Exercises with a small ball - fitness at home. A set of exercises with a gymnastic ball

Exercises with a small ball are relevant in our time. Since not everyone can afford a large fitball, a miniature gymnastic apparatus for practicing at home will be just right. It fits perfectly even in the smallest apartment, moreover, it has an acceptable cost. Thanks to a set of exercises with it, you can lose weight and work out various muscle groups. Thus, just one small shell can replace an entire gym.

exercises with gymnastic ball

Benefits of classes

In Pilates and fitness, exercises with a small ball are actively used. It is a universal simulator, thanks to which the main muscle groups and deep fibers are involved in the training process. Exercise for losing weight with a small ball allows you to develop flexibility and improve coordination of movements. Since the ball needs to be balanced, these skills will come pretty quickly. A small projectile requires a lot of effort and energy, therefore, when practicing with it, calories will be burned in large volumes.

Training Features

Exercises with a small ball should be performed smoothly and without sudden movements. At the beginning of the training, it is recommended to engage in dynamics, and towards the end - in statics. So that the projectile does not slip on the surface of the floor, it is better to train with it on a special mat designed for fitness.

During the work it is necessary to pay special attention to breathing. On the power unit, you must definitely exhale through the mouth, and on returning to its original position and relaxing, inhale through the nose.

Each exercise should be performed in 3 sets. They should be no more than 25 repetitions.

sasaki ball for gymnastics

Effective exercises

Finally, it's time to consider the practical part of the training. Below are the exercises with a small ball for children and adults, which can easily be done at home. For classes, you will need to find comfortable clothes and shoes, stock up with plenty of water and remove all jewelry. It is better to conduct training on the mat, so that at the end there are no bruises and abrasions from a hard surface.

Exercises with a small ball can be aimed at working out various muscle groups. Together they make up a universal complex that involves the whole body in work. Only 6 fitness exercises will help develop endurance, lose weight and strengthen muscles:

  1. Inner thigh and abs. Starting position - lying on your back with legs raised, bent at right angles. Between the knees you need to place a ball. After exhaling, you should simultaneously tighten the abdominal muscles, squeeze the projectile with your legs as much as possible and hold in this position for 3 seconds, then relax and repeat 15 more times. At first it will be difficult, so only one approach is enough for beginners, but over time, their total number needs to be increased to three.
  2. Press. Here you will have to balance on the ball and maximize the use of the abdominal muscles. The starting position will be as follows: lying with the base of the shoulder blades on the projectile, hands behind the head, and legs bent at an angle of 45 degrees and stand on the floor. The first thing you need to do is take a deep breath, and then exhale and at the same time make twisting, straining the press. In total, 25 such uplifts should be performed in 2-3 approaches.
  3. Stretching the muscles of the chest. It will be a simple stretching for adults and children. It relaxes muscles perfectly and is especially important for those who spend all day on sedentary work. To do this, you will need to take the starting position of the previous exercise, and then spread the knees as far apart as possible, connecting the feet together. Then you should bend your back so that your hands touch the surface of the floor. In this position, you need to hold out for 5-8 seconds, then relax and repeat another 3-4 times.
  4. Press, inner thigh and buttocks. First you need to go to the position of the bridge for the buttocks: lie on your back, stretch your arms along the body and put your palms down, bend your legs and raise the pelvis so that the body forms a straight line. Between the knees should hold the ball. At a fast pace, the projectile needs to be compressed for 30 seconds. In total, at least 3 repetitions are recommended.
  5. Buttocks. The starting position is similar to the previous one, but here the ball should be located under the feet. On exhalation, you need to rest your heels against the projectile and raise the pelvis up without bending your back. After taking a breath, you should go down, but not touch the buttocks of the floor, but holding them at a distance of a couple of centimeters from its surface. This exercise must be completed in 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.
  6. Waist and thigh muscles. This exercise will take longer than the previous ones, since here you will need to work out each side separately. The first step is to lie on your side, straighten your legs, bend your lower arm and support your head with it, and place your upper arm in front of you and rest on the floor. The ball must be clamped with ankles. At the same time, tensing the muscles of the press, you should raise your legs together as high as possible and compress the projectile at an intense pace for 30 seconds. After that you should relax, having rested for 5-10 seconds, roll over on the other side and repeat the same actions. For each side, 3 approaches will be required.
ball sizes

These are the exercises with a gymnastic ball that must be performed every day in order to get a chic figure and improve overall health. This complex is the most effective, therefore, it is not worth doubting the soon achievement of results.

Balls for gymnastics

For home fitness, people often choose these gymnastic apparatuses. They are of high quality, good density and efficiency. The sizes of the balls are selected individually for each person, so that it is more convenient to work with them. Such "simulators" allow you to quickly achieve the desired result, but for this they must be correctly selected.

ball for children

Selection rules

Ball sizes play the most important role. First of all, you need to check that the shell fits in the palm of your hand. If you manage to hold it tight with just one hand, then the size is suitable. In addition, it is important that its diameter is age appropriate:

  • 15 cm - 3-7 years;
  • 17 cm - 8-10 years;
  • 18.5 cm - from 10 years old.

In the background is the design of the shell. Professional gymnasts choose it so that it matches with a suit for performances, but for home fitness this does not matter at all. The color can be selected to your taste.

exercises with a small ball for children

Where can one buy

Often, people who decide to perform exercises with the gymnastic ball do not know where to buy it. In fact, everything is simple here - it is sold in specialized sporting goods stores, as well as on the Internet. The best option is, of course, to buy in a real place, because you can immediately feel it and choose the right size.


The ball "Sasaki" for rhythmic gymnastics is actively used by young athletes. Not so long ago, they began to purchase it for home training, which turned out to be a very profitable option. It is made of the highest quality rubber, pleasant to the touch. This apparatus is incredibly smooth and easy to use, as it is intended for professional gymnastics.

The main advantage of the projectile is the fact that it has a coating that creates the impression of stickiness. Due to this, it is more convenient to keep it in the training process.

The high-quality ball "Sasaki" for rhythmic gymnastics is liked by girls engaged in fitness at home, for their convenient size and sufficient efficiency. As they themselves claim, having acquired such a shell, throughout their life they will not want to do anything else.

sasaki ball for rhythmic gymnastics


Another good children's ball, which is suitable for adults. It is a great option for home workouts. Such a shell weighs only 400 grams.

The main advantages of the "simulator" should include its maneuverability, lightness, efficiency and ease of use. Buyers claim that its quality is fully consistent with the cost, but they failed to find the best shell.


Both an adult and a children's ball require proper care. So that its surface does not deteriorate and it is possible to use the projectile for several years, several key points should be learned:

  • it is better to store the shell in a case and at low temperature;
  • Do not decorate it with tape, as this will worsen the surface condition;
  • you do not need to wash the ball with soap, because because of this, scratches can remain on it and light stickiness will go away.
small ball weight loss exercises

Only three simple tips will help keep the “simulator” intact for a long time. Due to their observance, you can not spend money on other shells, but put your body in order with just one ball.

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