Recreation center business plan: calculation of construction costs, payback periods, reviews

Vacation is a long-awaited time for all people. Due to the aggravation of the economic situation in the country, more and more Russians began to visit domestic recreation facilities. And this trend will only be strengthened in the near future. In this regard, the business plan for the construction of a recreation center is becoming increasingly relevant.

general information

Own recreation center is a great opportunity for a profitable business. The business plan of the recreation center always involves considerable investments. But such a thing has great prospects. When working all year round, as in this case, the payback will be good. In addition, the recreation center implies unlimited development. When compiling a business plan for a recreation center with calculations, it is worth focusing mainly on people with average incomes.

Base project

Key Success Factors

It is worth considering that a number of factors have a strong influence on the success of a project in this industry. So, when creating a business plan for a recreation center, it is important to pay attention to the picturesque surroundings and the quality of service. It should also take into account the breadth of choice of services, affordability, development of demand.

The planned budget in any business plan of a recreation center is at least tens of millions of rubles. In this case, a budget of 33.7 million rubles is considered. The business starts to recover from losses from the 4th month of the institution’s functioning. Payback will be from 30 months. Net profit - 962,000 rubles per month. Return on sales will be 30%.

Business description

This business plan of the recreation center provides for several buildings. They will have a place for rest, and for leisure, and for business meetings, trainings. They will be placed in a beautiful area, near ponds. Since recreational facilities in the forest are popular, it makes sense to include territory near a reservoir in a business plan.

It is planned that the company will operate year-round. The target audience will be diverse. In total, three large buildings are planned. In the central there will be an administration and a room for household needs, a dining room, a bar with a conference room, a medical center, 20 rooms.

Two buildings will include only rooms intended for living. In total, about 100 people will live here. Each room has an area of ​​20-30 square meters.

Each room will have a separate bed, wardrobe, mirrors, bedside tables, telephone, TV, lamp, chair, bathroom with shower. Interiors are recommended to be done in a warm tone. It is better to give preference to brown, milky, green shades.

In addition, it is best when drawing up a business plan for a recreation center to provide for the construction of a sports ground, summer stage, gazebos, playground, pool. All these additions will increase the popularity of the recreation center. In addition, it makes sense to provide opportunities for fishing, complementing the business plan of the base on vacation with the purchase of boats and fishing tackle.

Developing the resort, the owner will be able to increase the number of buildings, attract more tourists. To achieve maximum profit, it is worth including traditional seasonal in the list of services provided. So, in the business plan of the recreation center on the lake, you need to include the services associated with fishing, ice rink.

It's fishing

Additional services

Very popular additions to the list of services are the holding of the New Year's Eve at the recreation center, the possibility of organizing holidays for children and adults, corporate events, educational programs, trainings, excursions, transfers.

About the market

It is necessary to take into account the fact that the number of such databases is constantly growing. For example, in just a year between 2016 and 2017, their number doubled. Demand for this type of recreation has grown significantly. And exponentially continues its growth. Information taken from the official website of Rosstat.

About the target audience

The target audience will include both children - schoolchildren and preschoolers, as well as people of any age category. Such vacation spots are popular among entrepreneurs and young people. The wealth level of a greater mass of visitors will be at an average level.

About marketing

It is imperative that, when formulating a business plan for opening a recreation center, you need to think through a marketing strategy that the owner of the institution will adhere to. Among the most effective ways of promotion in this area, first of all, the creation of a recognizable brand in social services is listed. networks.

Ready base

Usually the target audience carefully chooses a place of rest. And she needs to get exhaustive data in advance about what conditions will await them. They are primarily looking for appropriate photos. It makes sense to advertise on the forums.

The most effective way to attract customers is word of mouth. To do this, you need to take care of the service, the quality of the services provided.

The market for this industry is dynamic. For this reason, it is important to track changes on it. This will allow you to gain a competitive advantage. It is best to ensure the conditions under which customers will be very active in leaving feedback about the database by publishing photos and videos in social networks. networks.

It is important to think over loyalty programs for regular customers in advance. If you create a great impression of the place, they will appear.

In addition, it makes sense to become partners with companies organizing trainings, corporate events, and outdoor events. It will be beneficial for both parties.

Action plan

The most important stage in the implementation of the finished business plan of the recreation center in life will be the search for a place. It is best to give preference to picturesque nature with a pond. The proximity of forests is welcome. It is important that the place is far from the urban environment - at least 1-2 hours travel from a large settlement. The area should be about five to six hectares. In addition, it is assumed to be located in a territory that does not belong to the reserve. Otherwise, there will simply not be a building permit.

