Elizabeth Montgomery: biography, filmography, photo

Popular American actress Elizabeth Montgomery, a nine-time Emmy Award nominee, was presented three times for the Golden Globe Award. He is the author of the sensational film project "My wife fascinated me." An active promoter of same-sex marriage, Elizabeth Montgomery became famous for organizing a demonstration in Los Angeles in 1992 in support of sexual minorities. Fiercely opposed the Vietnam War.

Elizabeth Montgomery

Elizabeth Montgomery: biography

The actress was born on April 15, 1933 in Los Angeles, in the family of the famous actor Robert Montgomery and Broadway theater actress Eliza Brian Allen. When the girl was three years old, her parents decided to send her to primary school of music education, where she took the full course of playing the piano. After that, young Lisa entered the Academy of Dramatic Art. During his studies, his father made a daughter a protégé: she was invited to his supporting television series “Robert Montgomery Presents” for a supporting role. Then the girl was invited to the ABC studio, where she became the host of the popular talk show.

Elizabeth Montgomery Photo


In 1955, Elizabeth Montgomery, whose photographs began to appear regularly in glossy magazines, starred in the Billy Mitchell Tribunal military drama . This was her first serious role in a big movie.

In 1960, Elizabeth Montgomery received her first Emmy nomination for her role as Rusty Heller, an easy-going girl in the series The Untouchables. In the next sitcom, the actress appeared in the image of a pretty witch named Samantha Stevens. The witch Elizabeth Montgomery was so fond of viewers around the world that thanks to this character, the series lasted on screen until 1964. The popularity of the witch-housewife was just off scale, especially loved her in Japan. For very high fees, the actress began to advertise cookies by a well-known Japanese company, whose sales thereafter increased many times.

Avoiding the image of Samantha

However, Elizabeth Montgomery, after the eighth season of one of the most popular comedies, decided to go to a big movie. So she put an end to the character of a pretty witch.

Elizabeth Montgomery Movies

Personal life

Elizabeth was married four times. The first husband of the actress was the New York secular lion Frederic Gollatin Kammanna. The young people got married in 1954 and lived together for only one year. Affected by the lack of common interests.

The second marriage took place in 1956 and lasted until 1963. The movie actor Gig Young turned out to be the chosen one.

After a divorce from Young, Elizabeth Montgomery spent only two weeks alone. With her third husband, William Asher, a Hollywood producer and director, the actress lived in full agreement for ten years, from 1963 to 1973. It was with Escher that Elizabeth created the project for the series, entitled “My Wife Charmed Me”. Moreover, just at this period she became pregnant, and the plot of the film had to be adjusted to this piquant circumstance.

After eight years of married life with William Asher, Elizabeth fell in love with filmmaker Richard Michael, and she began first a secret, and then an explicit romance. Asher had to leave.

The actress's last husband, actor Robert Foxworth, whom she married in January 1993, remained with her until her death, which followed on May 18, 1995. Elizabeth Montgomery died of a serious cancer disease.

Sorceress Elizabeth Montgomery


During her short life, the actress starred in several feature films and a large number of TV shows. The following is a list of all film projects with her participation:

  • TV series "Kraft Theater" (1954-1957 gg.), the role of Ann Evans;
  • the movie "The Billy Mitchell Tribunal" (1955), character Margaret Lansdowne;
  • television movie "Alfred Hitchcock: Ransom" (1955), Karen;
  • television movie "The Bitter Heritage" (1958), episodes;
  • the film "Johnny Cool" (1963), played its own image;
  • animated series "Flintstones" (1965), voice acting;
  • the series "Burke's Law" (1963-1964), the role of Stacky Evans;
  • the super series "My wife charmed me" (1964-1972);
  • the film "How to Fill a Wild Bikini" (1965), the character is the daughter of Bwana;
  • TV movie "The Legend of Lizzy Borden" (1975), the role of Lizzy Borden;
  • the television movie "Deadly Case" (1977), the role of Vicki Ethon;
  • television movie "Women's History" (1979), the character of Jennifer Prince;
  • the television movie Circus Arrived (1981), Mary Flynn;
  • television movie "Missing" (1983), the role of Sarah Scott;
  • television movie "Amos" (1985), the character of Daisy;
  • documentary "Cover" (1988), narrator;
  • the television movie Sins of the Mother (1991), the role of Ruth Co.;
  • documentary film "Deception in Panama" (1992), narrator;
  • animated series "Batman" (1995), barmaid;

Elizabeth Montgomery Biography

"My wife fascinated me."

A young witch named Samantha Stevens decided to break one of the rules of the Holy Family, which prohibits marriage with ordinary people. Although she knew that disobedience would be severely punished, this did not stop her. Before that, she fell in love with a young man named Darrin, but hid from him her belonging to the witch clan. However, the witching community, learning about the young witch's misbehavior, condemned her and prepared for the cruel censure of the naughty girl. Bald Mountain, the traditional refuge of the witches, buzzed like a worried beehive.

Samantha tried to hide her passion from her mother, the witch of Endora, but she found out everything - for that she was a sorceress. Samantha's mother decided to open her eyes to Darrin in the expectation that he, frightened, would abandon the girl. However, he was rather shocked, did not refuse, only demanded that Samantha in his presence not be engaged in her favorite business - witchcraft. Samantha, nothing to do, agrees to his terms and tries to become an ordinary housewife. She does not succeed because of the constant visits of numerous demonic relatives who drag her back to the world of magic, witchcraft and transformations. And she herself prefers to cook for her husband, not on the stove, but by snapping her fingers.

Nevertheless, the couple soon has a daughter, Tabata, who safely inherits the entire witchcraft experience of her mother. Darrin gradually gets used to the dishes flying around the kitchen and the sudden appearance in the middle of the room of Samantha's relatives, but still objects to her continuous witchcraft. However, nothing comes of this, and the magical transformations continue.

Memory of the actress

Elizabeth Montgomery, whose filmography is a significant contribution to the foundation of American cinema, forever remained in the memory of millions of viewers. In the city of Salem, a monument was erected in memory of the actress - everyone’s beloved Samantha Stevens is depicted with a broom on a crescent background. Millions of fans remember and honor the charming housewife witch. At the foot of the monument are always fresh flowers: roses, hyacinths and yellow chrysanthemums, which the actress loved.

Elizabeth Montgomery Filmography

Elizabeth Montgomery herself, films with her participation, series, cartoon characters voiced by her voice - all this left a noticeable mark in the history of American cinema.

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