The most famous lawyers

Jurisprudence as a science and a type of professional activity dates back to the time of Roman emperors. It was the Romans who laid the main pillars of all modern legal practice. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that over the course of many centuries there have been constant ideas about the ideal specialist. In the history of the Russian state there are also a number of personalities who have made the most noticeable contribution to the formation of the national legal system.

Famous Theorists

Any legislative act is issued on the basis of the study of the law enforcement process, theorists play an important role in jurisprudence, systematizing reality through the application of scientific methods and developing a discipline for the training of new personnel. The most famous lawyers of Russia in this field of activity: N. M. Korkunov, K. P. Pobedonostsev, B. N. Chicherin, M. I. Braginsky.

Nikolai Mikhailovich Korkunov

N. M. Korkunov (1853-1904) - a native of the family of an academician, a graduate of St. Petersburg University, and after that - a teacher. From the 70s to the 90s of his century, he lectured on state law at the Faculty of Law at the Alexander Lyceum and the Military Academy. Among his works are “Decree and Law”, “Russian State Law”. For about a year, Nikolai Mikhailovich served as Secretary of State in the State Council.

The most important work, Lectures on the General Theory of Law, was one of the main textbooks in Russian universities, was also translated into French and English, Western lawyers considered Lectures to be a comprehensive study within the framework of a positive theory of law.

Since the convictions of N. M. Korkunov did not correspond to the ideology of the Soviet period, his work was studied only as an experience of liberal scholars of the past, and contemporary science is a rarity, but it is not necessary to forget that it is the fruits of Korkunov’s activity, his teaching work was the beginning of such branches of science as administrative, international, state law.

Konstantin Petrovich Pobedonostsev

K.P. Pobedonostseva was brought up by a pious professorial family. Famous Russian lawyers of that time were sometimes distinguished by rather archaic views - the law, in their opinion, should be based on Orthodox dogmas and moral principles. Pobedonostsev adhered to a similar idea, considering, for example, that elections do not benefit society, giving rise to cheap political games. The people, according to the scientist, should not be able to express their will, since the divine intention is that all the leadership of the country is given to the monarch.

In Soviet literature, K.P. Pobedonostsev was presented as an advocate of extreme reaction, but his citation was not ruled out, since the work of this scientist was considered classic: he perfectly knew the history of law, Pobedonostsev masterfully conducted an analysis of individual legal institutions using a historical-comparative method.

In addition, his course in civil law, based on the fundamental knowledge of the Russian law school, was of great importance.

Boris Nikolaevich Chicherin

Not all well-known Russian lawyers of the century before last boast such a broad outlook as B.N. Chicherin, who was a supporter of neo-Hegelianism, and a historiographer, and a natural science specialist. Conducting teaching, the scientist understood the full significance of the era of the Great Reforms for the history of the Russian people. As a teacher, B. Chicherin tried out a completely new teaching method based on the study of the theory of public administration. However, the scientist’s views were conservative - as a true representative of the elite of that time, he believed that Russian society could not exist without an autocrat. B. N. Chicherin can be considered the founder of the school of legal historiography, since the scholarly works include the history of political doctrines, property and the state, and experiments on the history of Russian law.

Also, few well-known lawyers, unlike B. Chicherin, have a contribution to the doctrine of liberalism in the list of merit, the formulation of its main postulates.

Gabriel Feliksovich Shershenevich

G. Shershenevich - a native of a noble Polish family, a graduate of Kazan University. The sphere of interests of the scientist at the time of the beginning of the teaching activity was served by such institutions of civil law as securities, legal entities. G. Shershenevich F. also dealt with issues of commercial law, in the field of which the dissertation research was launched.

The first monographs of the brilliant theoretician were devoted to the general course of civil law, which were distinguished by an in-depth study of legislative and judicial acts, contained many generalizations, synthesis. In the future, G. F. Shershenevich will try to dogmatize the history of the philosophy of law, systematize the picture of scattered knowledge.

The scientist for the first time provided students with a systematic textbook on civil law, advocated for the codification of legislation and the elimination of legal dualism.

Practice Lawyers: The Grace of Judicial Speech

The judicial contest of the parties is a duel of minds, which requires the talent of eloquence, the ability to make decisions spontaneously. Practitioners, in turn, provided thought for theorists. Among the most famous are F.N. Plevako, A.F. Koni, V.D. Spasovich and others. Judicial speeches of famous lawyers are still being studied at the law faculties of our country and serve as examples of procedural appearances.

Anatoly Fedorovich Koni

Not all famous lawyers were distinguished by such a rare oratory talent as Koni A.F., son of a famous vaudeville artist, critic, editor and actress. The future judge and prosecutor received a home education, was fluent in five languages. Koni A.F. actively participated in legislative activity, held high posts in the prosecutor's office, the judiciary, in particular, was chairman of the St. Petersburg District Court.

Many high-profile cases were examined with the participation of this speaker. One of the most famous is the justice of Vera Zasulich, who tried to shoot the St. Petersburg mayor because of a thirst for revenge for Arkhip Bogolyubov, who became a victim of bureaucratic arbitrariness. To the surprise of many, Koni A.F. managed to get an acquittal for Zasulich, who later became a well-known Marxist revolutionary.

Kony A.F. actively continued to work during the years of Soviet power, having adopted the revolution, this famous lawyer became a professor at St. Petersburg University, gave many public lectures, enlightening the masses. Having lived to an old age, a brilliant speaker did not stop working until the last breath for the good of the Fatherland.

Each of the personalities mentioned above, of course, is an example of faithful service to the chosen cause, and modern theorists and practitioners need to take an example from them.

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