Subtropical zone: features and characteristics. Subtropical zone of Russia

The subtropical zone is present in the Northern and Southern hemispheres of the Earth. Within the belt, there are several types of climate, which largely depends on the local characteristics of the territory. Subtropics are characteristic of southern Australia, the north and extreme south of Africa, the coast of the Balkans, but they are also in Russia.

Subtropical zone

The climate on Earth is not the same. In some places it is unbearably hot, others are covered with eternal ice and permeate with cold, in others there is a lot of heat and moisture. Based on the peculiarities of weather conditions, several climatic zones are distinguished on our planet.

The subtropical zone is present in both the Northern and Southern hemispheres. It extends from 30 degrees north latitude to 40 degrees south, is a transition between the tropical and temperate zones. Learn the features of the subtropical zone in grade 4.

The conditions of the belt are determined by two dominant air masses, replacing each other. In winter, they come from the temperate zone, bringing with them coolness and rainfall, in summer the wind comes from the tropics, saturating the air with heat.

subtropical zone

The winters of this belt are usually mild, with an average temperature of +4 .. + 5 degrees. Serious cold snap is extremely rare, and frosts usually do not exceed -10 degrees. The summer of the subtropical zone is hot, sunny and dry. The average temperature is +20 degrees.

Subtropic variety

Despite the presence of common features, the climate of the subtropical zone in different regions is different. In addition to seasonal winds, it is influenced by local landscapes, as well as the presence or absence of nearby seas and oceans. So, moist, semi-moist and arid areas are distinguished within the belt. They differ in the amount of precipitation and are present on each of the continents.

In the depths of the continents stretched regions with an arid climate throughout the year. Within their boundaries are zones of deserts, semi-deserts and steppes with light forests, shrubs and cereals.

In the east and southeast of the continents, humidity is increased in the summer, winters are without precipitation, and the seasonal temperature difference is practically absent. The subtropical natural zones of the eastern part are represented by mixed forests with bamboos, magnolias, pines, oaks, firs, palm trees; broad-leaved semi-deciduous forests - hemigileas, with ferns, bamboos and vines.

On the western side are regions of semi-humid subtropics with a Mediterranean climate. There are wet winters and dry summers. Areas of hard-leaved forests with evergreen oaks, pines, firs, junipers, olives and other plants predominate.

subtropical natural zone

Subtropical zone of Russia

Subtropics are not typical for Russia. Most of its territory lies in the temperate zone, and in the north covers the subarctic and arctic zones. But there are also warmer areas, where even in winter there are often plus temperatures.

The subtropical zone of Russia occupies a very small space and stretches along the Black Sea coast. Such conditions from Sochi to Anapa were formed thanks to the mountains and the sea.

subtropical zone of Russia

The Caucasian ridge is a natural shield, a kind of barrier that does not let cold harsh winds pass from the east and north, and in the summer holds up the sea air masses, preventing them from going further to the continent.

The mountains of the Caucasus form the border between the temperate zone to the north of them and the subtropical zone from the southern slopes. Moving from east to west, this difference is becoming stronger due to an increase in the height of the mountains.

Climate and vegetation of subtropics of Russia

The natural conditions of the Black Sea coast of Russia vary from dry steppe regions to very humid areas. From Taman to Anapa, the climate is arid, steppe. There are floodplains and estuaries, so the vegetation is mainly aquatic.

Subtropics start from Anapa. Around Tuapse, the climate is Mediterranean. In winter, a lot of rainfall occurs. Average annual temperatures range from +12 to +14 degrees. Olives, Pitsunda pines, juniper woodlands, Crimean pines, and wild pistachios grow in this part of the coast. The climate is similar to the coast of the Balkans or the southern coast of Crimea. In the mountains, vegetation also changes with elevation. Where the mountains are not very high, cold streams from the continent still find loopholes. They meet with the warm sea air of the coast, forming local winds and burs. When boron blows, tornadoes, tornadoes and hurricanes often occur.

From Tuapse begins a zone of humid subtropics, similar to the climate of the coast of Georgia, Abkhazia, Colchis. In this area the mountains are higher, therefore, the barrier from the winds is more reliable. On the western slopes, up to 3000 mm of precipitation falls throughout the year. This is the wettest place in the European part of the world.

subtropical zone 4 class

There is also a lot of precipitation on the coast - up to 2000 mm / year. The region has multi-tiered evergreen forests. In the lower reaches grows beech, oak, hornbeam, entwined with vines and with a green undergrowth. In the foothill areas grow fruits, chestnuts, hazel, strawberry trees, silk acacia. Citrus fruits, figs, pomegranate are grown in gardens. In mountainous areas, vegetation corresponds to the altitude zone.

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