Ben Stiller: biography and filmography of a Hollywood actor. Best Movies with Ben Stiller

Popular American actor Ben Stiller (full name Benjamin Edward Stiller) was born November 30, 1965 in New York. Ben's parents, father Jerry Stiller and mother Annie Mira, are artists of the comic genre, and although the profession is not inherited, the boy was doomed to love theater, pop and film art. Ben grew up in an atmosphere of improvisation, short performances in the living room, spontaneous scenes and constantly sounding music.

ben stiller
Los Angeles or New York

Therefore, it was not surprising that the eighteen-year-old Stiller, with the blessing of his parents, left for Los Angeles and entered the University of California at the Department of Film Production, hoping to get an education and devote his life to cinema. However, the reality turned out to be completely different, directly opposite to Ben's dreamy moods. There was no romance; classes were held in a strict and boring atmosphere. After 10 months, Ben Stiller left the university and returned to New York. The next day, the young man signed up for the regular courses of actors and began enthusiastically studying the difficult craft of a theater artist.

A television

ben stiller filmography

In 1985, Stiller was spotted by agents at a New York film studio when he played a small role in the theater production of The Blue Leaf House, based on a play by John Guare. He was invited to audition, and since then actor Ben Stiller has become an integral part of American cinema. His roles were mostly episodic, but he immediately set about staging short films, thereby realizing his creative potential. His fantasy was limitless, the films were interesting, at a fairly professional level. One of Stiller’s works even acquired the NBC television channel for his television show. In a 10-minute film, Ben created a real parody of Martin Scorsese’s famous film, The Color of Money. Stiller himself played Tom Cruise, and for the role of Paul Newman, he called one of his friends. After showing the short film on television on the show “Saturday Night” live Ben Stiller suddenly became a star. Showered invitations to participate in film projects.

movies with ben stiller

Film debut

On the big screen, Ben Stiller first appeared in 1987 in Steven Spielberg's film “Empire of the Sun”, where he played Dynty, a character in a small episodic action. The debut was successful, but there were no invitations to more significant roles. And then Ben turned his attention to television. After some preparation, he was entrusted with participating in the television show "Saturday Night Live." Work on television projects went well, but Ben wanted more independence, and he began to prepare his own program. In order to earn a living, Stiller starred in episodic film roles, and devoted the rest of his time to working on his television project. In 1992, the program was ready and began to air regularly under the name "Ben Stiller Show". After some time, Ben expanded the format of the show, which became longer. In order to develop the program, he invited professional comedians Andy Dick and Janine Jarofalo. The three of us worked for one year, and then the show closed.

Director Stiller

actor ben stiller

In 1994, Stiller returned to work in the cinema and directed the melodramatic comedy "Reality Bites." The picture was not commercially successful: with 11 million of the budget, it collected a cash register of 33 million, which, by the standards of Hollywood, is more than a modest indicator. However, the success of the film was obvious in terms of plot decisions and the production process. Since the picture was considered successful and was the directorial debut of Stiller, he could hope for his further fruitful advancement in the field of film production. And the films with Ben Stiller promised to be successful. In 1996, the actor made another film, it was a black comedy "The Cable Guy" starring Jim Carrey in the title role. And again, the commercial success of the project was very modest: with a budget of 50 million, box office revenues amounted to just over $ 100 million. Ben was somewhat disappointed in his directorial abilities and decided not to bet on this segment of cinema anymore.

Comedy Stiller

In 1998, Ben Stiller starred in the romantic comedy Something About Mary. The film raised 360 million dollars with a budget of 23 million. It was a kind of commercial sensation, and since Ben played the role of Ted, the main character, the success of the painting was attributed to him by critics. Of course, the heroine, the beautiful Mary, who was brilliantly played by the first-magnitude Hollywood star Cameron Diaz, also contributed. After the rental of the film, Ben Stiller had no end to offers for the main roles. Comedies with Ben Stiller had an important advantage, they provided high box office. Ben became a sought-after comedian, a year came out two or three films with his participation. The most notable paintings are “Meet the Parents” directed by Jay Roach, with Robert de Niro in the first leading role, Ben Stiller played the second leading role - Greg.

comedies with ben stiller

Ben Stiller and Robert De Niro

In 2001, Ben Stiller again sat in the director's chair and directed the film “Model Male,” which was moderately successful only because Stiller himself played the main role. He still didn’t make film productions. But as an actor, Ben could ensure the success of any picture in a comedy format. Ben Stiller's new film, warmly received by the public, is Meet the Fockers, in which Stiller played the already famous Greg, but in a different situation. The film was attended by Hollywood stars of the first magnitude: Barbra Streisand, Dustin Hoffman, Terry Polo, and of course, Robert de Niro. Films with the participation of Ben Stiller, subject to a stellar partnership, were thus doomed to success.

Golden Raspberry

In the same year, another film was released with Ben Stiller in the title role - "And Here's Polly," directed by John Hamburg. The picture was also a success, as the starry Jennifer Aniston added charm to her. Stiller himself played Ruben Feffer. Despite the fact that films with Ben Stiller beat box office records , the actor himself is deservedly considered the best collector of Golden Raspberries in the history of Hollywood. He is the only actor who in 2005 alone won 5 Golden Raspberry Awards, which is awarded in the Worst Role nomination. Such a paradoxical phenomenon in American cinema.

new ben stiller movie


Ben Stiller, whose filmography, starting in 2006, has been replenished with 25 more films, expects to eventually receive not only Golden Raspberry, but at least one Oscar as a prize.

Filmography for the period from 2006 to the present:

  • Year 2006 - "Night at the Museum", directed by Sean Levy: Ben Stiller - the main role. School of the Wretches, directed by Todd Philips: Ben Stiller - Lonnie.
  • Year 2007 - "Girl of My Nightmares", directed by Peter Farrelli: Ben Stiller - the main role.
  • Year 2008 - "Soldiers of Failure", directed by Ben Stiller, starring.
  • Year 2009 - "Night at the Museum-2", directed by Sean Levy: Ben Stiller - the main role. Meet Mark, directed by Ted Louis: Ben Stiller - John Grible.
  • Year 2010 - Greenberg, directed by Noah Baumbach: Ben Stiller - Greenberg. Meet The Fockers 2, directed by Paul Weitz: Ben Stiller - Greg.
  • Year 2011 - "How to Steal a Skyscraper", directed by Brett Ratner: Ben Stiller - the main role.
  • Year 2012 - "Militants", director Akiva Schaeffer: Ben Stiller - the main role. "Slow Development," directed by Troy Miller: Ben Stiller - Tony Wonder.
  • Year 2013 - "The Incredible Life of Walter Mitty", directed by Ben Stiller, starring.
  • Year 2014 - "Night at the Museum-3", directed by Sean Levy: Ben Stiller - the main role.

Ben Stiller, whose filmography currently contains 64 films, hopes to bring his work to 100 films.

Personal life

movies featuring ben stiller

The personal life of Ben Stiller in his young years was quite hectic. He met exclusively with Hollywood movie actresses, among his girlfriends Genie Tripplehorn, Janine Garofalo, Amanda Peet, Calista Flockhart. In the spring of 2000, Ben stopped at the actress Christine Taylor, whom he also met on the set. Later, they starred together in the films Bouncers and Model Male. A married couple lives happily and, unlike most of the inhabitants of Malibu and Beverly Hills, does not think about divorce. They have a daughter, the charming Ella Olivia, who recently turned 12, and the son of Quinley Dempsey, who was born in July 2005. Young children are often present on the set when their dad is removed in the next comedy role. And that means that Ben Stiller no longer stares at young actresses.

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