Both adults and children should know the rules of the road. This is very important, because safety and life depend on this factor. Adults, by themselves, already know where to cross the road, and where not to. But the kids should introduce this knowledge. It is most effective to educate the younger generation in groups, this is how information is better remembered.
Why is the event "Rules of the road" in kindergarten and school?
The SDA event is important to organize in schools and kindergartens for many reasons. Of course, the main thing is to educate children on road safety. In addition, such events unite children, teach them how to work in a team, and also allow you to have fun.
Features of the organization of the holiday
So that children would not be bored, but interested, that the information presented would not be perceived as a lesson, but as a fascinating journey, you need to consider the scenario of the action on traffic rules. It is necessary to pay attention to such moments:
- The correct distribution of roles. If a script for traffic rules for preschool children is written, it is better for teachers to show the entire procession. In this case, children can be given out words so that they read the poem.
- Preparation of props. Since the SDA event is dedicated to the study of road behavior, appropriate themed accessories should be placed on the stage. Namely, road signs painted on the asphalt or floor of a zebra, traffic lights, a policeman.
- Everything should be thought out to the smallest detail, so that the script for the SDA in the kindergarten or school contains everything that the children need to know during the event.
- Fun contests with children must also find their place in the script. Of course, relay races or questions with a logical meaning will relate to the theme of the holiday, that is, traffic rules.
- Hardware setup. So that nothing violates the process of teaching children the rules of the road, you should first check the microphones, tape recorders and other equipment that will be involved in the event.
- Costumes. If the script for traffic rules for elementary school, then be sure to consider outfits for children. Properly selected costumes for participants will attract the attention of those watching and will help to master perfectly what the participants bring from the stage.
Paying attention to the above factors, the organizers will be able to fully implement the important for everyone knowledge on the rules of the road. After all, when everything happens in a playful way, it is easier for children to accept information.
How useful is such an event?
The name itself speaks for itself. First of all, the guys will learn the important nuances of the rules of the road. Activities on traffic rules will help children learn the following:
- In what places is it safe to cross the road.
- Where it is forbidden to cross the roadway.
- When drivers are required to stop the vehicle to skip pedestrians.
- Learn the rules of the traffic light.
- Superficially recognize the most important road signs.
This and many other useful information are included in the scenario of the event according to the rules of the road. The most important thing is that everything takes place in a relaxed and light atmosphere. Then it will be easier for children from a kindergarten or school to perceive the information.
SDA scenario for preschoolers
The smallest, though rarely on the street without parents, should still know the basics of traffic rules. The scenario for traffic rules for preschool children can be taken as follows.
A man dressed as a policeman and a traffic light enter the stage.
Traffic light (C): I light the lights, but not for beauty.
You must know about every color of mine.
I will tell the cars when to go, and when to stand.
And people with my help will be able to get to the other side of the road.
Policeman (P): Of course, everyone knows your importance.
I am sure that they pay attention to you on the roads.
But if you break, or the intruder is visible,
I immediately come, I will punish the guilty.
The music "Why that traffic light is green" is playing. Then a boy comes onto the scene who believes that he does not need traffic rules.
Boy: I can cross the road anywhere.
Well, explain why I should wait for a green traffic light.
Usually I am in a hurry and do not teach the rules.
I can somehow manage without them, I’m not joking with my brothers.
A girl comes out with traffic signs in her hands.
Girl: You, Little Johnny, think so in vain now.
The road can be dangerous for each of us.
I’ll teach you the rules and I’ll definitely tell you about everything important.
Boy: I don’t want to study, you can’t even strive.
Girl: No, your behavior can be dangerous for you, for him, and for any of us. So now you and I will move to class. You have to listen to everything that I say.
Music plays and a desk and a board appear on the stage.
Boy: Persistent however, okay, expound. But only very quickly, so that I was not late for football.
Girl: If you love football, then take care of your legs and your hands will come in handy, learn the rules of the road. I want to call my assistants so that we quickly and together explain to you what is important. Helpers! Come here please!
1st Helper: Let's make a contract -
You have to find out everything about the traffic light.
A traffic light is not for beauty
And so that you and I are safe and sound.
Why do the lights come on at the traffic lights
Red, yellow and green,
Well, tell me.
Boy: I don't know.
2nd Assistant: Red - calls to stand,
Going to it is dangerous.
If you see this color at a traffic light,
Never cross
Stop - if the color is red.
3rd Helper: Yellow warns
That you can go soon.
Just a little bit, one minute
And you can go.
4th Helper: But the green one says
What can I go over.
Hope the traffic light rules
Today you understand.
Boy: Got it, got it.
