Red brush. Contraindications and use.

This plant, unique in its healing properties, grows on the slopes of the Altai Mountains. Its root has a pronounced red tint, and in shape resembles a brush. That is why this grass was nicknamed the red brush. She has not identified any contraindications to date, but nevertheless, during her admission, a number of recommendations must be observed.

Official medicine has long been interested in this plant. Recent studies have revealed that it contains a ton of tannins, organic acids, essential oils, tertiary alcohols, stearins, fats, proteins and sugars. There is a lot of molybdenum, silver, nickel, copper, gum, cobalt, chromium. Elements such as zinc, manganese, flavonoids, glycosides and phenols, useful to the human body, also contain a red brush, which is unique in its useful properties. Contraindications can be only individual in nature and can be explained by a certain reaction of the body to one of its constituent components.

Since ancient times, this plant has been a natural source of health and youth. With its help, you can easily get rid of all chronic diseases and give your body lightness, and fill your life with new bright colors. After conducting numerous clinical studies, experts have proved that most chronic diseases can be eliminated with the help of drugs based on the grass red brush.

Its application is quite wide. Traditional medicine has long used this herb to cure infertility, weakened potency and oligospermia in men. Surprisingly, after a few days, patients noted a significant improvement in well-being or even complete restoration of all previously lost functions. This miracle plant is recommended for women. An excellent remedy for getting rid of any hormonal disorders is the grass red brush. Its use is recommended for mastopathy, hypothyroidism, ovarian cysts, polycystosis, menopause, menstrual irregularities, sexual coldness and infertility. Moreover, in the shortest period, positive changes become visible.

Today, preparations based on this plant can be found in almost any pharmacy. As a natural immunostimulant, a red brush is used to get rid of atherosclerosis, bacterial, viral infections, leukemia, and even to heal wounds and fractures. Tincture from it has a particularly pronounced effect. If desired, it can be quickly and easily made independently. To do this, you need the dry roots of the plant itself. They should be purchased at a pharmacy or from traditional healers.

To make a decoction, you need only one glass of water and a spoon of carefully crushed grass roots with a red brush. The tincture is aged in a water bath for fifteen minutes and is well wrapped for another forty-five minutes. A decoction is taken no more than four times a day for a teaspoon forty minutes before eating. It should be noted that it can be stored for no more than two days, so it is not worth harvesting large quantities.

No matter how wonderful the red brush is, contraindications and recommendations of specialists must be taken into account and in no case should treatment be started during pregnancy. This wonderful grass has too powerful properties and even some abortive effect, so it can be a threat of miscarriage. You should also refrain from taking it while breastfeeding. This plant makes bleeding more profuse, so it is not recommended to drink it during the menstrual cycle with especially strong discharge.

If after taking the tincture it becomes bad, and rashes appear on the skin, then the red brush simply does not suit you. Contraindications apply to the use of hormonal drugs with which this herb is not compatible.

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