Exercises for nasolabial folds: a description of the methods, technique, the use of improvised materials, photos, reviews

Any person who has crossed the 25-year age limit begins to age the skin. This process is most noticeable on the face, in particular, with the appearance of folds in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle. The resulting longitudinal wrinkles are a clear sign of skin aging. Initially, these are barely noticeable thin lines extending from the wings of the nose and ending in the corners of the lips. But over the years, such wrinkles become deep and pronounced. Seeing them on the face is not very pleasant, because such folds visually add age to us. Because of them, a person looks much older than his age.

girl smiles

Nevertheless, do not despair. Such wrinkles can and should be fought. And special exercises for the face from nasolabial folds, which are called Facebook building, will help in this.

Causes of the problem

Nasolabial folds are nothing more than facial wrinkles that look like two furrows that run from the lips to the nose. Without the necessary skin care, a similar problem can arise even in a fairly young person. That is why everyone should already think in advance about taking preventive measures.

woman smokes

Indeed, in addition to the natural aging process of aging of our skin, the appearance of nasolabial wrinkles can be promoted by:

  1. Bad habits. A person who smokes and abuses alcohol has an early withering of his face.
  2. Violation of the drinking regime. When drinking a large amount of fluid at bedtime, the epidermis stretches in the face. The consequence of this process is the appearance of wrinkles.
  3. Excessive passion for diets. This cause of grooves on the face is the most common. In the case when a person dramatically loses weight, his skin sags. This adds him extra years, even at a young age.
  4. Passion for cosmetics. With daily application of low-quality therapeutic or decorative means to the face, the skin integuments experience an extra load. Under such conditions, nasolabial folds and facial wrinkles appear in humans quite quickly.
  5. Ecology. People living in contaminated areas will notice nasolabial folds much earlier. After all, poor ecology has a negative impact not only on our health. It provokes early skin aging.
  6. Active facial expressions. This reason is considered one of the main, provoking the occurrence of nasolabial folds. Habits often wrinkle your nose, as well as smile broadly and actively laugh can be classified as harmful. That is why, so that the face remains young longer, it is advisable to get rid of them.
  7. Stress. This factor also affects the appearance of nasolabial folds. With its regular exposure, the body is in constant tension.
  8. Improper nutrition. An unbalanced menu can also increase the risk of expression lines. The formation of nasolabial folds is provoked by salty, fried and fatty foods used by humans in large quantities.

Anyone who wants to look young for as long as possible should avoid the occurrence of the factors listed above. In addition, experts recommend that both women and men do facial exercises from nasolabial folds. What are they like? Consider the technique for performing various exercises for nasolabial folds in more detail.

Rules for

Judging by the reviews of exercises from the nasolabial folds, they can be quite effectively applied even at home.

young girl

However, before starting the classes, you will need to take into account some important rules:

  1. Before doing the exercises, you need to thoroughly wash your hands and face.
  2. In the process of doing exercises, it is recommended to keep your back straight. A person must either sit or stand.
  3. Classes should be carried out while in front of a mirror. Such tactics will avoid the development of additional skin creases.
  4. After completing each exercise, the muscles of the face should be relaxed. To do this, it is recommended to lightly pat on it with your fingertips.
  5. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the exercises performed, you should take a picture of yourself every week.
  6. Do not conduct classes if there are contraindications. So, the exercise is prohibited in the presence of viral skin pathologies, inflammatory processes of the facial nerve, active rosacea, an allergic reaction and the appearance of pustules.

Classical gymnastics

Judging by the reviews, exercises against nasolabial folds are effective not only from wrinkles already on the face, but also to prevent their occurrence. Carrying out special gymnastics will strengthen the necessary muscles. This will allow wrinkles to be smoothed out, and the face to take more taut contours.

Consider the most popular exercises for nasolabial folds and the technique for their implementation:

  1. Inflate strongly, and then sharply blow off the cheeks. Such manipulations are recommended to be repeated more than a dozen times.
  2. Stretch your lips forward, folding them into a tube. Keeping this position, stay in it for a few seconds. After the muscle you can relax. This exercise should be repeated 10 to 15 times.
  3. Put index fingers on the points in the corners of the lips, pulling them in different directions. The distance should not exceed 0.5 cm. After that, the lips are returned back. Such manipulations are recommended to be repeated up to 40 times.
  4. Fold lips with a tube, stretching them forward as much as possible. In this case, vowels β€œo” and β€œy” must be pronounced alternately. Repeat exercise 20 times.
  5. Pull the lower jaw forward with force. When the lips are compressed, muscle tension should be felt. These movements are recommended to be performed several tens of times.
  6. Inhale through the nose. In this case, the lips must be pulled forward and left in a relaxed state. Through them, air should be released rather slowly.
  7. Take a breath, tightening your lips. After this, air should be rolled from the left cheek to the right and vice versa.
  8. Take a deep breath and puff out your cheeks. First hold your breath, and then exhale the air in small portions, pushing it out with the application of some effort.
  9. Take the cheekbones with two fingers. Gradually stretch your lips in a smile, and then stay in that position for five seconds. Repeat the exercise should be 10 times.
  10. Tighten lips and insert a spoon into them. Then gradually raise it and try to smile. Maintain this position for several seconds. Repeat such manipulations 10 times.
  11. Place your palms on your cheeks, placing your little fingers on the nasolabial folds. Within 1 minute, the hands should be moved in the direction of the forehead, pressing slightly on the skin.