Girl: You also have to, Vova, know where you can cross the road.
Kohl see the stripes you are on the earth, which are called zebra,
Then you can go forward freely
And go where you like.
1st Helper: There is still an underpass,
He is the safest and everyone knows that.
And even if you are in a hurry, get down into it,
Safely get over to your side.
The music is playing and the boy and the girl are back on stage.
Boy: I had a dream
Eyes suddenly opened.
In this dream, we learned a lot.
If you want your arms and legs to be whole,
Learn the rules of the road.
Girl: It wasn’t a dream, although it doesn’t matter
I am very glad that you understand.
Who doesn’t teach traffic rules
It can sometimes be very painful.
Traffic light and police: We are ending our holiday, we hope you understand that you need to be careful on the road so that grief does not happen.
Such a fairy tale on traffic rules for preschoolers tells about the most important and will help children to have fun and usefully. It is worth taking note of the idea of ​​holding an event.
SDA scenario for elementary school
First-grade students may perceive more complex information. Although the SDA scenario for preschoolers should not be too different in length from that compiled for first-grade children. As an example, you can take this option.
The presenter and a man dressed as a policeman enter the stage.
Presenter: Today, guys, a very important day. Together with you we will test our knowledge of the rules of the road.
Policeman: There is a very important book that is worth studying. I am talking about the "Rules of the Road." These rules play a role in the life of every person, because as soon as we leave our house, we immediately become either pedestrians or drivers. You children must know the rules for pedestrians, as you still cannot drive cars.
A disheveled boy runs out onto the stage, on the knees and abrasions of his forehead. The policeman stops him.
Policeman: Where are you running this way? There is a road right there.
Boy: So what, I’ll wait between the buses and the cars, they will wait.
Presenter: Guys, do you think Petya is doing the right thing?
(Kids say the answer)
Policeman: Tell me, please, can I play near the road?
Boy: Well, it depends on what. For example, cards are inconvenient. From the movement of cars, the cards will fly apart. But football is another matter. The wheels of cars are like extra players.
Policeman: Children, tell Petya, can this be done? And maybe someone will explain why.
Presenter: Petya, tell me, in what places can I cross the road?
Boy: It doesn't interest me. Wherever I want, there I go.
Policeman: With this attitude to traffic rules, you can make grief. Maybe one of the children knows in which places you can cross the road?
Children in a microphone take turns saying all the places where it is safe to cross the road.
Presenter: Petya, and tell me what the colors of the traffic light mean.
Boy: I think the colors change so people don’t get bored when they run between cars.
Policeman: Children, is Petya right? Someone tell me what color of the traffic light that means?
Children talk to the microphone.
Presenter: Petya, if you do not adhere to the rules of the road, then this may end badly. Do you understand why?
Boy: You told me so many things today that I will now learn the rules.
Presenter: Well, children, believe Petya? Will he be a good boy now, what do you think?
Policeman: I think he understood everything. We give him and all the audience a little book on traffic. So everyone can learn what is needed for safety on the road.
Music plays, all participants bow and the presenter, a policeman and a boy hand out books in the hall.
Such a scenario for traffic rules for preschoolers and for first grade students will surely appeal to the kids. They will not only be able to watch an interesting performance, but also take an active part in the event.
Poems for the SDA event
In order for the script on the SDA in the kindergarten or school to be complete, it is worth including poems in its program. You can take such ideas into account.
A traffic light is not just a flashlight,
He shows us the way.
If the red color blinks on it,
Then all the people are standing.
As yellow lights up
Everyone is waiting for the green light.
Well, green, the path is clear
For all obedient pedestrians.
Who knows the rules
He never feels safe.
In every turn danger awaits him.
Therefore, the rules must be taught
To be healthy and live long.
The traffic light changes color
We are protected from danger.
And what color means you can go,
Do you know about this?
Poems included in the children's script on SDA will certainly make the holiday more diverse and brighter. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to them.
Tale of the rules of the road for children
It is easier for children to perceive information in a playful way or in a fabulous role. Therefore, instead of boys, policemen and other participants, you can include heroes of different tales. For example, a little red riding hood, a boy, a cat, or another fabulous animal can be the host. It all depends on the imagination and wishes of the screenwriter.
How to make children remember the information received?
An event dedicated to traffic rules is not just entertainment. Children must learn the information and understand what it is for. For this:
- Everything should be presented in an accessible and understandable form.
- During the event, there should be various quizzes and relay races in which children will consolidate their knowledge.
Traffic rules are very important for every child. This will ensure the safety and health of the younger generation. Therefore, such events must be held in the walls of kindergartens and schools.