V. M. Shukshin, "Maternal Heart": a summary. Maternal Heart (Shukshin): a literary analysis of a work

The stories of Vasily Shukshin are small stories from the lives of ordinary people. "Mother's heart" tells of the strongest feeling that a person is capable of. The feeling is limitless. It sometimes does not know either logic or common sense. This article provides an analysis of the work and its summary. Shukshin dedicated the “Mother's Heart” to women who are able to overcome all unthinkable barriers and overcome all kinds of difficulties for the sake of their children.

in m m shukshin maternal heart summary

The works of this Soviet writer are extremely simple and understandable. They depict ordinary life situations. The deep understanding of the human soul that Shukshin possessed makes his prose particularly interesting to a wide range of readers.


Maternal heart ... Shukshin about him says the following: "It is wise, but if trouble looms, the mother is not able to perceive the mind, logic has nothing to do with it." The heroine of the story, to which this article is devoted, is ready for anything in order to save her son.

The summary of Shukshin’s story “Maternal Heart” does not give an idea of ​​the strength of the talent of this writer, who, with the help of simple understandable language, could convey to the reader his subtle understanding of the human soul. Nevertheless, the plot should be briefly described.

The protagonist of the work in question is an ordinary village guy. His name is Victor Borzenkov. Once, going to the city with the aim of selling lard, since the wedding is due, he is faced with petty scammers. He treats one of them with wine not far from the market and, accepting her invitation, follows to her house. There, a girl with her friend seals a village simpleton. He wakes up somewhere under the fence. Headache is unbearably painful, and of course, there is no longer any money earned. But Victor does not go upset to his native village.

In anger at city dwellers and the whole world, he again gets drunk on the last money and arranges a fight. And as a result of a row, three people find themselves in a hospital. One of them is a policeman. And Vitya himself is in the detention center. That’s all summary.

Vasily Shukshin maternal heart summary

Shukshin, however, perceived the maternal heart as a kind of power to which neither the laws of logic nor the laws of justice are subject. At least the woman with whose child the trouble happened does not count with anything. Such is Victor’s mother. She goes to the police, to the prosecutor, then gathers at higher authorities. Her goal is to rescue Vitya. He needs her. Only a mother can save her son. And good people will certainly help. This straightforward story is a summary.

Maternal heart

Shukshin was able to succinctly and succinctly describe the emotional experience of a person. The stubbornness of the mother, who by all means seeks the release of her son, causes mixed feelings among other characters in the story. There is both pity and slight irritation. She appears in the police station and immediately falls to her knees in front of the staff of this institution. But when, after heartfelt, as it seems to her, requests, her son is still not released, she is not lost and goes directly to the prosecutor. The incredible obstinacy of a loving person was painted in his work by V. M. Shukshin. The “Maternal Heart”, the summary of which is a short text, is an extremely deep story. It encourages reflection. The first thing that comes to mind: motherly love is not like any other feeling.


Victor's mother believes that her son should be released, because the prison will mutilate his fate. It's hard to argue with that. But the woman does not think that Victor is a criminal. She does not wake up sympathy for people who turned out to be his fault in the hospital. But they are also someone's sons. She knows only one thing: her Victor is a good son. And what happened is an absurd incident, because of which he can suffer unjustly.

summary of the shukshin story maternal heart


She is trying to get help from the police. And the fact that nothing comes of her, makes her think that they were "offended for their own." The prosecutor also cannot help her. And here she does not accept his arguments about the need to punish the offender. Her arguments: the son was drunk, the bride did not wait for him from prison and so on. And the fact that there is a law, and everyone, even the most terrible criminal, has a mother, she does not take into account.


Extraordinary energy is possessed by a woman who seeks to help her son. Victor’s mother did not cry and did not give up. She is determined and inspires optimism even in her son. If necessary, she will go to the regional organizations on foot. And she believes that good people will help her.

summary of maternal heart shukshin

Love defies logic. But can this feeling be reasonable if it is real? The truth of love is dedicated to the story written by Vasily Shukshin. The “Maternal Heart,” which is summarized in this article, is a work about the most irrational and strong feeling. About that which does not require reciprocity and exists contrary to all norms and laws - about maternal love.

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