Cosmeceuticals - what is it? Cosmeceuticals - medicine or cosmetics?

Have you ever bought cosmetics at a pharmacy? So, cosmeceuticals - these are the pharmacy personal care products that solve specific problems: fight wrinkles, remove pigmentation, and eliminate dandruff and hair loss. Such products are very effective and do not cause allergies, because they are developed by pharmacists. Therapeutic cosmeceuticals are not just a caring series, but also a healing one. Cosmetic products of this class penetrate deep into the cells and have a positive effect, stimulating biological and chemical processes in the human body. From here we can safely conclude that cosmeceuticals are therapeutic and protective cosmetics.

cosmeceuticals is

Acquaintance with cosmeceuticals

"Use of non-toxic and skin-friendly ingredients!" - that’s the motto that professional cosmeceuticals adhere to. The special science of nutritional science already knows a lot about cell nutrition and has helped pharmacists include only natural bioactive components in the latest techniques. Before the release of a product, all pharmaceuticals undergo serious clinical trials, so even clients suffering from psoriasis and eczema can use them.

Cosmeceuticals are products, after the cancellation of which there is no effect of aging and addiction. You can use it for the necessary time, then take long breaks, and this will not affect the condition of the skin. The anti-aging effect after the cancellation of these funds remains for a long time, as they penetrate into the lowest layers of the dermis and hypodermis. The best cosmeceuticals have very high requirements and international quality standards, because they should give a therapeutic effect. Such a high position was achieved by few companies in the world. In Russia, there are only two firms that have international certification.

cosmeceuticals for the treatment of alopecia which brand to choose

The main components of cosmeceuticals

To apply pharmaceutical cosmetics, it is not necessary to have diseased skin. For applying such products, the following symptoms are sufficient: wrinkles, dryness, greasy, sagging, peeling. Healing creams or serums will help restore metabolic processes in the dermis. A big plus of cosmeceuticals is the absence of the following ingredients: propylene glycol, sodium gluconate and mineral oil. All cheap cosmetics usually have these components, so they have many side effects that destroy the protective layer of the skin.

Why is cosmeceutical better than Botox? The difference is that Botox gives only a cosmetic effect, but does not help to slow down and prevent the aging process. Cosmeceuticals for the face are able to form muscle memory, and after its long-term use it is possible to reduce even the deepest wrinkles.

What components contribute to the release of much-needed collagen skin and the restoration of elastin fibers? One of these components is hyaluronic acid, which retains moisture in the dermis. Another important component are antioxidants. They remove all harmful radicals from the cells and stop the aging process. For the production of cosmeceutical preparations, high-quality emulsifying and stabilizing components, as well as preservatives, are used.

Russian cosmeceuticals

The difference between cosmeceuticals and pharmaceuticals

Cosmeceuticals combined cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, so it is becoming increasingly popular. This is a cross between these two concepts. Medical cosmetics was developed in France 35 years ago. Then the product received such a name - "Beauty Pills." Today the following groups of cosmeceutical products exist:

  1. Hair condition enhancers.
  2. Products for nails.
  3. Anti-age remedies.
  4. Preparations for the prevention of sunburn.
  5. Anti-cellulite products.

What are the main differences between skin medicines and cosmeceuticals? Cosmeceutical products have a lower concentration of components than pharmaceuticals. But medicinal cosmetics have a very rich composition, as a result, it can have no less effect on the body than pharmaceuticals.

Characteristics of cosmeceuticals

Such a concept as cosmeceuticals has appeared recently, so there is a certain specificity in the use of these funds. It is important to know that cosmeceuticals are distributed by cosmetologists in clinics, some items can be purchased at pharmacies. To choose the right drug, you need to consult a cosmetologist who has experience with them. Before applying medical cosmetics, you need to make a test test for allergies. Recently, a combination of cosmeceuticals and drugs has been practiced. All this can lead to the replacement of cosmeceutical cosmetics.

professional cosmeceuticals

Cosmeceuticals: the best brands

All cosmeceutical products can be divided into three levels: I, II, III. Level 1 drugs are sold exclusively in pharmacies. Here are the most popular cosmeceuticals of this category:

  • VICHY.
  • Phuto.
  • Bioline.
  • Green Line.
  • Lierac.
  • Avene.

