Those who have at least once experienced such an unpleasant state when a cold pops up on their lips know very well how uncomfortable and painful it is. The cause of this disease is microscopic organisms - herpes viruses that live intracellularly and make themselves felt when the immune system begins to weaken. How to cure a cold on the lip? every herpes virus carrier should know at any unexpected moment, the infection can become more active and manifest itself in a very unpleasant picture.
First of all, the patient, who often has herpes, needs to strengthen his own immunity. To do this, you need to use as many different vitamins as possible in vegetables, berries and fruits in the autumn-winter period, as well as in the spring. In addition to natural vitamins, it is advisable to include vitamin complexes and dietary supplements in your diet. Herpes often provoke emotional overload and stress. Of course, you cannot predict in advance where and when a stressful situation will await, but you can learn to relate to some things easier. For the emotional sphere it is very important to have a good and quality rest. This implies a full sleep, regular and adequate nutrition for the body, a review of bad habits.
How to cure a cold on the lip when the first signs of herpes are only outlined ? Usually at this moment the patient begins to feel itching, discomfort, burning in some part of the lip. In this case, the fastest way to cure a cold is to lubricate the lesion with an antiviral cream or ointment. Now the most popular remedy for herpes is Zovirax. It contains the active substance acyclovir, which has a pronounced antiherpetic effect. Be sure to remember that "Zovirax" exists in two versions: for the skin and for the eyes. In eye zovirax, a very small percentage of the main substance, which will not be enough for the skin. It was created specifically for mucous membranes so as not to cause irritation in them.
If herpes still appeared, then you should not despair, it is necessary to continue the main therapeutic measures. Of course, it will not be possible to cure a cold in 1 day, but you can significantly reduce the time it is on the patient's lips. When painful vesicles appeared, it is necessary to lubricate them more often with acyclovir- containing substances, antiseptic solutions and in no case to tear off the sore. Tearing off the vesicles will expose the eroded surface, will bleed, and the liquid that was contained in the vesicles will spread the infection across the entire surface of the skin. Very often, those sores that were torn off by impatient patients during the illness leave ugly hyperpigmentation for a long time after themselves. How to cure a cold on the lip without injuring the bubbles? It is better to lubricate sores with furatsilin, a weak solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate), you can lightly burn them with iodine. All this helps to dry the bubbles a little and help them quickly turn into crusts. The main thing is that when the patient uses iodine, he must do this with extreme caution, otherwise a chemical burn will result instead of drying .
How to cure a cold on the lip in alternative ways? Good for herpes on the sore itself is the use of aromatic oils. Fir oil is especially effective for cold sores. It reduces the volume of vesicles before our eyes, forms a crust faster, which quickly disappears without leaving scars and hyperpigmentation. This is due to the fact that it contains a large number of tanning and astringents that dry the elements of the bubble rash. The effect on the common cold of burnt paper, earwax, which is often used in folk medicine, is only subjective.