Summer Olympics - appearance story

The 2012 Summer Olympic Games had just made it into history, since it had not even been a year since they ended. London showed itself in all its glory: a lot of money was spent on the competition, and the opening and closing ceremonies of the games were recognized as one of the most spectacular in the history of the competition of this kind.

summer olympic games

In the British capital, by the way, the summer Olympic Games were held not for the first time. Twice before, London was the main sports city in the world. The 1908 Olympics, by the way, was not summer and went on, with interruptions, for almost half a year, because then the IOC had not yet held the Winter Olympics, because the revival of the games took place only in the year 1896, and the necessary rules were not yet adopted at that time It was.

history of the summer olympic games

The Summer Olympics then included hockey competitions, which today would look pretty ridiculous. However, at that time this did not bother anyone, and representatives of many states came to fight for medals.

In 1948, the Olympics again returned to London, which was a rather symbolic event, since it was this city that was most affected by the bombing of the Third Reich aircraft , whose capital hosted the last pre-war Olympics. The 1948 Games helped London quickly flourish after the war and restored the city to its former prestige, and also increased its attractiveness in the eyes of world investment companies.

From the history of the Games

In addition to the British capital, the Summer Olympics were held in many different cities around the world. The first Games of our time were held in Athens in 1896. It was decided to arrange competitions here to give them symbolism, because it was in Greek Olympia in 776 BC the very first Olympic competitions took place. The Greeks even considered the years β€œOlympiads”, that is, segments of four years. The tradition of holding the Games was interrupted a thousand years later, as one of the Christian emperors of Rome recognized them as a pagan remnant of the past. Apparently, the then rulers did not see sport in sports.

2012 Summer Olympics

Then, one and a half thousand years in the world there were no major sporting events. The times of church obscurantism and colonial wars came. States were not up to sports. Only by the end of the 19th century did the first timid voices begin to be heard that called for large international sports to be organized. Louder than others was the voice of Pierre de Coubertin, from the filing of which the first summer Olympic Games were held modern stage of the history of mankind.

Since then, the Olympics have been held every 4 years, with the exception of 1916, 1940 and 1944, when World War I raged. Almost all world powers take part in the Olympic movement today. Even the fact of the presence of athletes in competitions of this magnitude is already an achievement for their home country. As Pierre de Coubertin himself said: "The main thing is not victory, but participation."

The history of the Summer Olympics is not complete, because the sport has never stood and will not stand still. Fans are waiting for new champions!

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