Peeling of the skin on the legs, arms, body, face

Have you noticed โ€œflakesโ€ of skin falling off the surface of your legs when you, for example, take off your underwear? Peeling of the skin on the legs (and other parts of the body) can be caused by many factors, however, the treatment of this disease is very simple. Here you will find some tips and advice on the treatment of this unpleasant phenomenon.

Peeling of the skin on the legs and other parts of the body. Part one

The first thing to do is calm down. Relax, you do not molt like animals! In most cases, peeling of the skin on the legs (and on any other parts of the body) is caused by sunburn, irritation or excessive dryness - this is a mild disease, if this phenomenon can be called that at all. So, here are the causes of peeling of the skin, and ways to eliminate them:

Leg peeling

  • Sunburn or too much sun exposure. Ultraviolet rays can so damage the skin that it literally begins to crumble. Take a cold shower, apply a little white vinegar to exfoliating areas, and use ice to relieve pain. Then smear the skin with aloe juice and moisturizing lotion until complete recovery.
  • Eczema and rashes can cause itching, redness, and flaking of the skin. Treatment consists of using an ointment with cortisone. Usually it is applied to damaged areas of the skin twice a week.
  • Psoriasis is another painful condition of the skin that can cause peeling. In this case, intensive hydration will help.

Peeling of the skin on the legs and other parts of the body . Part two

Ordinary dryness often causes this ailment. You can

Peeling the skin of the legs
eliminate it with home recipes. Let's first look at what you should not do with affected skin:

  • Stop ripping her off! You may hate how your skin looks, but the more you peel it off, the more intense the peeling will be.
  • Do not scratch her! Scratching can bring relief for a while, but it enhances peeling of the skin on the legs and other parts of the body, and can even cause infection.
  • Cut it, but do not tear it. If the exfoliated skin hangs, it is better to carefully remove it with scissors. Do not pull, just cut off at the very surface.

Let's now look at simple recipes that will help eliminate peeling of the skin of the legs and other parts of the body:

  • Moisturize your skin as intensely as possible. Get a moisturizing lotion, balm or cream (preferably odorless) and apply as often as the instructions allow.
  • Use oats. Take a bath with oatmeal diluted in water to eliminate itching and smooth out exfoliated skin (but not in hot water). You can also take a cool shower using baby oil, which is strong.
    Redness and peeling of the skin
  • Eat the right foods. Increase your protein intake - it is found in lean meats, eggs, and fish. Adhere to a diet rich in iron and vitamins A, B, and C, which will significantly improve the entire skin in a month and a half. Iron is found in beans, peas, and dark greens; essential vitamins can be found in citrus fruits.
  • Look in the fridge. Some products will help eliminate peeling of the skin on the legs and other parts of the body. Pass the cucumbers through the grater (they are natural moisturizers) and regularly cover their skin. Throw olive oil, honey and turmeric in a blender to make a paste. Apply it every day.

It should be remembered that peeling of the skin can be a complication or symptom of a dermatological disease. If you are not sure about any of the methods described above, it is best to consult your doctor first.

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