Hair adorns a woman. And it does not matter if it is long curls, with flirty curls, or a perky haircut. Neatly styled hair, with shiny curls, is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent.
There is another significant subtlety in the hairstyle of a modern bastard - this is a bang. And from this moment on, a question arises before her and not just one: โWhich bangs to choose, how to put it beautifully, how to cut a bang with your own hands properly?โ
First you need to decide what type of face you have and what hair, and then decide how to cut your bangs properly. Those who have a square, oval and round face type - an oblique and long, universal bangs will do, it can become your decoration.
If you have a long, elongated face of a rectangular type, then a long and geometric one can soften a somewhat heavy chin.
A narrow and small face will be decorated with thick and dull bangs, decorated from ear to ear. But it is absolutely not suitable for those young ladies whom nature has awarded with a round, large face. The owner of a large forehead and broad cheekbones, even think you need to forget about a short, perky little bang.
There is one universal bang that will suit everyone without exception - itโs straight to the eyebrows. And the question of how to cut a straight bang is correct will not be relevant if you know how to do it correctly.
A few more tips that you need to consider, decided on a bang. Do not forget about age and height. Short-haired girls do not need to do lush, combed bangs, this will make them even taller, and their heads will look too big. But โlickednessโ does not decorate young ladies tall and full, their head will seem too small for such a body.
And now about the type of hair, since for bangs, it matters.
For thin hair, a dull bang is recommended, which starts above the top of the hairline. Visually, the hairstyle will seem more magnificent, voluminous and thick. Curly hair is unpredictable, it is difficult to style it, so a thick whirlwind will not be in the best condition. Naughty and stiff do not need to be cut short, otherwise they will stick out. The best option is medium length, a rare little bang.
Hunting is more than bondage, you really want to change something with your hair, and you decide to cut your hair. And how to trim your bangs will help you some tips.
1. You need to choose the sharpest scissors that you have in your home.
2. Separate the bangs from the bulk of the hair, stab with unnecessary hairpins so that they do not interfere, and the individual hairs that fall out do not mix with the bangs.
3. Shear only dry hair. If you do this with wet hair, then you risk cutting more than necessary. After all, after drying, they tend to rise. You will be unpleasantly surprised to see your bangs two centimeters shorter. Itโs better to leave a couple of extra centimeters.
4. If you have curly hair, then you need to cut off a little less than you would like, since curls curling in curls will rise.
5. You need to cut your bangs very carefully, at angles of 45 degrees, picking out a little locks a little bit.
These are the main tips that relate to the question of how to trim a bang. The main thing to remember is that oblique bangs are not suitable for everyone, and in addition, curly hair does not cut under oblique bangs. But how to cut a slanting bangs correctly , there are some nuances. Or, each time you have to go somewhere, resort to styling. First lubricate with a special smoothing cream, and then lay with a round brush. In the correct haircut oblique bangs, you must definitely draw a strip at the level that you need. If this does not work out visually, draw a line with a cosmetic pencil. As for the rest, all recommendations are similar.
And now the main thing: trust your head to professionals! Otherwise, a bad mood for several months, and, possibly, depression, are provided to you.