Daenerys Targaryen in books and series

The George Martin saga “A Song of Ice and Fire” is famous for its unlike heroes. And among them, those who are called the main contenders for the throne of Westeros stand out most clearly. One of these is considered the heiress of the ancient royal family Daenerys Targaryen.

Princess Background

The story of this pretender to the throne begins at a time when her ancient family fell. Daenerys is the daughter of King Westeros Ayris II the Mad. The unreasonable policy of his father, explained by his mental illness, became the cause of the uprising and overthrow of the old government. The former king, his heir and children were killed. Only the pregnant Queen Rayle and Prince Withers, son of Ayris II, managed to escape. Daenerys was born on Dragonstone at a time when the storm destroyed with the ships the last hope of the Targaryen to win. During childbirth, the queen died. Young heirs began to protect people faithful to the old royal family.

Daenerys Targaryen
The princess spent the first years of her life in the house of Syr Darry, who served under her father as a gun master. But the patron saint of children died when Denis was still small. Viseris and his sister had to go through a painful time of wandering and hunger, before the master of Pentos and the rich merchant Illyrio Mopatis agreed to accept them.

Princess and khalisi

Throughout the wanderings, Viserys Targaryen wished to be in his native state again and regain the throne. But the young prince had no army, no means. He shared his plans and stories about his distant homeland with his younger sister.

Daenerys Targaryen actress
Kings from the Targaryen family, according to the old custom, married their sisters to keep their blood clean. But Viserys departed from this rule, deciding to get the throne at the expense of the princess. Together with the master Illyrio, he wed Denis for Khal Drogo, the leader of the warlike nomads.

At the Daenerys Targaryen wedding, numerous gifts were presented, among which were three dragon eggs. They were so old that no one believed in the possibility of the appearance of dragons from them. Once the Targaryen were able to unite the seven kingdoms into one thanks to fire-breathing monsters. But centuries later, the dragons died out, remaining only as a memory on the emblem of the Targaryen. Because Denis was very happy about the unexpected gift. In addition, she received three servants as a gift and met with the disgraced knight, Ser Jorah Mormont, who became her faithful protector and mentor.

Changes in life greatly influenced the princess, dividing her life into two parts. Having become a Khalisi, she was more powerful and respected than Brother Viserys. The prince could not forgive this, as well as the fact that Khal Drogo was in no hurry to give his army to conquer the throne. Daenerys lost respect for Viseris and every day more and more realized that the weak prince could not become a worthy ruler of Westeros, unlike her.

Khal Drogo

The history of the khala is poorly illuminated until he married Daenerys Targaryen. He was considered one of the most powerful warriors, as evidenced by his long braid: the Dothraki's hair was cut off only after a defeat.

Daenerys Targaryen and Drogo
Drogo was able to combine many smaller Khalasars and gain wealth after the raids. All this allowed him to marry the heiress of an ancient clan. Daenerys Targaryen and Khal Drogo at first were mistrustful of each other. Denis was afraid of her husband, who spoke a foreign language and brought up in a different culture. The warrior did not respect the girl. But over time, their relationship has changed dramatically, turning into one of the most beautiful love stories.

Daenerys Targaryen and Drogo, as the wise Dothraki predicted, were to become the parents of the great warrior. And the Khal promised his young wife that their son would take the throne of a distant Western state, about which his mother was dreaming.

Emilia Clark

Based on the saga, the series “Game of Thrones” was shot, named after the first book in the series. Daenerys Targaryen appeared in the first season. The young princess was played by British actress Emilia Clark.

Daenerys Targaryen and Khal
Clark decided to become an actress in early childhood after visiting the theater in which her father worked. Her whole subsequent life was associated with acting. For several years she managed to become famous on the stage. Then the girl decided to try herself on the screen. But the first role in the series "Doctors" did not bring her fame. I had to wait another year before Emilia got the role of Daenerys Targaryen. The actress who was approved dropped out of the project. Therefore, it was necessary to hurriedly look for a replacement for her.

For the filming of the series Emilia Clark had a long time to spend in the makeup room. She was picked up a platinum wig, but contact lenses had to be abandoned. The creators of the series decided to age the characters for several years. Because Clark, who at the beginning of filming was almost ten years older than her heroine, organically fit into the role.

Emilia became famous after the role of Khalisi Daenerys Targaryen. The actress received offers to play in full-length films. During the release of the series, she became famous in many countries of the world.

Daenerys Targaryen is one of the most famous and beloved heroines of the saga. She is predicted victory and a happy fate. But the real end of her story is still hidden by a veil of secrecy.

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