What are these supporting words and how to explain them to children

When choosing various essay themes, it is worth considering not only its genre. The main assistant in this matter is the main topic or thought. It is on it that the structure of the text and the style of writing the essay are selected. But what is the main idea based on? Supporting words are the foundation of all foundations. It is very important to help children figure out what it is.

What are reference words

This is the main basis of the whole text. That is the theory. In practice, explaining with one sentence what a reference word is in Russian will fail. Most often, for the accurate transmission of thought, it is necessary to use several support words, also called key words. The name itself shows that these words are designed to help determine the main meaning of the composition. They are used as the foundation of any text.

Another important function of support words is to determine the order of importance of certain thoughts and sentences. With their help, you can understand what to look for first of all when writing an essay.

The definition of phrases, which could not be dispensed with in the text, will help to understand what support words are. If you exclude them from the essay, the meaning will go away. A text without supporting words is a wandering around a topic without getting into the essence of the issue. And vice versa, if all descriptive, inserted, and clarifying words are removed from the composition, only supporting ones will remain.

Difficulties for children in understanding support words

Explaining topics to the child in plain language

The younger the student, the easier it is to set out a topic for him. The problem is that many adults themselves do not fully understand what support words are and how to find them in the text. In this situation, the forthcoming explanation seems to be an even more impossible task. You can deal with a student in two main stages:

  1. It is necessary to encourage the child to find a word in the text that could tell about the main topic. No phrases are needed at this stage. Let the child tell what he read about with just one word. To make the student more interesting, you can explain to him that a magic key is being searched. When it is found, the student will be able to easily begin the essay, understand the main topic, see what you need to write about, what evidence or descriptions.
  2. The next task is to find additional keys with the child. These words will not only tell what the text is about, but also help to understand the sequence of writing the essay. For the demonstration, you can invite the student to solve two problems: write one small essay without prompts, and the second with key support words. It is important to draw the attention of the child to the fact that these are help words, not restrictions. It is necessary to explain to the student that in each large topic there are several small, like boxes of goodies in one large package. An essay written using magic keys will have the correct sequence of thoughts. And this is one of the main evaluation criteria.

When a student exercises with keywords, he begins to understand the methods of avoiding semantic repetitions, creating harmonious compositions. There is nothing better than real examples in this matter. Only in practice, the child will be able to fully experience the topic.

Find the key to the text - a reference word

Ready-made keyword search algorithm

To understand this topic, one theory is not enough for the child. The more real texts he learns, the easier it will be able to find the keys in the future.

For such work with a child, you can use a ready-made sequence of actions checked by experienced teachers:

  1. Thoughtfully read the selected text or its fragment. An important condition when choosing a passage from an essay is the completeness of thought. Otherwise, the child may get confused.
  2. The time has come to ask the main question: what have you just read about? Answering this question in one word, the student will find the main magic key containing the theme of the text. Based on the found, it is necessary to determine the main idea. Let the student understand what the author wanted to tell.
  3. From each paragraph, you need to select one or more additional keys. This stage will help determine the microthemes of which the main text will be composed.
  4. The next step is the distribution of all found support words in a specific sequence. The chain will not be confused when composing the text.
  5. Creative stage. It is necessary to encourage the child to think that he can tell about each word in the chain. Let him give examples and evidence, insert a description of events and actions. The result can be recorded.
  6. Last but not least step. Have the student conclude the essay using the main reference word.
Work with a child in support words

Reference words for case definitions

There is one snag in the Russian language on the topic of support words: not only the main phrases of the text are called so. It is important not to confuse, because the second option serves to help in declensing cases.

The question may arise if the stress is not on the last syllable. Key words will help to avoid memorization of all endings. To solve the problem, it is only necessary to find the word of the same declension as the controversial one, but with the last stressed syllable. After determining with the end, the same task is posed for the problem word.

For example, the controversial word "iron" is given, which must be put in the dative case. To solve the problem, you can use the action plan:

  1. It is necessary to attribute the word to the corresponding gender and declension, to put in the initial form. In this case: neuter, 2 declination.
  2. The definition of case is dative.
  3. Selection of the reference word 2 declensions of the corresponding kind. “Village” in the dative case - “village”. When substituting into a problem word, we get “hardware”.
Keyword Search


Not all questions are easy to explain to the child. However, with a little effort and imagination, you can enjoy the success of the student.

It can be especially difficult to interest a young mind, because at this age there is more desire to play than to learn. Turning the learning process into a game, you can achieve the location of the child and his attention. If the lessons are interesting for the child, he will quickly learn that supporting words are the main key to the text.

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