Goalkeeper gloves: from past to present

Goalkeeper gloves as an indispensable element of the football keeper's outfit appeared relatively recently, not earlier than the sixties of the last century. Prior to this, the goalkeepers could do without them.

Goalkeeper injury statistics were not kept.

Goalkeeper gloves
But everyone who played football even in childhood knows that “receiving” the ball or parrying a penalty is not an easy task, especially if the ball flies at high speed. Injuries to the joints of the fingers or wrists are not uncommon here. Of course, professional football goalkeepers have mastered their art perfectly, but in the process of the game there are various conflicts and non-standard situations when the risk of getting injured is maximum. In addition, even if the injury was avoided, a shot of the ball causes quite severe pain.

Goalkeeper gloves first appeared in the distant 1885, when someone William Sykes took a patent for the manufacture of gloves for the football goalkeeper. The gloves were made of thick leather, other design features are unknown. But, judging by the fact that goalkeepers for many decades did without gloves protecting their hands, the novelty did not take root. And only in the second half of the century past, this element of equipment becomes fashionable and in the end becomes mandatory for goalkeepers.

Goalkeeper gloves adidas
Initially, goalkeeper gloves were made of thick leather and had a lining inside to soften the blow. In fact, in principle, they did not differ from ordinary gloves. The appearance of the design features that distinguished goalkeeper gloves from the host of their “civilian” relatives is associated with the name of the Italian goalkeeper Stefano Andreoti. Allegedly after he missed a goal in rainy weather, having slipped a slippery ball from his hands, the first gloves with lacing were created, on the outside of which he later sewn rubber pads that improved grip.

Later, the goalkeeper left the sport and, having established a small workshop, arranged for the production of goalkeeper gloves and their export to neighboring France under the brand Standreo. To adapt the unusual Italian name to the French ear, it was soon replaced by Stanno. Under this brand, the company thrives to this day. The name Stanno may not say anything to a wide audience, but in the football environment it is very well known.

Modern goalkeeper gloves can be without exaggeration called high-tech products. These are not just lined gloves and hard locking pads to improve grip. The surface of the palm is made of latex with a thickness of four to six millimeters. To securely attach the glove to the hand and prevent wrist injury, an elastic bandage with Velcro is used. On the fingers - mesh inserts for ventilation of the hands.

Adidas goalkeeper gloves are considered one of the best among professionals. The German super-concern “Adidas” specializes in the production of sports equipment, clothes and shoes, and its name has long been synonymous with the standard in the world of sports.

Goalkeeper gloves Adidas
Adidas goalkeeper gloves are available in a large number of modifications in many countries around the world at subsidiaries and branches of the company.

All over the world, the improvement of sports equipment continues. This applies not only to gloves, but also to much more complex items of equipment and inventory. Modern sport is too big and serious business to resist the temptation to "cut money" in the constant race of new sports equipment, uniforms and shoes. It somehow happened that athletes competing in high-level competitions should be in the best shape - both literally and figuratively. Of course, they will receive it from the manufacturer for nothing, they will also be paid for it. But those who seek to copy their idols will lay out for a round sum similar to that in the sports shop.

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