Natural zone of Ukraine: steppe, forest-steppe, mixed forests, mountains

Each natural zone of Ukraine has at the same time similar features with others, and obvious differences. On the territory of one country there are mixed forests, and forest-steppe, and mountains, and steppe. Let's consider each zone separately.

natural zone of Ukraine

Mixed forest zone

It occupies the northern part of the country. The surface is mostly flat. This zone is called Ukrainian Polesie. This is the land of rivers, swamps, lakes. There are also artificial reservoirs, the largest of which is the Kiev reservoir. Spring is quite cool here, and summers are wet, warm (the rising sun warms the earth well), autumn is rainy, winters are not too cold, snowy, with thaws. Due to the significant amount of precipitation, the rivers here are full (flood), and in the spring floods are possible, and long-term. This natural zone of Ukraine is quite humid. Melt and rain water, slowly seeping into the soil, form swamps. There are many lakes and rivers. They are fed by numerous streams formed as a result of the release of groundwater to the surface.

The vegetation is arranged in tiers: the upper one is trees, the middle one is bushes (undergrowth), the lower one is grass and mushrooms.

The northern part is mainly occupied by pines and oaks. To the south, besides these trees, there are birch, hornbeam, aspen, linden, alder, and maple. The undergrowth is composed of barberry, blackberry, rosehip, raspberry, hazel. In marshy places, blueberries and lingonberries are often found.

Snowdrops, anemone, corydalis, and blueberries β€œdiscover” early spring. Behind them appear dream grass, violets, lilies of the valley, bumps. By summer, only shade-tolerant and moisture-loving plants (mosses, ferns, hoofs) remain in the forests. Among the plants growing on the edges and clearings there are Ivan tea, Valerian, chamomile, St. John's wort, yarrow, tansy. Falling leaves and dying plants form the so-called forest litter, which retains moisture. Over time, it rots, turning into fertile soil. The animal world is composed of both herbivorous animals (hares, mice, red deer, roe deer, moose, bison) and carnivores (hedgehogs, squirrels, badgers, wild pigs). Muskrats, beavers, otters are happy to settle near water bodies. Lakes with rivers are rich in fish. Water-related newts, snakes, frogs. At the edges and in the forests live lizards and snakes. Many insects hiding in the bark, forest litter and plants are a delicacy for birds, most of which return in spring from warm places (Orioles, nightingales, flycatchers, cuckoos, starlings). Swans, white storks, gray cranes, waders appear on bolts and forest lakes. Among the permanent residents are large woodpeckers, gray owls, capercaillie, hazel grouse, black grouse. To preserve and enhance nature, nature reserves have been created (Rivne, Polessky, etc.). The other natural zone of Ukraine is somewhat different from that described.

natural zone of Ukraine steppe

Forest steppe

When moving away from mixed forests to the south, treeless areas appear - steppes. This natural zone of Ukraine is called the forest-steppe. Here, winters are moderately cold, and summers are warm. Precipitation is less. Soil - black soil. Natural conditions are favorable enough for most cultivated and wild plants. Forests are mainly deciduous, partially mixed. The animals are the same as in the mixed forest area. Significantly different from the other natural zone of Ukraine considered here - the steppe. It occupies most of the country.


To the south of two seas (the Black, Azov) and the forest-steppe zone stretches the steppe territory. Its surface is mostly flat, with beams, ravines, hills. The sun rises higher here, therefore, this natural zone of Ukraine (steppe) has a hotter climate. Summer is longer and much warmer. Precipitation is less. Autumn is warm, the first half is dry, the second is rainy. Winter is not snowy, short, cold. Due to sharp increases in temperature, the moisture that the soil absorbs quickly evaporates. Frequent dry winds precede droughts. Cold winter winds cause blizzards and storms. They destroy fertile soil.

Large rivers flow along the steppes. The Danube Delta is rich in fresh lakes, and the Black Sea coast - in salty estuaries. Several reservoirs (cascades) were built on the Dnieper.

The plants here are predominantly grassy. Bushes with trees are found in beams and along the shores of water bodies - only there is enough moisture for them.

In early spring, the steppe is bright and colorful. There is still enough moisture in the soil at this time, and many plants feel very comfortable. Here, hyacinths, and irises, and adonis, and crocuses, and poppies, and tulips, and peonies. Plant seeds give before the onset of heat peak. Some "dump" the ground part (it dies). The roots continue to accumulate moisture and nutrients: next year they will again sprout and bloom.

Soon more hardy, unpretentious plants appear: fescue, wormwood, feather grass. Some have pubescent narrow leaves, while others have long roots that can tolerate heat and lack of water. By mid-summer, plants begin to dry. The wind, picking them up and rolling them across the steppe, shakes out the seeds. This natural zone of Ukraine seems gray and inhospitable at the end of summer. The fauna here is poorer than in the forest. Many animals have a characteristic light yellow color, due to which they are less noticeable among the dry, yellowed grass. Most of them live in minks. These are mainly rodents: mice, jerboas, ground squirrels, groundhogs, hamsters. Burrows dig badgers, foxes, ferrets. Such dwellings are both the birthplace of offspring, and shelter, and a place for hibernation. In burrows dug by small animals, fast lizards, vipers, steppe turtles settle.

Thanks to its ability to move quickly, steppe rare birds, streptos and bustards, are saved from numerous enemies.

In early spring, you can hear the lark. Voice and quail. You can see rare steppe cranes. Soaring in the sky are a falcon, an eagle, a kestrel, a harrier. They prey on smaller birds and mice.

Many insects live in the steppes: grasshoppers, butterflies, locusts, beetles. They feed on various parts of plants, while being food for amphibians, reptiles, birds.

For the sake of preserving the nature of this zone, such reserves as the Ukrainian Steppe, Askania-Nova, and Lugansk have been created.

natural zone of Ukraine

Carpathian mountains

They are considered average in height. Formed by mountain ranges. Between them lie very picturesque valleys. There is a lot of rainfall: snow - in the winter, rain - in the warm time. That is why floods often occur. Many streams and rivers begin in the mountains. Among them are the Dniester and the Prut with the largest tributaries. Small and at the same time quite deep crystal clear lakes are found in the Carpathians.

Deciduous forests of oak, hornbeam, linden, maple, and beech are spread on the slopes of the mountains. Higher - colder, conifers (European spruce, fir) appear, the forest is already mixed. The undergrowth is formed by dogrose, hazel, blackberry, raspberry. The edges and glades are covered with herbaceous plants, many are medicinal. There are a lot of mushrooms (honey agarics, white, boletus, boletus, boletus, etc.).

Animals in the Carpathians are the same as on the plains. These are red deer, hares, foxes, wolves, martens, otters, wild pigs, badgers, squirrels. Birds - black grouse, hazel grouse, spotted woodpeckers, black and crested tits, many migratory songbirds.

There are animals found mainly in the Carpathians: brown bears, forest cats, lynxes. Of the birds - black storks, golden eagles, eagles, black woodpeckers, snake-eaters. Only in these mountains live Carpathian squirrels, snow voles, Carpathian grouse.

To preserve this natural zone of Ukraine, nature reserves (Gorgan, Carpathian) have been created.

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