Dumbbell homework for beginners

Exercising with dumbbells at home is a great way to get a beautiful body shape for both women and men. With the right approach and daily training, the muscles get stronger, the general condition of the body improves.

Dumbbells: what they are for and what they give

exercise with dumbbells at home

Many believe that exercising with dumbbells at home for women will contribute to weight loss. However, this is not quite true. Strength loads are necessary for the body in the first place in order to heal it. Muscles will become stronger, and this will not affect weight loss. For those women who want to lose weight, the best option would be to first get rid of extra pounds, and then start training.

Exercising dumbbells at home is very helpful. They are invaluable for the whole body. For example, if you focus on the back, then you can strengthen the entire skeleton at once, you will never be tormented by pain in this area. And if you combine these exercises with a set of training for other parts of the body, you can form a muscle corset. It will help maintain internal organs in the right position, help strengthen joints, make them less fragile, and increase bone mineral content.

Choose a load on the muscles

Dumbbells are the only sports equipment that is suitable for a large number of exercises. Their weight is small, so the body will not be overloaded. Today in specialized stores you can find a wide variety of dumbbells, which differ from each other in their weight, size and even color. If you plan to start training at home, it is best to take a projectile no harder than one kilogram. For beginners, this is the best option. Such dumbbells will be convenient to hold in your hands.

exercises with dumbbells at home for men

Before choosing the weight of the projectile, it is important to consider the factor for which purpose you plan to start training. If just to lose weight a little and give the figure an attractive shape, then a shell with a minimum weight will do just fine.

Exercises with dumbbells at home for men involve building muscle relief. In this case, the load can be increased to three kilograms. However, it is worth remembering an important rule. You will not see a striking result after a week of training. Only regular, daily workouts can help you achieve your goal.

It is not recommended to do exercises at home longer than 45 minutes. This is the optimal time that will not overload the body and give it the opportunity to recover. It is necessary to move in measured steps, not to rush, then everything will surely work out.

Diet during training

One of the important rules that should be followed when training at home is proper nutrition. Do not forget that the body loses a lot of energy, and muscles need to be fed. It does not matter whether you are a man or a woman, it is recommended to consume in measured amounts protein, fresh vegetables and vitamins.

Accustom yourself to eat as little animal fats as possible. They not only adversely affect the body, but will also create heaviness in the stomach, thereby preventing you from exercising.

Exercises with dumbbells at home for weight loss will be effective only if you eat properly.

dumbbell exercises at home

Why training is needed

What do workouts with dumbbells give:

  • Form a beautiful relief of a figure.
  • Improve overall coordination.
  • Tighten all muscle groups.

Classes with dumbbells at home for beginners should affect all muscle groups. Choose a few exercises for yourself, distribute them for 45 minutes and you can start training.

A set of standard exercises

Exercise 1

For this exercise, you will need a low bench. If she’s not at home, you can combine several stools as an alternative. The arm and one knee should rest on the bench, in the other hand hold a dumbbell. The back is fixed directly in a bent state so as not to feel discomfort. Start lifting the dumbbell so that the elbow rises as much as possible. It is very important to focus on the spinal muscles, not on the hands. Follow several approaches, then do the same, only leaning on the other leg.

Exercise 2

This exercise must be performed while standing. Bend your knees slightly, take dumbbells in your hands and lower them at the seams. With a flat back we make an inclination forward. Next, lift the dumbbells as high as possible. A few seconds are fixed in this position and rise to the starting position. When doing the exercise, do not rush. And do not forget that exercises with dumbbells at home must be accompanied by proper breathing.

Exercise 3

This exercise helps strengthen the spinal muscles. You need to perform it while lying down. If there is no bench at home, pick up a flat, low surface. It must be rigid. Lie down on your back. Further, as slowly as possible on outstretched arms, we pull the dumbbells by the head, then back. Several of these approaches daily will significantly help strengthen your back.

Exercise 4

If you want to strengthen the muscles of the hands, it is recommended that you sit on a flat surface and keep your back straight, just do several times lifting the dumbbell with one hand, then the other.

The advantages of dumbbells over other shells

exercises with dumbbells at home for women

Exercises with dumbbells at home are much better and more effective than with other equipment. The following advantages can be distinguished:

  • Large simulators take up a lot of space and are expensive. It is for this reason that not everyone can afford such a luxury. As for the dumbbells - they are small and comfortable. You can keep them under the bed, in the drawer. Anywhere you want.
  • Dumbbell - this is the one with which the beginner will optimally begin training. It affects all muscle groups, while the body is not overloaded.
  • It is worth noting the low risk of injury. If, for example, a trainer is required to be standing next to a gym with a barbell, this is not required for training with dumbbells.

Regular exercise with dumbbells at home is your opportunity to bring your figure back to normal, improve the condition of the body with minimal costs for gyms and expensive equipment.

exercises with dumbbells at home photo

Learning to exercise properly

Despite the fact that dumbbells are an easy-to-learn projectile, it’s important to get the workout right.

Basic Rules:

  • Before starting a workout, you need to take some time to do a little workout. This moment plays an important role. The muscles must warm up, otherwise the whole body will hurt later.
  • Any exercise, no matter what muscle groups it is aimed at, should be accompanied by smooth inhalations and exhalations. You never need to rush.
  • The intensity of your workouts sometimes needs to be increased. For example, in a month you can buy dumbbells with a lot of weight or just do 15 minutes longer.

Training Effectiveness

exercises with dumbbells at home for weight loss

The question often arises as to whether exercising with dumbbells at home can actually lead to a good result. Actually it is. Gradually, you will begin to feel how your muscles are getting stronger, as your back pain disappears. On the other hand, it’s simply useful for any person to play sports. And training with dumbbells at home is an affordable option for its cost and time.


Dumbbells are a sports equipment. There are a number of diseases and other cases in which this type of training is strictly prohibited:

  • Asthma.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Problems with heart.
  • Hypertension.
  • Critical days (women at this time should not exert pressure on the body).

It is also worth being very careful in exercises for osteochondrosis or scoliosis. In these cases, the load should be moderate, it is advisable to first speak with the trainer so that he selects the optimal set of exercises.

home exercise for dumbbells for beginners

To summarize

To summarize, we can say that dumbbells are the most affordable and easiest way to improve your health and build muscle a little at home. By giving a little time to exercises throughout the month, you will notice an improvement in sleep and overall well-being. Exercises with dumbbells at home are very effective. Photos, how to perform some exercises, look before starting a workout to make it easier to get comfortable with the projectile. Start training today - and after a short period of time you will feel tangible results.

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