Such exercises from nasolabial folds (photo of the technique with rolling air behind the cheeks, see below) are quite simple. But at the same time, judging by numerous reviews, they are very effective.

exercise with rolling air behind the cheeks

Bottle use

Exercises for nasolabial folds can be performed using improvised materials. One of them can be a regular plastic bottle with a capacity of 0.5 liters. The third part of this container should be filled with water. How to perform exercises from the nasolabial folds with a bottle?

To do this, it should be put on the table and try to raise your lips. Teeth are not allowed to be used. Raising the bottle, hold it for 20 seconds. To get a quick effect, the number of repetitions should be as high as possible.

When performing the following exercise for nasolabial folds with a bottle, take an empty container. Moreover, its volume can be any. However, a two-liter container is considered an ideal option. What is the technique for doing this exercise to tighten the nasolabial folds? Immediately you should completely empty the lungs from the air, making a deep exhale. Then, grabbing the neck of the bottle with your lips, take the deepest breath. The capacity will begin to shrink. Stay in this position for 5 to 10 seconds. Only after that it will be possible to exhale. Repeated manipulations are recommended until the lips are tired.

Judging by the reviews, an exercise with a bottle from the nasolabial folds will be much more effective if you simultaneously massage the nasolabial folds from the inside with your tongue.

Kremlin gymnastics

Another quite effective exercise was developed for the nasolabial folds of the face and raising its contours. They are called Kremlin gymnastics. Such exercises should be carried out by setting a mirror in front of you, which will allow you to control movements.

The following is a list of these fairly effective exercises for the cheeks and nasolabial folds:

  1. We open our mouths wide. We pronounce vowels in any order. All sounds must be pronounced clearly enough.
  2. In preparation for the next exercise, pick up a pencil. It should be squeezed between the teeth. Next, we extend the chin and draw circles in the air and the number β€œ8” 10 times.
  3. We open our mouth, making it in the shape of the letter β€œO”, lifting the upper lip and pressing it to the teeth as much as possible.
  4. Having placed the index fingers on the wings of the nose, we press them well. After that, five times they should perform movements up and down to a distance of 1 cm. It should be borne in mind that fingers can not touch the lips and eyelids.

After completing the above manipulations, you need to relax a bit. Further, all exercises are repeated in 5 sets.

girl put her palms on her forehead

As you can see, the Kremlin gymnastics is performed quite easily. If you do her exercises regularly, then soon it will be possible to get a noticeable positive effect.

Yoga designed by Lourdes Doplito

Such face-building (exercises for nasolabial folds) will not only eliminate wrinkles in the middle area of ​​the face, but also strengthen the muscles located in the neck. Performing yoga classes from Lourdes Doplito is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. We take the upper lip, pinching it between the thumb and forefinger. Next, we pull it down by 0.5 cm. The thumb when performing such a manipulation should be located inside the mouth.
  2. Inhale deeply the air. Eyes should be open. Next you need to smile, avoiding the appearance of wrinkles on the face.
  3. Hold your breath for a few seconds.
  4. Breathe out the air slowly, and then inhale and hold your breath.
  5. We slowly exhale again. We wait a couple of seconds and repeat all the exercises 3 times.

Gym Carol Maggio

These are quite effective exercises for nasolabial folds. With their help, you can eliminate some defects on the face and rejuvenate. And this is confirmed by numerous reviews with photos of people before and after such courses.

photo before and after the gymnastics course

Gymnastics Carol Maggio includes the following exercises:

  1. Accepted sitting position, in which the back must be kept straight.
  2. Two points are drawn in the middle of the lower and upper lips. They should be pulled back to an oval shape. The lips should be pressed to the teeth, but without the appearance of wrinkles near them.
  3. Then we relax and mentally imagine how the energy is directed from the corners of the mouth towards the nose. The index fingers should move along the same line. When they move downward, they should imagine energy going there.

Such manipulations must be repeated until a burning sensation appears in the nasolabial folds. After completing the exercises, it is recommended that you easily tap these zones 30 times with your fingers and exhale slowly through your mouth.


Using this method, you can get a fairly fast and good result. How is acupressure performed? Previously, you need to sit in front of the mirror, taking a standing or sitting position. The back must be flat. The mouth should be opened until an oval is obtained. Lips pressed to the teeth. Next, visually drawn lines that should start from the nasolabial folds and go up and to the sides along the cheeks.

woman performs exercises for the face

In this direction, the middle fingers should be moved, pressing them on the skin. The effort should be such that pain appears. The application of this method strengthens not only the skin of the face, but also its muscles. Perform a massage several times in a row. The procedure is carried out 5 times during the week. Judging by the reviews, its regular execution allows you to quickly reduce nasolabial folds, getting the desired effect.

Gym by Greer Childers

This technique involves performing massage on the active points of the face. All the exercises included in it are done, holding your breath for 8-10 seconds, applying from 8 to 10 approaches.

First take a deep breath. Then press on the points located in the corners of the mouth. In this case, the fingers are moved closer to the nose by 1 cm. Next, they press on the points on the wings of the nose. They are moved to areas located on the sides of the nose. Such manipulations can eliminate nasolabial wrinkles.

Shiatsu massage

This Japanese method allows you to restore youthfulness and eliminate nasolabial folds. It is performed as follows:

  1. Two fingers press on the points located in the corners of the mouth. In this position should remain for a couple of seconds
  2. Moving from the center of the lips to the sides, press them for half a minute.
  3. Press the nasolabial folds several times.
  4. At the end of the procedure, apply a moisturizer to the face.

And the most important thing is the regularity of the exercises.

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