How should a complaint be written to the prosecutor?

No one is safe from unpleasant situations that can happen in life. Often you have to contact law enforcement. Therefore, you should know how to write a statement to the prosecutor. Let's see if you need to go to a lawyer for this, or can you do everything yourself.

Complaint to the prosecutor

What is a complaint to the prosecutor?

This is a written appeal to public authorities in the event that your rights are violated by someone else's illegal action or inaction. The charge may have a different targeted nature. This may be a complaint to the prosecutor's office against the employer, private individual, state organization.

Requirements and rules for paperwork

1. The text should be well read.

It is advisable to print the appeal on a computer. Of course, you can write by hand, but only if you have a legible handwriting. If prosecutors cannot read the document, it will be left without consideration.

2. Your passport details must be indicated .

The application must contain your name, surname and patronymic. Otherwise, your complaint to the prosecutor’s office will be ignored. Anonymous statements are simply not accepted.

3. The presence of your address and the address of the prosecutor.

In the appeal should write your exact address with a zip code. This is necessary so that you can send a return response on the consideration of your question. Indication of the address of the prosecutor's office is also mandatory, as well as the name of the prosecutor who will consider your case.

4. Availability of a false testimony subscription.

At the end of the application, you will be required to write that you were informed about criminal prosecution for giving false testimonies. As a result of processing the document, you will be assigned a registration number, which you need to remember in order to handle questions if necessary.

5. A complaint to the prosecutor’s office is a “one-time” opportunity.

It’s not worth it to fill up law enforcement officers with a mountain of applications for the same problem. These papers simply will not be considered by anyone. After submitting the document once, try to patiently wait for the official response. It can be negative if prosecutors do not see enough facts to initiate proceedings. In this case, you may be asked to bring in the missing information within one week.

Complaint to the prosecutor about the employer

How to write a complaint yourself?

To apply, you do not need to contact a lawyer. It is important to clearly and correctly describe your problem, albeit not in the exact legal language. The main thing is to take into account the elementary rules of the Russian language, not to use jargon, threats and insults against your offender. Try to clearly describe the facts, arguing your point of view.

How to write a statement to the prosecutor

So, the complaint to the prosecutor’s office is an official document. When you make it, you will need to convincingly show the exact reasons for your appeal, to present the problem correctly, clearly and reasonably. In this case, your application will not be left without attention, and the problem will be quickly resolved. The main thing is to believe that you are right, and the law is fair!

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