Project activities in the DOE is a unique way of ensuring co-creation, cooperation between adults and children. It allows you to implement a personality-oriented approach to upbringing and education.
Project activities at the Kindergarten contribute to the development of the creative abilities of preschoolers, turning them into active participants in all events taking place in the kindergarten.
Project activities at the pre-school educational institution for the Federal State Educational Standard are an indispensable tool for educators.
At the moment, this method is considered as a cycle of innovation . It is a promising pedagogical technology.
Project activity in a preschool educational institution has a certain structure, features, and performs several functions. Note that this method does not replace the educational and upbringing program used for preschool children, but supplements it.
Project activity in a preschool educational institution is the activity of thinking through and organizing the pedagogical process within the framework of a specific topic with a socially significant result. This pedagogical technology contributes to the development of the environment by a preschooler.
The technologies of project activities at the pre-school educational institution are intended for the development of a creative free personality, adapted to social conditions.
Concept of method
Currently, it is considered the most striking, developing, significant method. This is due to the fact that the design and research activities in the DOE is a universal toolkit that allows us to guarantee consistency, focus, and effectiveness.
The project method is the sum of cognitive and educational techniques that allow solving a specific problem in the course of independent actions of preschoolers.
Children's project activity at the preschool educational institution involves the presentation of the results, that is, it contributes to the development of the rising generation of public defense skills.
Such training can be considered as a way of organizing the pedagogical process, based on interaction with the environment, gradual practical work to achieve the intended goal.
Technology basis
The organization of project activities in the preschool educational institution is connected with the idea of directing the cognitive work of preschool children to the result achieved in the course of cooperation with the teacher and parents. Work on a specific problem involves the application of the necessary skills and knowledge in certain educational fields, which is an excellent incentive for self-development, self-improvement.
The pedagogical process in the preschool educational institution is organized taking into account the age-related characteristics of the kids, their cognitive activity.
The educational program, the factors of the educational process that contribute to the achievement of goals are considered as the object of design.
The purpose of the project activity in the preschool educational institution is to build individual educational and educational trajectories for each preschooler.
It is difficult for a child at this age to independently identify contradictions, formulate a problem, set a goal. That is why children's creativity is accompanied by the support of the teacher, parents. Moms and dads help kids not only with the search for information, but they themselves can be included in the educational process.
Such cooperation helps to establish an atmosphere of trust between adults and children, the involvement of mothers and fathers in the success of their baby.
Since the game is the leading type of activity in preschool age, a variety of game and creative projects are planned and implemented at the preschool educational institution.
Goal and tasks
Younger and older preschool age involves solving two types of design problems:
- socio-pedagogical;
- psychological.
The second design option is associated with educational processes within a specific age range: the development of methods of activity, the formation of skills, as well as the socialization and maturation of preschoolers.
To solve such problems, the project method is used, which is the basis for the successful training, education, and development of preschool children.
The main purpose of the project methodology in the preschool educational institution is the development of a creative liberated personality of the child, capable of successful adaptation in society.
Common tasks for the development of preschool children
Depending on age, there are:
- ensuring psychological health and well-being of babies;
- the formation of cognitive abilities;
- development of creative imagination;
- improving communication skills.
The main tasks that the teacher sets when working with children of primary preschool age:
- The introduction of kids in a game problem situation, where the leading role belongs to the teacher.
- Experiments for children - a way to develop the prerequisites for search activity.
- Formation of search skills that contribute to resolving a problem situation (together with the teacher).
The tasks that the teacher poses in the work for children of preschool age:
- Formation of conditions for intellectual growth.
- Development of skills for self-resolution of the proposed problem situation.
- Development of the desire to conduct a constructive conversation in the course of joint project activities.
Classification and types
The teacher uses different means of design activity in the DOE. Currently, there is their classification according to some criteria:
- target installation;
- topics;
- Duration
- the number of participants.
Consider the main types of project activities in the DOE used in the framework of the second generation GEF.
One of them is research creative work related to the creation of a finished product. For example, it can be experiments for children, a newspaper, an application.
Not only babies, but also their parents can be involved in such a project.
Game and role-playing involves children's creativity, allows you to engage preschoolers in solving a specific problem. For example, the efforts of parents, educators, and children are preparing a holiday with fairy-tale characters who find themselves in difficult situations. Only the kids themselves can help the characters cope with the problems.
Informational, practice-oriented projects are aimed at the collection by preschoolers of information about a specific natural phenomenon, object from various sources. After the literature has been processed, on its basis, a preschooler, under the guidance of a teacher, begins to implement the idea, focusing on social interests:
- care of plants in a living corner;
- decoration of the group for the New Year;
- preparation of materials for March 8.
Classifications of projects in preschool education by E. S. Evdokimova
The author offers his own division, relevant for preschool education.
- According to the dominant feature, projects are divided into creative, research, adventure, information, practice-oriented, and gaming.
- By the nature of the content, the preschool child and his family, nature and the child, culture and society are supposed to be included in the work.
- Depending on the degree of participation of the preschooler: expert, customer, areas of activity.
- By the nature of the established contacts: within one group, together with the family, art, culture, public associations.
- By the number of participants: doubles, individual, frontal, group.
- By the implementation period: medium duration, short-term, long-term.
Features of creative activity
The topics of project activities in a preschool educational institution may be different; they depend on the target audience. Currently, research is being carried out not only in educational institutions of middle and senior management, but also in kindergartens.
The most common in DOW are information projects. They are aimed at collecting information about one object, acquainting group members with it, analyzing the results obtained, summarizing the observed facts. The structure of such work includes:
- receiving, processing information;
- provision of the finished product (result);
- presentation of the project.