These funds work quite effectively in the layers of the epidermis: smooth small wrinkles, eliminate dry or oily skin. These creams will not pass through the basement membrane, so they cannot afford to remove the problems at the place of their location.

Therapeutic cosmetics of the second generation is able to improve the condition of the skin not only at the aesthetic level, but also at the cellular level, since it acts therapeutically. There are not many such brands on the world market. The quality of cosmeceuticals of this class is worthy of respect and is marked with a "Luxury" mark. There is no getting used to these tools. Jars of cream, for example, last for three months, and after its use it is not necessary to purchase an urgent second. The effect persists for a long time, and the skin condition does not worsen, since there are no synthetic components in such a cream. The cost of Tier II cosmeceuticals is not very high due to inexpensive packaging. The buyer pays only for the contents of the product. Due to the deep penetration of therapeutic cosmetics into the cells of the dermis, a therapeutic effect is achieved. Level II cosmetics is produced by such brands:

  • NSP.
  • Natria.

These funds can sometimes be found in pharmacies, but many order them on manufacturers' websites or from network distributors.

Cosmeceuticals for the face of the third generation penetrate deep into the epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. They act on the layers of the skin even more effectively than level II products. The highest level of cosmeceuticals is represented by the following brands:

  • RBC
  • CCL
  • Cefine.
  • Celevenus
  • Kanebo.

Such cosmetic preparations are used by well-known pop stars, housewives, business women, because the preparations are able to rejuvenate the skin. Professional cosmeceuticals make a woman well-groomed, and the skin of her face, neck and décolleté healthy.

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Funds issued in Russia

Recently, a real Russian cosmeceutical has appeared. Brands, brands can be found later in the article. Beautician Irina Nikolaeva created a company called Irushka. The composition of this quality product includes only natural ingredients, it does not contain animal products. For different skin types, the company has developed products for the face, hair and body. Anti-aging serums of this brand are especially popular. Irushka products are manufactured in the city of Klimovsk at the Corus Farm plant.

Today, the myth that effective cosmetics can be produced only abroad is already a myth. Confirmation of this is the Russian cosmeceuticals of the company "Kora". Its therapeutic and prophylactic agents have a high percentage of biologically active components and solve many aesthetic problems. Laboratory "Bark" was founded in 1996, since then products from the most modern world-famous ingredients have been developed there. They do not use chemical dyes, animal fats.

"Bark" produces creams, masks, serums, balms, hair care products. Their products can be bought at an affordable price. The company also successfully launches the New Line professional line, which leading cosmetologists are happy to purchase. Mud masks, intensive tonics, lifting products, massage products are distributed here. A special pride is the Sante line for the care of the skin of hands and feet.

Another effective luxury product is the cosmetics of the Arcadia laboratory in St. Petersburg. These products are suitable for both home and professional care. They are used by employees of medical centers, clinics, beauty salons, and plastic surgery centers. The main line of work of Arcadia is associated with sensitive skin products. This domestic brand won many competitions, was a nominee and laureate of many exhibitions and conferences. The products of the company "Arcadia" are safe and environmentally friendly. Its main direction is the creation of restoring, immunomodulating agents using lipids and polysaccharides.

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Treatment of alopecia in women with cosmeceuticals

Increased, abnormal hair loss in women due to their loss is called alopecia. The hairline gradually thins and over time can completely disappear in some parts of the head and body. According to statistical studies, a third of the total female population faces the problem of baldness. Most often, hair loss begins after 40 years. In medicine, there is a whole specialization for solving this pathology - trichology.

