How to open an ampoule: tricks and tricks

An ampoule is a glass sealed container designed to store liquid and powdered medicines. Since its main sign is tightness, it should be assumed that it is sealed on all sides and it is sometimes very difficult to get to its contents.

how to open an ampoule

So, we will consider methods that provide an answer to the question: "How to open an ampoule without harming yourself and others?" In addition, we will understand what they are and why they are needed.

How to open a vial of liquid medicine

As a rule, all glass containers for drugs are divided into 2 types: all glass and those with a metal lid. In order to open the first variety, you must sequentially do the following operations:

  1. Read the name of the medicine, special attention should be paid to its expiration date.
  2. The container must be shaken so that the medicine all falls down and does not spill during depressurization.
  3. If an item for cutting is included in the kit for the ampoule (as a rule, this is an emery stick), it must be worked around the circumference in the narrowest part of the container, at the place where the neck passes to the ampoule itself.
  4. Take a piece of fleece or a paper towel and break the neck away from you in order to avoid possible damage when the glass breaks.
  5. Open the ampoule.

In the event that the necessary nail file is not included with it, it can be replaced with such improvised tools as a nail file or a kitchen knife.

How to open a vial of dry powder

If, having acquired a box with the drug, you find that the medicine is a dry powder, and the lid of the ampoule is iron, then in order to open it, you must do the following:

  1. Buy a solution necessary for the powder (novocaine, lidocaine, etc.).
  2. Release the ampoule from the metal protection of the rubber cap.
  3. Draw a solution into the syringe.
  4. Pierce the rubber cap and release it to the powder.
  5. Stir and use as directed.

    open ampoule

What else are ampoules

Recently, drug manufacturers have come up with the safe opening of ampoules without the help of foreign objects. In this case, there is already no glass on the neck at the transition to the bubble itself and the tip can simply be broken off. But there are unique ampoules that are sealed with aluminum, and it is sometimes not so simple to open them yourself. For example, Mexidol is packaged in ampoules. This drug is used to improve blood supply to the brain, reduce the overall level of cholesterol in the vessels, and is also used as first aid for drug or alcohol intoxication, epilepsy and seizures.

Mexidol Ampoules
As a rule, such ampoules are sold only to medical institutions, and after use their number is taken into account. It also happens with all hermetic packages containing narcotic substances.

Thus, the article found the answer to the question: "How to open an ampoule?" Do not use any other methods if they threaten the health of others and carry the possibility of changing the composition of the drug.

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