Creative projects are aimed at the joint creativity of children and adults, they can be performed in a playful way. Of great interest to preschoolers is the work associated with artistic creation and construction. For example, you can come up with a musical project for the New Year holidays.
Adventure (game) projects involve the active involvement of kids in their work. Each participant in the creative group receives a certain role, a real opportunity to show their individual abilities. This option of activity contributes to the formation of independence of preschool children, helps the educator to form teamwork skills, to develop the communicative abilities of each pupil of preschool educational institution.
Senior preschool age is the fertile period when it is possible to stimulate a child’s desire for active cognitive activity.
For example, for a matinee, with the joint efforts of a teacher, parents, and children, one can prepare a fairy tale in a puppet theater. Young actors in the process of working on this project will be able to improve their speech skills. The children from the senior group of the preschool educational institution will be able to show the finished play to the kids, feeling like real actors.
The degree of creativity in such activities is quite large, so preschoolers develop the skills necessary for adaptation in primary school.
Practice-oriented projects selected for work with preschoolers suggest the expected, concrete result, aimed at social interests. Such activities require serious training by the educator.
At certain stages of the project, the teacher adjusts the activities of preschoolers, discusses the results obtained, helps the kids put the finished product into practice.
Inside one group, you can use open source projects. In the process of working on them, there are no additional problems, since children and parents know each other perfectly. Preschoolers have a real opportunity to demonstrate their creative abilities, gain teamwork skills, and acquire additional knowledge and skills. At the same time, psychologists recommend that teachers be careful when choosing open projects for work. With excessive isolation of groups within the same educational institution, preschoolers will not have the opportunity to gain experience in working with children of other age groups, this will negatively affect the process of their adaptation in school.
Preschoolers need contacts with representatives of different ages to expand the sphere of communication and social experience.
Individual activity
Whereas in schools, lyceums, and gymnasiums, individual activity is considered the most common type of research work, then in pre-school educational institutions it is used much less frequently.
An individual project involves the full involvement of the child in the process. To achieve a similar effect is quite problematic due to the age characteristics of preschool children. They are active, it is difficult for them for a long time to concentrate on the same type of activity. That is why individual research projects are a rarity in kindergartens.
Among those options that can also be attributed to independent creative work, in the preschool children are offered essays, applications, drawings for fairy tales, stories. Of course, mothers and fathers can provide assistance in their work, turning an individual task into a way of spending joint leisure time, an exciting lesson for the whole family.
Work in a team contributes to the formation of cooperation skills among preschoolers, and allows the educator to introduce kids to creative activities. Children learn to distribute responsibilities within a small group, together look for ways to solve the tasks assigned to them, answer other children for the stage that was entrusted to them.
In addition to the experience of collective creativity, preschoolers get a lot of impressions, positive emotions, which is an excellent option for the formation of comradely relationships between peers.
Group projects are designed for 3-12 participants, solving the common problem. After completing the work, small researchers present the finished product, while gaining public protection skills.
Ways to implement projects in the DOE
This process is a complex and responsible task assigned to the educator of the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standard. The teacher, planning such activities, takes into account the age-related characteristics of preschoolers, thinks over the duration of each stage of the project.
We offer several specific examples of such work.
The ABC of Health project is designed for 2 years, its participants are children from the younger group of the preschool educational institution, as well as their parents. At the first stage, serious work with the mothers and fathers of the kids is supposed to be carried out in the form of lectures, discussions, and trainings. The purpose of such an activity is to introduce parents to the age-related characteristics of preschool children, to explain to them the importance of preventing colds.
The project involves a medical professional, psychologist DOE. By joint efforts of parents, a teacher, a physical education teacher, a music worker, a psychologist, a physician, an algorithm for the prevention of colds in children is thought out, methods are selected that are optimal for babies.
The second stage of the project, dedicated to increasing immunity in children of primary preschool age, is associated with the practical implementation of the selected hardening technique.
For example, after a nap, the kids, moving in a circle, perform comic exercises, while wiping themselves with a wet mitt. Gradually, the duration of the exercises increases, the temperature of the rubdown water decreases.
To monitor the results of the implementation of the project, the health worker monitors the statistics of colds in the children involved in the project.
At the third (final) stage, the results of the work are summarized, the change in the number of children with colds is analyzed, conclusions are drawn on the advisability of introducing hardening.
The project "We are responsible for those who tamed"
Each kindergarten group has its own living area. If before you could see pets in it, now, in addition to fresh flowers, aquariums with fish are installed in many preschool educational institutions. The project aims to instill in the younger generation the skills of caring for wildlife. Each child receives a specific task:
- watering flowers;
- wiping off dust from flower leaves;
- transplantation of plants (under the guidance of a teacher);
- feeding the fish.
This project is a long-term one, it contributes to the formation of a sense of responsibility for living creatures in kids.
Gradually, the teacher redistributes the responsibilities between the kids so that each of them has different practical skills and abilities.
The project "Young actors"
Preschoolers 5-6 years old are happy to take part in various creative events. That is why as one of the projects designed to work with older preschoolers, you can consider creating your own theater. Together with the teacher and parents, preschoolers create heroes for their productions. Next, the repertoire is selected, the roles are distributed between novice actors. At the next stage of this project, rehearsals are planned. They contribute to the development of speech skills, the formation of communication skills, allow kids to show their creative abilities. The guys first show the finished performance in their group, then they can speak with their parents and other preschoolers.
It is difficult to imagine a modern preschool educational institution in which different options for project activities would not be used. The best and most effective for preschool educational institutions are collective species aimed at involving the maximum number of preschoolers in creative work.
Kids are happy to get involved in preparing for the holidays, prepare concerts for parents, create real “masterpieces” of contemporary art from paper and cardboard.