To date, cosmeceuticals have also been developed for the treatment of alopecia. Which brand to choose? Let's try to figure it out. There are a lot of methods and ways to combat hair loss, but perhaps you need to focus on the most effective. More recently, the sensational drug Dekopill was launched in the United States. This cosmeceutical remedy was a discovery in 2015. This medication can stop hair loss caused by the following factors:

  • androgenic motivators;
  • stress
  • postpartum cycle;
  • impaired thyroid function;
  • various diets;
  • iron deficiency in the body;
  • infectious diseases;
  • taking antibiotics and chemotherapy.

Dekopill enhances hair root nutrition, increases resistance to dihydrotestosterone, slows down the aging of follicles. The composition of this cosmeceutical agent includes the following components: an oil extract from citrus fruits, fortified matricin, an extract from olive leaves, olive oil with ozone. The structure is a very liquid lotion, packed in jars with pipettes. And what about efficiency? If you believe the words of consumers who have tested this tool in action, Dekopill is a vivid example of what miracles modern cosmeceutics can do. Reviews about this therapeutic lotion are very good, the only thing is that the price for it is not small.

Shampoos that prevent alopecia

Hair loss is a normal occurrence for every person. Normal - loss of 10-100 hairs per day. If this amount increases significantly, urgent need to take action. The most common way to prevent alopecia is to use medicated shampoos. And here cosmeceuticals work fine. Brands in this direction are already known to many. Some are worth a stop.

In order to lose hair, you can use "Nizoral" - shampoo. He is also a great assistant against dandruff. The ketoconazole contained in Nizoral prevents hair loss. This product can be bought at any pharmacy.

The next cosmeceutical shampoo is Fitoval. The water-glycolic wheat extract contained in it strengthens the hair follicles and increases their resistance. The result will be noticeable after 3 months of using this product. Experts recommend using Fitoval in conjunction with other products in this series.

Another effective shampoo to prevent alopecia is Vichy. He fights hair loss very intensely. It contains such an active component as aminexil, and many vitamins. "Vichy" has a reduction rate of hair loss of 70-75%.

Professional pharmacists have developed Alerana Shampoo. A balm and a hair mask of the same series are also used. The effect is noticeable after two weeks of using this tool. The product consists of natural ingredients and a vitamin complex.

A highly effective shampoo for hair loss is "Ducrey." He is able to strengthen the strands even after perming and dyeing. Its vitamins and minerals have an amazing effect. Under its influence, the cells of the scalp feed, the hair strengthens. A very large selection of shampoos provides cosmeceuticals for the treatment of alopecia. Which brand to choose, a specialist can tell.

cosmeceuticals for the face

Cosmeceuticals for face

Each brand of medical cosmetics for the face has several product lines that eliminate the following aesthetic problems:

  • dermatitis;
  • pigmentation;
  • the effects of tanning;
  • acne
  • rosacea.

To eliminate any problem with the skin of the face, a dermatologist will advise you to purchase pharmacy cosmetic ointments and creams. Cosmeceuticals for face are produced by the following laboratories:

  1. "Bioderma".
  2. La Roche Pose.
  3. Aven.
  4. "A-Derma."
  5. Ducre.
  6. "Biorga".
  7. Uryazh.
  8. Iklen.

Cosmeceuticals are used not only for medicinal purposes, but also for prophylactic ones. The following pharmacy products for face are very popular:

  1. "Vichy."
  2. "Rock".
  3. "Filogra".
  4. Darfin.
  5. Valmont.
  6. "Galenik".
  7. Talgo.

Reviews about medical cosmetics

On many information resources you can find responses about medical cosmetics and reviews about the employer "Modern Cosmeceuticals". Many buyers note the hypoallergenicity and high quality of this product. Women like the lack of obsessive perfumes to mask chemical odors. A special advantage of cosmeceuticals is not just masking skin imperfections, but an active fight against them.

best cosmeceuticals

Particularly popular are products for stimulating hair and nail growth, and for the treatment of dry and oily seborrhea. There are a lot of responses about oral care products that whiten and treat teeth, gums, and fight tooth decay.

The disadvantages of cosmeceuticals include high prices. Many buyers would like more money in the package, because it is designed for long-term use. A huge plus is the fact that even for the most sensitive skin, you can choose a cosmeceutical preparation.

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