Republic of Belarus

Basic concepts

  1. Emergency lighting from autonomous sources - light on the escape route in the event of an accident, fire or other emergency situations, which is switched on manually or automatically.
  2. Accident - a man-made incident with a threat to the health and life of people in an object, territory or water area, leading to damage or destruction of structures, buildings, vehicles or equipment, damage to the environment and disruption of the transport or production process.
  3. Architectural supervision - control of the person who owns the preparation of project documentation for compliance with the requirements during the construction process.
  4. Impact - in connection with a certain phenomenon, a change in the state of the foundation of a structure or building, a change in building structures, their deformation.
  5. Life cycle - the entire period of existence: from engineering surveys, design, construction, operation, reconstruction and overhauls to demolition of a structure or building.

About protection

All objects resulting from the construction have aboveground and underground parts, premises for living, activity or production, for storing products or keeping animals, engineering and technical support. Every building or building needs a protection system. First of all, this is engineering protection - from natural phenomena and processes, dangerous industrial impacts, terrorist threats.

Secondly, mechanical safety is necessary: ​​the condition of the foundation of a structure or building, as well as building structures, should not contain a danger to the health and life of citizens, a risk to the property of a municipal, state, and belonging to legal and physical persons, as well as a danger to the environment, plants or animals. Buildings and structures should not lose stability and collapse - neither in whole nor in part.

building liability class

Safety features

The characteristic of an object indicates the level of its responsibility, that is, the determination of the amount of environmental, social and economic consequences of its failure. This can occur for various reasons, including due to fatigue phenomena in the material, when the physical and mechanical properties change after prolonged deformations and stresses.

The safety characteristic of construction sites is a qualitative and quantitative indicators of the properties of the base, structures and materials of which they consist, networks and systems of engineering and technical support. Compliance with the rules for the construction and operation of structures and buildings ensures safety for the health and life of citizens.


The minimum necessary requirements listed in this federal law applicable to all structures and buildings, their engineering and technical networks and systems, to design processes and surveys, to construction, installation, commissioning, operation and demolition (disposal) are as follows.

The requirement of mechanical and fire safety, safety during industrial or natural hazardous influences. Requirement of conditions that will be safe for human health during the residence, stay or use of these buildings or structures. Must be accessible for people with disabilities and people with disabilities. Of the basic requirements - energy efficiency and environmental impact safety.

Mechanical safety

The foundation of a building or structure, as well as building structures, must be stable and durable so that during construction or operation there is no threat to the health or life of people and damage to their property, environment, animals and plants. And such a danger arises in the destruction of individual building structures (bearing) or their parts, in the destruction of the entire structure or building, with the deformation of the geological massif in the adjacent territory.

A part of a building or structure, network or engineering and technical support system may be damaged due to displacements, deformation or loss of stability of building load-bearing structures, due to deviation from verticality. The class of responsibility of buildings and structures is always determined by the level of consequences - possible social losses, material losses that are associated with the loss of integrity of the object.

class of building by degree of responsibility

Risk factors

Social losses in the event of failure include risk factors such as danger to human health and life, a sharp deterioration in the surrounding area of ​​the environmental situation. For example, if storage facilities for toxic substances or gases are destroyed, treatment facilities of enterprises fail, such consequences will bring social losses.

With the loss of cultural and historical monuments, as well as other spiritual values, with the termination of the operation of networks and communication systems, transport, electricity, a situation is created that threatens the safety of society and is also fraught with social losses. The main requirements for liability of structures and buildings are the conditions under which the risk of the impossibility of organizing the provision of assistance to people injured during an accident or natural disaster is excluded, as well as the threat to the defense capability of the Russian Federation is excluded.

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