Uzbekistan Consulate in Moscow: address, authority, consular assistance

The Consulate of Uzbekistan in Moscow, like other state bodies of foreign relations, has certain tasks and powers. The article describes in detail what the main functions of this institution are and what its structure is.

Authorities: consulate and embassy

One of the important state bodies regulating various foreign policy issues is the state embassy. But questions and problems that arise with individuals and legal entities are resolved at the country's consulate. The difference between the two institutions is that: firstly, embassies solve world-class political issues when, as consulates, they are called upon to help their fellow citizens in case of various difficulties in a foreign country; secondly, in the territory of one state, namely in the capital, there can be only one establishment of the embassy, ​​while consulates function throughout the country, in each region. The Consulate of Uzbekistan in Moscow is not the only one, another center for helping fellow citizens has been opened in the academic city of Novosibirsk.

Consulate of Uzbekistan in Moscow

Location of the embassy and consulates

The official diplomatic representative of the authorities of the Republic of Uzbekistan is located in the Yakimanka area, in the Second Cossack Lane. Pogorelsky Lane is the very center of the Russian capital, and it is along it that the three main state buildings of Uzbekistan lie: it is the main embassy of the country, the consulate and the guest house of the embassy. Recently, a small square between the streets of Bolshaya Polyanka and 1st Kazachy lane was renamed in honor of the deceased leader of the Republic of Uzbekistan. President Karimov was the first non-replaceable head of state for almost 25 years, thanks to his merits, this country has reached a new level of economy.

Uzbekistan President Karimov

Many immigrants from Uzbekistan, having arrived in Russia, settle here and decide to stay forever. When questions arise regarding the change of citizenship from Uzbek to Russian, the consulate of Uzbekistan comes to the rescue. In Moscow, the address of the embassy and consulate is the same: both buildings are located on Pogorelsky Lane, opposite each other.

Another consular department is located in the academic campus of Russia, Novosibirsk, on the street. Lomonosov. Citizens of Uzbekistan located on the territory of the Russian Federation come to the consulates to resolve issues related to the processing of various documents, visas and permits.

Uzbekistan Consulate in Moscow: authority and structure

The consulate is a government body that partially regulates the external relations of a state and is located on the territory of another state with the permission of the latter. Consulates are endowed with certain powers and have a number of tasks aimed at improving the quality of international relations, as well as helping and supporting their fellow citizens.

Consulate of Uzbekistan in Moscow address

The rights and privileges that the consular service of the Republic of Uzbekistan has are strictly regulated in agreements between both countries: Russia and the Uzbek Republic. Here are the main points of immunity that this institution has:

  • the right to use the coat of arms and flag of one’s state;
  • tax exemption for premises;
  • inviolability of archival documents;
  • freedom of relations between the consulate and any other country, including Uzbekistan itself.

It is important to understand that consular officers do not have special privileges, and the head of the consular department, which is often called the consul general, is not the highest authority. Special diplomatic powers are vested only in the ambassador and his close associates.

Main functions

The former head of the Republic of Uzbekistan, President Karimov, in 2010, made a special agreement with President of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev, which is currently the main document that sets clear boundaries for the consulate and embassy. So what are the main tasks of this institution?

Firstly, it is the protection of the interests of their state and the promotion of the development of friendly international relations in terms of economy, trade, science and culture. The second function performed by the Uzbek consulate in Moscow is to service and consult individuals and legal entities on a variety of issues, from obtaining visas and permits to obtaining a passport or assistance with changing citizenship to another.

Consular assistance

Every citizen of Uzbekistan has the right to take advantage of the free consultation provided by the consular service. The Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Russian Federation sets itself the main task of helping and supporting its fellow citizens in any problem.

Due to the fact that in Russia there are only two consular departments, many Uzbeks have to come to the capital to solve various problems. The most popular reasons for applying for help at the consular department are restoring a lost passport, obtaining a certificate for returning to one’s historical homeland, issuing travel permits to countries requiring visas, enrolling children in a passport, and, of course, assistance in obtaining an exit from citizenship Of Uzbekistan.

Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Russian Federation

As in any other consular department, a system of special payments works here: when drawing up documents, permits or certificates, it will be necessary to pay a certain tax, depending on which document you need to receive. So, for example, for exiting Uzbek citizenship at the box office they demand to pay a tax of exactly $ 100, and if there are no dollar bills with you, this is not a problem. Right in the next window, you can exchange rubles for American currency at the rate set by the consulate or embassy staff.

consular service of the republic of Uzbekistan

What does the embassy look like from the inside?

The embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in comparison with others, occupies a vast territory and is considered one of the most beautiful. It looks very fashionable, decorated with the corresponding attributes: flags are hung around the perimeter and a huge coat of arms is installed on the main gate of the building.

At the entrance to the embassy, ​​a view of the courtyard opens, in which, in addition to the main room, there are also a toilet and small items where people can print documents or make copies of them. There are 8 windows in the main room, each of which is engaged in certain tasks. Usually there are a lot of people who are waiting in line, sitting on comfortable benches. According to official figures, the average visit time at the embassy is approximately 20 minutes.

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