Winter months associated with wildlife: old names

Winter is the most magical time of the year, eagerly awaited by adults and children. The whiteness of freshly fallen snow and the purity of frosty air after prolonged dank slush are especially pleasing. For a long time the winter months have been filled with the soul of man. The names associated with wildlife were given to people by the enchanted time of the year - prosinets, jelly, lute.


In this mysterious time, when nature falls asleep, favorite childhood holidays are celebrated - the fabulous Christmas and New Year. Sleeping nature inspired the creation of masterpieces of many representatives of creativity. The embodiment of serenity and peace are paintings on which there is nature, written in the winter months. Events in winter related to wildlife are often mentioned by word masters in their works. In the olden days, the months bore the names associated with changes in nature. People watched the phenomena of the world, reflecting their assessment in oral speech. The most accurate and precise expressions were transmitted to each other. And so they began to distinguish between the summer and winter months. The names associated with wildlife phenomena more accurately reflected the logical connection, which means they were better remembered. Names in Russia are still preserved in other Slavic languages.

winter months related to wildlife

Natural phenomena in winter

Winter is considered the harshest time of the year in the northern countries. The rest period of the living world of nature is accompanied by a change in weather conditions. Winter is characterized by persistent cold weather and an abundance of rainfall that falls in the form of snow. Long night, lack of wind, low clouds - nature seems to freeze. In Slavic culture, events observed over a certain period of time often played a decisive role in the name of the time of year or month.

The most bewitching winter sight is the snowfall: slowly dancing snowflakes languidly descend to the frozen ground. This amazingly beautiful phenomenon has its own important function. Snow deposits and snowdrifts perfectly retain heat, providing the desired temperature in the soil area. The abundance of frozen precipitation will provide the earth with moisture in the spring. There are true winter phenomena with the presence of snow - a blizzard, a blowing snow, a storm, a blizzard. The ancient names of the winter months often reflect the weather of this time of year.


This month calendar winter begins. This is not to say that it is in the last month of the year that winter weather will come - it happens that you can’t wait for snow before Christmas. However, December is a time of magical transformation of nature. A rare bird will give a voice. The day is getting shorter, rivers and lakes are covered with ice, the air is becoming frosty, fields and roads are covered with hardened piles of earth. A cold covers the world. Studenets, breastmilk, ice-making - the ancient names of the winter months accurately convey the state of the surrounding world. Even the Slavs called December - cold, cold, lutove.

vintage names of winter months


After the Christmas holidays you can see the real magic of winter. More and more sunny days come, the world is filled with light, frost is growing stronger, the wind is dying down. At this time, the plants rest and wait for awakening. The Slavs believed that the winter month of January was the beginning of a revival of nature - the sky was pouring blue, the sun was increasingly appearing. This is the time of pure stars, white fields, blue ice. Prosinets is one of his names. About January, the people said a crackler, a fireman, a snowman. Hearing - snow, ice, jelly, winter, you will immediately understand what month is involved.

winter month january


The third winter month is the time when the approach of spring is increasingly felt. The section cuts through the winter, everything around froze in anticipation of warmth. This is the shortest calendar period: in ordinary years it takes 28 days, and in leap years - 29. The weather is unstable - the wind intensifies, often changing direction. There is a struggle of two seasons - during the thaw day, at night in a cold. Zimbor month - a time of surprises and weather changes. In February, the usual natural phenomena - snow, blizzard and frost, were called his windmill, snowman. This month was considered the time of fierce wolf weddings, therefore it was called the lute. At this time, they began to bring into the yard animals that yearned for no sun, so the name of bokogrey is understandable. Frequent snowstorms swept snow all around. The ancient names of steep, curved roads, low water clearly convey the picture of the world at the end of winter.

names of winter months

Since ancient times, the winter months have fascinated with its solemn beauty. For a long time, people have been trying to remember related to the phenomena of wildlife. The future harvest, hunting and animal husbandry conditions depended on natural phenomena. It was important to remember seasonal, regularly recurring events in order to prepare for the upcoming changes in nature. The expressive names of the winter months accurately conveying the essence of weather events helped the peasants to pass on their knowledge to future generations.

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