Tea tree oil for the face: application (reviews)

Tea tree oil for the face, the use of which is possible for various skin problems, gives simply amazing results in the care of dermis: brightens, disinfects, relieves inflammation, smoothes wrinkles. It can be used as an independent tool or as part of creams, lotions, shampoos and masks.

About product composition

Tea tree oil for the face, the use of which is quite in demand among the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, contains in its composition such valuable substances:

  • monoterous
  • cineol
  • terpineols,
  • diterpenes
  • sabinen
  • limonene
  • pinen
  • allyl hexanoate,
  • sesquiterpenic
  • viridifloren.

Such a complex of valuable chemical compounds gives the oil unique healing properties, appreciated by cosmetologists.

Oil properties

How to use tea tree oil for the face? The use of this product is performed externally. Internal use of oil, which is a strong concentrated antiseptic, is unacceptable. Otherwise, a burn may occur.

Tea tree oil - an effective tool that can:

  • neutralize the poison that insects inject when they bite;
  • help in the fight against viral infections of the dermis (warts, herpes and papillomas);
  • eliminate fungal pathologies of the skin and nail plates.

Essential oil strengthens hair and eliminates dandruff. It is used for douching with gynecological diseases. For the treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases, colds and rhinitis, the drug is added to the inhaler. The product is used for gum disease, for rinsing the mouth. With joint inflammation, compresses with tea tree oil are applied to the sore spot.

In cosmetology, such a tool has been successfully used to combat acne and wrinkles. A unique natural preparation narrows the pores and eliminates the inflammatory process, reduces the degree of oily skin, whitens, improves skin elasticity, treats dermatitis, eczema, furunculosis, lichen and other skin diseases. It cleanses the dermis well, accelerates tissue regeneration processes, rejuvenates the skin with tea tree oil. The use for the face and hair of this product is very popular in home cosmetology.

tea tree oil for face application

The main properties of the drug are:

  • antiseptic;
  • healing;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • cleansing;
  • soothing;
  • antiviral
  • antifungal.

Thanks to these characteristics, the natural product is used in many areas of life, including in the care of delicate facial skin.

Rules for using the product

Tea tree oil for the face, the use of which is due to many problems of the dermis, is suitable for any type of skin. The product in its pure form is applied only pointwise - on acne, wounds and other damaged places. In other cases, the drug is used in diluted form. A few drops are added to the care products.

tea tree oil

When using a natural product, there are several basic rules:

  • Do not apply oil in its pure form to large areas of the skin, as the product can cause burns or severe irritation. The undiluted product is used only pointwise, directly at the locations of blackheads, cracks and wounds.
  • Essential oil cannot be heated to high temperatures: it loses valuable properties under the influence of heat.
  • Masks with tea tree oil are applied to previously cleansed and steamed face skin.
  • All products with oil in the composition are applied with light patting movements along the massage lines.
  • The mask is kept on the face for 20 to 60 minutes, depending on the ingredients that make up its composition. Wash off with warm water without using soap. Facial care products containing tea tree oil are applied once a week. The duration of the course depends on the problem to be solved.
  • In the treatment of acne, the natural composition is used in its pure form until the skin becomes clean.

Tea tree oil, regardless of the method of its use, shows excellent results in the care of dermis: it promotes faster healing of wounds, smoothes the skin, removes acne, seizures, scars and comedones.

Contraindications and side effects

How useful is tea tree oil? Use for the face of this product is considered absolutely safe. But ether should not be used for individual intolerance. In some cases, allergic manifestations are possible.

tea tree oil application for face and hair

At the beginning of the use of the composition, a sensitivity test must be performed. To do this, a small amount of oil must be applied to the back of the elbow and wait half an hour. The tool can be used if irritation does not appear on the skin.

This product should not be used by pregnant women and children under three years of age.

Tea Tree Oil - Acne Facial Use

Essential oil gives a good result in the process of caring for problem skin. For point carrying the product, take a cotton swab and dip it in essential oil. Lubricate all problem areas on the face. Particular attention is paid to places of localization of acne. You need to carry out the procedure in the morning and evening. When processing the problem area, healthy skin around the acne is not affected.

tea tree oil acne facial reviews

How effective is tea tree oil in cosmetology? Application for face acne gives good results. The tool acts quickly and effectively. On the 2-3 day of its use, acne dries and passes. It is proved that the antiseptic properties of this drug are five times stronger than that of alcohol. In the same way, the skin should be treated if herpes, cracks, fungus, redness and other defects have appeared on it.

For oily skin prone to acne, you can use tea tree ether lotion. To prepare a healing composition, you need to combine 10 drops of ether with 100 ml of pure water or 50 ml of a decoction of herbs. Store the solution in the refrigerator for up to fourteen days, treat problem areas twice a day. Lotion can be used constantly.

If the skin requires enhanced care, then 200 ml of water is taken per 10 ml of tea tree ether. 15 ml of alcohol is added to the ingredients. Mix everything, place in a glass container and store in the refrigerator. Use only at night before applying the cream.

Tea tree extract for dry skin

It can be used not only for oily, but also for dry skin obtained from a plant such as tea tree, essential oil. The use of natural remedies for the face shows excellent results: eliminates peeling, relieves redness, stops the inflammatory process.

