What is interesting in the series “Repentance”?

The main character of the series is Tatyana Arntgolts. This is a very famous Russian actress, who became famous precisely because of her acting career. Tatyana had to play a variety of roles throughout her acting, but most often they were quite serious and heavy characters. But she is always on top, so she managed any role.

The series Remorse 2014 has recently appeared on television. It should be noted that this was the original name for the tape, and then they decided to call the series “Temptation”.

The heroine of Tatiana is a simple girl from a provincial town who breaks out of her hometown to conquer the capital. It was there that she began a romance. Her lover is played by Eugene Pronin. It is interesting that in the role of lovers they already appear together not the first time. Eugene and Tatyana are friends with the television series "Clean Sample".

Filming of the television series "Repentance" took place in Moscow and the Moscow region. It should be noted that there were practically no scenery. The only thing when the scene of the accident was filmed was a very strong smell of metal in the air, so the actors experienced it quite hard.

In a sense, the main character was a little unlucky. After all, from childhood, the actress is very afraid of horses, but here she had to overcome her childhood fear. After all, this is her job. And no matter how afraid she was of these animals, in the frame Tatyana looked as always very professional. As for her partner, he took riding lessons for the sake of filming, as he had no business with horses before that.

One of the few scenery in the film is the maternity hospital, and the maternity hospital was real and there were real mothers in it. Although usually in the movies do not use such tricks. But while the scene was being shot at the hospital, seven children were born there. And one newborn just starred in the series. His role was offered by his own mother. So the scene turned out to be more believable than ever. As a fee, the young mother was presented with good diapers for the baby.

The life of Eugene Pronin is somewhat similar to the life of his hero. After all, as in the series, he is a crazier lover of various clubs and fashionable party places. Even after the end of filming, he went to celebrate this event in the club.

Also interesting is the moment of the fight between Pronin and Osipov, when they are stopped by the heroine Agnia Kuznetsova and with the help of sugar. In order to achieve the desired result, the director had to shoot a lot of takes, and sugar didn’t take about a kilogram 3. Evgeny recalls this episode with a laugh. Indeed, thanks to sugar, his hair was truly varnished.

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