An important point is to conduct a thorough study of the land, the choice of architectural features. It is necessary to obtain a building permit in the city administration. To do this, you will need documentation, including the topography of the area, a conclusion on technical conditions. In addition, you will need to do cadastral registration.

Seat selection


The business plan of the bi plan recreation center assumes that the legal entity will be registered as an LLC. You will also need to choose a tax system for the simplified tax system. It will be necessary to register the cash register with the tax authorities. You will need to conclude a lease. Confirmation of compliance with the requirements of sanitary, technical, fire and environmental safety is also necessary. In addition, collection is necessary, those. service.

Construction implementation

In many respects, the effectiveness of the business plan of the bi plan recreation center will be determined by the choice of the construction team. The quality of buildings will directly depend on them. It is at this stage that most of all costs will be necessary, for this reason he should devote the maximum amount of time. It is necessary to first familiarize yourself with the experience of the working team, to see feedback on successful work. Savings at this stage are unacceptable.

First of all, it will be necessary to provide gas, electricity and water supply. Most often in such cases, artesian wells are drilled. This business plan for the opening of a recreation center provides for the construction of a separate boiler room.

It is optimal to build two-story frame houses that have separate basements and attics. The area of ​​the premises will be 2000 square meters. Approximately 1,200 square meters will go to rooms, and 800 for household and administrative needs, a dining room, a conference room.

Recreation center

Furniture and equipment installation

To implement the business plan of a tourist recreation center in life, it is important to establish high-quality and reliable furniture with equipment. It is important to combine reasonable savings with the long-term perspective of the project.

Organizational structure

In order for the base to fully function, it is necessary to attract 22 employees. The first thing you need to get two administrators. They will be tasked with meeting, accommodating and accompanying visitors.

You will need to hire 2 nurses for unforeseen situations. The most difficult situations will be resolved in medical institutions, but full-time nurses will do everything so that people can get to hospitals.

In addition, you need to hire six waiters. They will be entrusted with the functions of ensuring cleanliness and order in the dining room.

You need to hire 2 cooks. It is important to keep a close eye on the selection of the chef.

To competently serve customers in a bar, you will need at least 1 bartender.

It is worth hiring 3 maids, as in the recreation center a large role is played by the favorable situation, the cleanliness of the premises.

For security, 4 guards are needed. This is a key indicator in a tourist location.

Handymen who are engaged in minor household repairs will need 2.

The list of additional specialists in this case is not limited. Everything will depend on what kind of services the business owner decides to include in his spectrum at the recreation center. There can be animators, hookah players, and sports trainers, and musicians.

When hiring staff, it is important to take into account the experience of specialists, their professional skills, degree of activity, and discipline. Personal qualities are also important, such as responsibility, honesty, stress resistance. Each employee must receive a medical record.

About the financial plan

The total costs in this business plan will amount to 33 million 700 thousand rubles. The largest costs will be construction - about 24 million rubles will go here. The second important article - furniture and equipment - will require 6.5 million rubles. Reserves in the amount of 500 thousand rubles are required, as well as the lease of the site - 1.8 million rubles. You will also need to allocate 150 thousand rubles for marketing, purchase inventory in the amount of 500 thousand.

Visit to the bath

About nine million rubles will be spent on the construction of the main building, twelve million rubles on the other two buildings, about one million rubles on the pavilions, about eight hundred thousand rubles on the playgrounds, and one million two hundred thousand rubles on the playground.

About 3 million rubles will be spent on furniture in rooms, 1 million 300 thousand in the dining room, 900 thousand in the conference room, 800 thousand in the bar, 200 thousand in the administrative room, 100 thousand in the utility room, and a medical center - 200 thousand

According to the initial plans, in the first six months there will be an increase in attendance, it will reach a peak in the summer.

We must not forget about an additional income item - renting a conference room. The price here can reach 50 thousand rubles per day. As popularity grows, its value will only increase. The initial cost of a banquet is 2 thousand rubles per person. Banquets can be held from 60 to 120 people.

At the corporate party

It is necessary to take into account the monthly costs:

  1. If the site is rented, then on average 600 thousand rubles will go to this item.
  2. About 100 thousand rubles will need to be spent on advertising.
  3. On PHOT - 600 thousand rubles.
  4. Utility costs - 100 thousand rubles.
  5. 90 thousand rubles will be spent on consumables.
  6. To replenish inventory - 70 thousand rubles.
  7. For food products - 652 thousand rubles.
  8. For banquets - 255 thousand rubles.
  9. Maintenance will cost 20 thousand rubles per month.

You should never forget about unforeseen expenses - at least 50 thousand rubles. Thus, the ready-made business plan of the recreation center assumes that expenses will annually take away 2 million 537 thousand rubles. Revenues will directly depend on the attendance of the recreation center, and it is worth paying great attention to this item.

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