A good example of an effective mask is oatmeal kefir. For its preparation, two teaspoons of oatmeal are mixed with blue clay. Two drops of tea tree oil and fifty grams of kefir are added to the mixture. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed together. The resulting product is applied to the skin for fifteen minutes. Apply the mask once every seven days. If the skin is excessively dry, kefir is recommended to be replaced with sour cream.

For dry skin, a protein mask with the addition of tea tree oil is perfect. To cook it, you need to whip the protein of one egg into the foam. To it add 5 g of olive oil, two drops of lavender and tea tree oil. Apply the prepared mixture to the skin for 25 minutes. The frequency of use is once a week.

Tea tree oil - application for the face with demodicosis

The drug has strong bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. There are clinical studies that note that tea oil can defeat demodecosis (skin lesion with a microscopic tick) in a very short time. Therefore, in the treatment of this disease, a natural remedy is used in complex therapy using various methods.

tea tree oil face application for demodicosis

Tea tree oil is a concentrated product, therefore, before application to the skin, it is diluted with base oils or alcohol. Water is not suitable for this purpose, since the drug does not dissolve in it.

The defeat of the skin with a tick, accompanied by peeling and redness, will help cure a lotion with a decoction of a string and ether. It is prepared from two tablespoons of herbs, brewed with a glass of boiling water. Six drops of ether are added to the resulting broth. The skin is treated with lotion in the morning and evening.

With demodicosis, oil is simultaneously added to all products for the care of the skin of the face. These are cosmetics for washing, tonics, nourishing and moisturizing creams.

How is oil used to eliminate wrinkles?

Can be used not only to treat acne tea tree oil. The use for the face of wrinkles of this product has gained sufficient popularity.

One of the factors in skin aging is dermis contamination. Because of this, oxygen and nutrients cannot enter the deeper layers of the skin. Oil also helps to cleanse the dermis from pollution, disinfects, and relieves the inflammatory process.

That is why tea tree oil is often added to skin care products. The use for the face of a wrinkle mask based on a natural extract describes the following recipes in more detail:

  • Mask with clay. For 30 g of powdered clay, one drop of such oils as lavender, frankincense, tea tree, rosemary, carrot and calendula is taken. The tool is applied for 30 minutes. White and green clay is best suited to prevent wrinkles.
  • Wrinkle mask for the skin around the eyes. Take 8 ml of almond oil and pour in 2 ml of grape, two drops of carrot and one drop of chamomile oil and tea tree. To mix everything. Soak the cotton wool discs with the resulting solution, squeeze and apply on the eye area. Hold for about ten minutes. This procedure increases the tone and elasticity of the skin of the eyelids.

Daily washing with tea tree oil will help smooth wrinkles. Three drops of the drug are taken per liter of water.

Homemade face masks with added oil

Facial masks with tea tree oil are no less effective than all other skin care cosmetics.

For example, an oatmeal mask from comedones makes the skin more clean. For its preparation, a tablespoon of oat flakes is poured with boiling water and five drops of tea tree extract are added. The product is applied to the face and massaged with it for five minutes.

tea tree oil acne application

To whiten the skin, take a teaspoon of soda, a little water and add two drops of tea tree oil. Apply the composition to the skin with light massaging movements.

Helps reduce wrinkle mask based on sour cream. To prepare it, you need to take two teaspoons of sour cream, the same amount of persimmon and two drops of tea tree oil. Put on thirty minutes.

To treat acne, take tea tree oil in the amount of three drops, a teaspoon of zinc ointment and 10 g of powder beadyagi. All components are mixed and applied to the face. The duration of the procedure is fifteen minutes.

To narrow the enlarged pores, take two drops of tea tree oil, five grams (teaspoon) of crushed activated carbon and two teaspoons of natural cocoa. The ingredients are mixed with each other and diluted with any base oil (peach, almond, olive, linseed). Apply on face and stand for fifteen minutes.

A mask with tea tree oil and starch smooths wrinkles well. To prepare it, starch (25 g) is diluted with coconut oil (half a teaspoon) and two drops of tea tree oil are added to the mixture. The composition is applied to the face and washed off after thirty minutes.

It will help to remove traces of fatigue and will have a beneficial effect on the vessels mask with honey and tea tree extract. To prepare it, you need to combine three teaspoons of liquid honey with 10 g of chickpea flour and three drops of tea tree oil. Put the gruel on the face, stand for twenty minutes.

Product Usage Reviews

Tea tree oil helps to get rid of many ailments. The use of facial reviews is characterized as very effective. It shows high results. Users say that the product dries and cleans acne on the face well, relieves redness and inflammation, and helps fight herpes. Heals jams and cracks on the lips well. Women note that when tea tree oil is added to the cream, its positive effect on the skin is intensified, which becomes smoother and silky. Instead of creams, some ladies mix tea tree oil with base oil and so take care of the skin constantly.

tea tree oil facial application wrinkle mask

Helps to cope with rough and flaky dermis, quickly heals various abrasions, removes old scars and stimulates the skin's immunity tea tree oil.

Acne application for the face (reviews note that when applying the product in its pure form, the area around the eyes should be avoided) is recommended to be done no more than once a week with a dry type of skin.

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